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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. If you read back through the topic (I don't know if you already did?) that question got asked before. Unfortunately sending all of our users from last year those parts is not possible. We would immediately run out of stock, and flood our support team with questions and demands. We would also not be able to supply those who are actually in need, while most of the parts we would send out end up in a drawer waiting. So yes, for multiple reasons I talk about 'if needed', because the alternative is not possible. If you are a current user, and have not received the parts you are entitled for, we would be more then happy to help you out if you contact us when the parts need to be replaced. So you will enjoy the same benefits, and will not be left in the cold. That is not how we do things at Ultimaker. To be clear, we are not just putting in a fun pack of spare parts. In Q2 2015 new users will receive 2 PTFE parts and 2 nozzles to keep them printing. Thank you for your time.
  2. Hi Korneel, as a company I am obliged to say: bring us all your cents! I agree with you that there is room for improvement in our communication. One side is the response time which we are really focussed on bringing down. We are actually making progress in this regard, it looks to me that the amount of complaints about this is getting less.. On the other hand we are also going to expand our support pages, and include in the manual a note that informs our new users about warranty. The hot end is not covered by warranty, so if someone goes out to buy some without consulting the manual, us, the forum or anyone else that is what the webshop is for obviously. We are not going to build in a warning that prevents users from buying spare parts and direct them to our support team. We would be back at day 1 with the delays, and that is what the manual is for. To inform the user about policies and guidelines. You are right about the forum post and blog we put on the website, but so is Tinkergnome. With the network we are setting up we do not have access to all of our users. This seemed like the best solution, but I take your feedback at heart and for future references consider including all of our partners in case of a important notification. At the time of writing my original post our angle was to invite the users who felt really upset and mislead to engage the conversation with Ultimaker and together look for a mutual and reasonable solution. We like to talk to our users, and have a more personal approach in such a situation. Luckily, a conversation also rose here on the forums and the idea was born to focus on the cooling (or at least, investigate), now it remains single extrusion. Given the situation, something like this makes sense. Don't worry about your post Korneel, you address some valid points. We try to do everything the right way, if ever in our attempt it does not come across as such, I am happy we can always count on you guys to tell us so we can try to make it right again. @ Shurik, that is something I want to address internally. @Klucky, thank you for your post. The warranty is retro fit and also applies on our current users. Starting on when we shipped out your Ultimaker. If you have not had the pleasure to talk to our support team and get the spare parts when necessary (and covered by warranty), feel free to reach out to them. If indeed this is the case we would be happy to make it right and make sure you receive them anyway. Thank you!
  3. Hi Guys, I have asked an update for 151761. Once I hear back I will let you know! @shark, the lead time may very depending on where you place your order. At the HQ we are currently facing a 6-7 week lead time, but our resellers may be able to ship it faster. @steve, we do our best to give an accurate ETA. Unfortunately, also during the lead time a hick up can occur. That is why we are rather careful instead of creating a false expectation. I see you have asked for an update a few days ago, it is likely that by chance it is already shipped. I do see your order has a note and you have (intended to) cancel your order. If you need any assistance please feel free to ask. If my colleagues from support are already on it I have no doubt it will be fine. If by chance it has already shipped, you can deny the courier and have it shipped back. Once it has returned we will continue with the refund anyway.
  4. I am glad you also took the effort to put in your 2 cents Korneel, and not just because of your kind words I happen to have more of a public role Now about the rest of your post; like I said.. we have always and will continue to work with our users in a user-friendly way. We know you, and many others, are very important to us and your support is the reason we are here today. We continue to be user friendly of course, the expectations are just much clearer outlined from the beginning. For our current users, we can't ship out the free parts to everyone because very quickly we will run out of stock. For a lot of users they will be stored in a drawer for times in need, while we have to turn down users who are in need at that very moment. On the other hand, when you (our existing user) find yourself in need of a new PTFE or nozzle, and it turns out you haven't received a complimentary one, you can still count on us. About the promises that were made about dual extrusion, I have explained this fairly well in one of my previous posts. We would have loved nothing more then release dual extrusion, unfortunately it did not work out as planned. I personally don't see a solution in a free reel of filament ...Yes, it will offer our users something physical and they will gain something.. but it is a very random compensation. There has also been mentions about a new fan now it remains single extrusion, that is something I prefer. But even the development itself has yet to be decided, let alone form of compensation. @Solid Print 3D, I am sorry to hear the recent developments are the reason for your decision to go with Formlabs. We will start implementing this in Q2. Seeing yours is in the mail it won't have these parts yet.
  5. Ha Klucky, Ik ben met mensen van de community in gesprek om te kijken naar de mogelijkheden om ulti-evenings ook in Belgie en Duitsland op te zetten. Dit heb ik even moeten parkeren vanwege drukte en andere ontwikkelingen, maar je vind het vast leuk om te weten dat we daar mee bezig zijn
  6. Hi Stu, Thank you for posting. We would like to recommend to try Daid's suggestion to see if the nut came loose. Fair chance it is a relatively easy fix, and getting to know the machine better and being able to do maintenance / repairs yourself will help you in the future for sure. If that turns out not to be the case, please get in touch with our technical support team. Like Cor3ys says, we offer a 1 year warranty which also affects our current users, not just the new. So if your machine is only a few months old you should be fine. Even if you would be out of warranty, our technical support team is always available for you for help and to assist you in troubleshooting. Besides what any law requires, we take care of our customers and we will always work along side with them towards a solution. Not because we must, but because we want to.
  7. And what you say, Zortrax has a closed system and you can only use their filaments, where Ultimaker has an open system and you can use ABS too, but also PLA, PLA hybrids (look at all the cool stuff Colorfabb is working on!), PET, Nylon etc. Where 3D Printing is suppose to be versatile and offering solutions, we don't want to offer you limitations. And keep things as open as possible.
  8. The fact you can get an answer sooner, does not mean the lead time is shorter. perhaps it may be worth your while to give them a call. Obviously, in the end you should do the thing that feels best.
  9. Hi Hambut, Are you looking for the Ultimaker Original, or just the heated bed? You are posting in the heated bed topic, so that may be confusing. But to answer your question, about the Ultimaker Original, it may be that various resellers have different lead times. Everyone tries to be as accurate as possible because there are no winners with purposely creating false expectations.
  10. R580812245 should be shipped near the end of this week
  11. Hi danilius, Thanks again for your reply. I don't know onto what level I agree that 'what is cooking' has nothing to do with promises. It will be a very very thin line on which you will be sharing info and I am sure a lot of 'cooking' will be interpreted as a promise. I believe it will also turn everything in a discussion, which will take up a lot of valuable R&D time. However, I fully agree that we should be open and also engage the collaboration. After all, we are an open source company and sharing information / experience / knowledge + engaging the collaboration is part of the deal. But it needs to be addressed in the right way, so it is beneficial and efficient for everyone. For that reason we are going to ignite a new part on the new website. (I believe I mentioned this here a few posts back?..ahh yes I did: 'But I do understand the desire of the community members who want get involved and want to participate. To answer this need, we are going to implement a new section on the website (I don't know yet when exactly) that will be aimed at collaborating on a selection of current developments or suggestions by you guys. (sharing this, is a great example of not being apple-esk eh? )) ' I hope this underlines our desire to be open and involve our community in our developments. This new section will be a platform where you can discuss, participate but will also share information about current developments. And danilius, don't be annoyed with yourself. Perhaps we have different definitions of marketing gimmick, but it was a genuine expectation to release it further down the road. Our intentions have always been to share (true) information, on behalf of the entire team. Creating false expectations helps no one, and doesn't stroke with Ultimaker's values. About how we can make it right, a few times it has been suggested that the fan shroud can be modified and it makes sense. And perhaps this also gives us a handlebar on how to make it right with the community in the way we offer it. It certainly is food for thought. In regard of sharing our findings, this is also on our agenda, but a decision about this has yet to be made.
  12. I have send out a request for these order numbers: R350263547 R525417758 R882388816 1527941 Hopefully I didn't miss any? @ggalisky, you should receive an email. I also asked for another update on your order. Will get back with you all asap, thank you for your time and patience!
  13. Hi danilius, Thank you very much for your post and taking the time to write it in such detail. We understand your point and we agree that breaking a promise is one of the worst things you can do (as a company). You have to understand, for that reason, it was the only right thing to do. How breaking a promise can be the only right thing to do? Please allow me to explain. At the time we released the Ultimaker 2 we had prototypes and a direction we wanted to take this. Unfortunately, in time things took a turn and our development did not go as planned. The reason our promise was postponed at couple of times is because we did not want to break our promise. Our R&D team collaborated with the community and made several attempts to get the project back on track but we just could not get the results or experience we are after. While the promise was already out there. At some point, you have to be honest. To yourself and the community. Are you going to hold on to the promise, and tell others who are on the fence of buying an Ultimaker 2 while you don't know if you can make it? Or are you going to make a decision and admit it didn't work as planned? We chose for the latter. On one hand, our users plead for http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/9344-company-update/?p=91483, on the other hand you say: 'do not promise anything you cannot deliver same-day.' I think we all agree, we can never satisfy everyone. That is why we have to make our own choice on how we are going to deal with development and upcoming releases, and we did. Unfortunately, and we hate it as much as you guys, this time it didn't work out. How we can make this up to you? I don't know. Hopefully by elaborating on the choices that were made we can create some understanding and that will take the edge of your disappointment. If not, I would be happy to start a conversation to see if there is a better way, or answer some outstanding questions you still have. In your post, through the well expressed disappointment, I read you are still very happy with your Ultimaker 2 and have no regrets buying it. Without ignoring us dropping the ball, I hope that is what we can focus on. If you have any further questions or remarks, I would be happy to answer them for you. If you want to share your 2 cents on what you think would improve our strategy feel free to share it with me. Our support team is also available if you want to get in touch with us. Thanks again for your time, and I hope you have a great day.
  14. Hi Paps Thank you for your post. I see your order was shipped yesterday. I will send you a DM with your tracking number.
  15. Hi Guys, De volgende Ulti-evening staat weer voor de deur! Zoals altijd blijft het interactieve deel de kern van deze bijeenkomsten. En dit keer willen we het hebben over post proces. Soms komt je print uit de Ultimaker, en dan moet je nog iets toevoegen, veranderen of schoonmaken. Dit keer pakken wij een paar methodes die je toe kan passen. Als je een techniek voor ogen hebt die we niet bespreken, loop even naar iemand toe om daar naar te vragen, of laat het hier onder achter als comment en wellicht kunnen we het meenemen in de 2e editie van post processing. Waar we het over gaan hebben: - Vlokken. Het aanbrengen van een soort fluwelen laagje, waardoor je bijna geen laagjes meer ziet. Je zou dus op lagere resolutie kunnen printen, mooi afwerken en daarmee tijd besparen. - Opvullen. Met plastic ben je soms gelimiteerd aan bepaalde eigenschappen, maar soms is het gewoon nodig dat je print een bepaald gewicht heeft / zwaar is. Wij gaan je leren hoe je je print kan opvullen en zwaarder maken. >> Fun fact; Protospace heeft pas de awards geprint voor 'het gouden kalf', awards van de korte film. Om ze echter te laten aanvoelen, heeft Protospace ze ook opgevuld. - Tumbler. We zijn aan het kijken naar de mogelijkheden om een tumbler mee te nemen. Dan kunnen we het ook hebben over de verschillende korrels en hoe dat dit je print beïnvloed. Met name kunnen we het hebben over het behandelen van Bronze Fill. Als je wat prints mee wilt nemen kun je wellicht zelf al meteen een van deze technieken toepassen! Datum: 09-02-2015 Tijd: 17.00 - 22.00 Locatie: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Binnenkomst (Neem je Ultimaker mee) en bestel eventueel eten. 18.00 - 18.30 Korte introductie 18.30 - 19.00 Eten 19.00 - 22.00 Post Processing & Printing time! Tot dan!
  16. Hi Everyone, The next Ulti-evening is coming up! The interactive part as the core of the ulti-evening remains to be. In that regard we want to go out of our way and teach you about a few techniques to post proces your prints. We will cover a few, but if you are interested in another method feel free to walk up to someone and ask. Potentially, we could do a second edition about post processing. What we will be covering: - Vlokken. (Any Dutchies with a proper translation?) It means you will be adding something like a (velvet) coating. - Filling of prints. With plastic you are limited to certain specs, and in some cases you need a part to be heavy. We will teach you how to make your prints heavier. >> Fun fact, Protospace recently printed the awards for 'Het gouden kalf', a national award for short movies and used this technique to make them feel more 'real'. - Tumbler. We are looking into bringing a tumbler, so we can share our experience with post processing bronze fill. If you want to bring some prints you can experiment on you may even get the chance to practice some of these techniques yourself! Date: 09-02-2015 Time: 17.00 - 22.00 Location: ProtoSpace, Utrecht 17.00 - 18.00 Arrival (bring your Ultimaker) and order food if you are hungry. 18.00 - 18.30 Short introduction. 18.30 - 19.00 Food 19.00 - 22.00 Post Processing & Printing time! Looking forward seeing you there!
  17. Thank you for all the replies, we are always open for conversation. Izzy, thank you for your kind words and elaborated reply on this topic. There was one remark you made on which I explicitly wanted to reply; that we should send out the additional free parts to all of our current users. We don't think that is a viable plan for the following reasons; if we would take that road we would very quickly run out of spare parts for those users who actually are in need of the parts. It would also create a lot of unnecessary shipping with accommodating shipping costs, but more importantly like I stated before we have always acted upon a user friendly attitude and this means quite a few users have already benefitted from this arrangement but at the time it was not officially called warranty. Of course, there are those who haven't, and when they reach out for technical support and from documentation we learn they are still on their first hot end, we can always look together for a reasonable & mutual solution. We will always continue to maintain our user friendly attitude. I like to see Ultimaker more as a player on the field, instead of a distant corporate entity, and you guys are on our team @ Troed, we feel the Ultimaker is a printer that can stand its ground, even when it is single extrusion it will still bring a lot of advantages to the table. However if you feel the Ultimaker is of no use to you and you solely wanted to use it for dual extrusion prints feel free to reach out to our support team. We would be happy to work towards a reasonable and mutual solution. The fact that you had some issues when setting up, does not mean it is a benchmark for the entire Ultimaker 2 family. @ Greengecko, thank you for your reply. Like I just proposed to Troed, we have no problem to start the conversation with our users who purchased an Ultimaker 2 recently and see no use in it without dual extrusion. We can work together towards a mutual and reasonable solution. But like I said, and what you confirm in your same post, it is still a very solid machine that brings a lot of quality to the table. The reasons we gave explaining why we are not continuing with dual extrusion are clear enough I think. I honestly also don't think expressing a vision, which also affected the decision making, is marketing blah blah. It is something that motivates everyone who works at Ultimaker and the drive for quality is in the back of every R&D's mind when they are working. In a later stage we can see what part of our experience and learning can be shared, so the community can benefit and learn from it. It would suit our open source values. But a decision like this shouldn't be taken lightly so we need to take it into consideration first. Besides that, the reason for not sharing it here and now, is because the intention of this update was not to start a discussion on how to improve our dual extrusion, but to inform our users that it will not be released. Why we are not that open about all the developments we are doing, is because we do not want to overload our support team with questions about timetables, etc. It has also been explained in one of the posts above if I am not mistaken.. Also, it is very well possible that some of our works will never see the light of day. But I do understand the desire of the community members who want get involved and want to participate. To answer this need, we are going to implement a new section on the website (I don't know yet when exactly) that will be aimed at collaborating on a selection of current developments or suggestions by you guys. (sharing this, is a great example of not being apple-esk eh? ) If you need tips on how to improve your dual extrusion I would like to suggest to start this in a different topic. We already have quite a few dual extrusion http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/3803-ultimaker-2-dual-extrusion/page-11, plus improving print quality http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/forum/48-the-art-of-printing/. Thank you all for taking the time to respond.
  18. Hi Neotko, Thank you for your posts and interest to get involved with Ultimaker, and especially tinker with it. We are curious to read about the hacks you will be making! In your latest post you say you will get a Ultimaker Original+ and heated bed and dual extruders. Does this mean you have bought a heated bed extra? The heated bed is already included in an Ultimaker Original+. The easiest solution would be to go for an Ultimaker Original, heated bed upgrade and dual extrusion upgrade. You also won't have to worry about the firmware because it already exists for Ultimaker Original, and if you want to modify it we can always help you here on the forums. I would definitely recommend this.
  19. Hi Inventabuild, Are you sure it is black ABS, and not maybe burned particles of Red ABS? If it is black ABS, you could try enabling a wipe tower to minimize it, however the oozing of the second (idle) nozzle is a common problem for dual extrusion which may always be visible to some extend. Lowering the temperature so you have less molten plastic is also a good suggestion. Good luck!
  20. I think I have to add a side note, on the Cyclops hot end I see that they also change color on a vertical level. I guess this does influence the print time severely, and the waste of material, because with each color change you have to move away and change color (extrude any residu) + build up pressure again. But yea, there are a few options out there but like I said earlier: 'When we release something like dual extrusion, we don't want to make any compromise in quality and experience. That is what Ultimaker stands for. '
  21. There are a few other manufacturers who have 'dual color', which allows you to print with 2 different colors from the same material. For example, Builder has this feature with a Y conjunction above the hot end where both materials are fed in the same heaterblock. Usually this also results in only a horizontal (gradual) change of color. Our goal is to enable dual extrusion, where you can print with 2 different materials. That is where the true potential and empowerment comes in play. Printing in multiple colors becomes interesting when you can go full color, having 2 colors available not that much.
  22. I spoke to the guy who develops it, very nice guy. I had the chance to try it out once, and I had pretty decent results. It does require some tweaking to get the bed leveled tho. You don't need glue, but if for example your bed is too close, you will have a hard time getting it loose and may even damage the surface of the bed. Depending on what material you use you may want to change the bed level a bit for a different level of adhesion. A concern I had, if you flex the bed to get a print loose.. how can you be sure it will move back in its original form and be perfectly flat?
  23. Hi Tottenham, Thank you for your reply. We are not saying there will be no upgrade kits for the Ultimaker 2, just not dual extrusion. To answer your question why Lulzbot does have dual extrusion; you can just look at the reasons why we decided not to continue with the development. Heat issues being one of them. But for example, they have a completely different print head design, which surely will be of affect. They decide they do want to support solvable materials we are not fond of, but I also went out to their website to look at some video's + info, and looking at their the scarring and oozing is one of the reasons we decided not to continue the development. That is not the experience, nor the quality we want to offer our users. When we release something like dual extrusion, we don't want to make any compromise in quality and experience. That is what Ultimaker stands for.
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