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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Well I have spent a few hours trying to follow the logic, perhaps others can help me out. There's something not synching between the process listed on the https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20982-custom-materials-ultimaker2-plus and using Cura 2.3 Let me tag @nallath so he can chime in from Cura Here's what happened to me... I wanted to have an Colorfabb nGen profile on my Ultimaker 2+. The process looks pretty easy. The one problem I noticed is in Notepad, it was a real mess to work with. I went and downloaded Notepad++. You can see from the screen shot that Notepad++ is way better to work with! I created the profile using the settings I had seen work for others, from here, my forum and the Colorfabb site. Basically: temp 230, bed 85, retraction length 4.5, retraction speed 45 mm/sec, fan 50, flow 100, etc. I uploaded that in using the process in Method 2 and all was there. Now for Cura.... I created a model and when I went to check on retraction settings, my only option was to Enable it, which i did. Curious, I went and hit the settings gear icon to see the settings... The exclamation points won't let me change them, so I left well enough alone. Well, come time to print, as soon as the print commences, the filament retracts a long way out of the print head completely. I paused the print and check the settings for Retraction and Retraction Speed. They are off the charts...way high. I correct them but realize I have to abort the print. I have to remove the Bowden tube, slowly move the material back down, trim off the strings and blobs, then re-insert the Bowden into the print head and load the filament in. I try my print again and it happens again. I realize whatever I did previously did not save because the print was aborted. The next time, while the printer is warming up the bed, I check and correct the values again! My questions... Why doesn't Cura adhere to the values of the MATERIAL.TXT file? Do I need to create some profile in Cura to match the MATERIAL.TXT file to synch these up? Please...tell me the proper process to save my sanity!
  2. I'm using nGen filament for a print tonight and have noted some rumbling early on. I have upped the temperature 2C and slowed the printer down to 95% (50 mm/sec)...we'll see how that goes.
  3. What a good read. I often wonder what bed temp one should use for various materials. I've been using Ultimaker brand filament and having lots of issues. I may need to go back to ColorFabb and compare results
  4. Unless we seem this corrected in future firmware , that seem to be a good workaround
  5. Hi @gr5 Yes..100% fan. Support is already enabled Using glue stick too. The support is sticking to the bottom...it's as it builds it up something is getting knocked loose (perhaps from the rumbling)
  6. Is there something at the end of the print that makes this a problem for the next? I really don't want to print parts to make the machine more reliable. I'd really just like to troubleshoot the behavior first (but I appreciate your input)
  7. First, same gcode...no changes made between prints. Print one, once Ultimaker 2+ reaches temperature, material extrudes prior to print. A good amount of filament comes out and the print starts. That's great. Print two....Ultimaker 2+ reaches temperature, starts extruding sound...thin filament curls around the print head...and for a brief second, some material finally starts coming out. However, I have had many times where I wind up with a messy glob on the print head and it just plows over the skirt/brim my first layer is trying to make. I usually have to abort the print. SOMETIMES the flow normalizes in time for the blob to be picked away while the skirt is being laid down, saving the print. But it's really mystifying why the priming works one time, but not the following time.
  8. Okay, this one is really annoying. If I click the Reply on a particular post and compose a response, when I hit "Post Reply", it does not post. Instead I get a pop up from Google Chrome asking if I want to "Leave" or "Stay". Anyone else see this issue? Or is my browser being nutty?
  9. I've made a few objects with SketchUp but had a terrible time with them. When I have asked others who 3D print about Sketch up, they mentioned it's really awful with walls and other things. I guess like everyone else...we struggle getting our design ideas from skull-to-computer, without requiring a huge learning curve that completely turns you off.
  10. You should make a time lapse of how you print, process, paint and finish such amazing models
  11. One of mine fell off the table and broke one of the prongs....so my 2+ upgrade had to make do with one!
  12. Okay, well a few thoughts... I can't seem to change the temp in Cura I have been trying to let the newer, smarter Cura choose all the proper settings, changing only the infill, thickness of walls/top-bottom and support. I can certainly lower the speed a bit.
  13. Hi @bondtech, I have looked at your product these past few days. If the filament guides and faulty spool do not resolve this...we will be talking.
  14. Wow that is a very detail post, thank you @Torgeir @stephank , you're right. It is acting as if it is at the end of the roll. This started happening 1/3 into a new roll of Ultimaker PLA. I was a little surprised the filament guide is absent from the 2+ printers. I know others found a work around by just clipping the amount of material they will need off the spool.
  15. Phew, it isn't just me Maybe @nallath has some ideas
  16. Here's a picture of the model in Cura, so you can see those bottom two pieces in the middle that are becoming troublesome.
  17. Hi Sander 1) Spool just seems to be hexxed or cursed. I haven't encountered so many feed problems on a spool of filament before, asides the occasional tangle. I have some bearings on order to print some filament guides others have mentioned on Thingiverse and Youmagine 2) Using Cura 2.3.0, I have left many of the defaults intact. Changes were made to resolution (0.2), infill (50%) and walls/top-bottom thinkness (1.2mm). Support material has been "lines" and I seemed to hear the print head bumping into it the previous attempt, so I made this change... I increased the bed temp to 68C. Coasting is on. Again, the biggest frustration is I had two successful prints, but the past two have failed.
  18. Pictures... :( Super filament spool tangle.... And the support structure fails on the bottom of the print (note it is facing you, not vertical) I just want to be one of those people who slices in Cura, pushes in the SD card and gets perfect prints!
  19. I am really getting mad at this printer. It failed on the support material again. And then Ultimaker brand filament managed to kink itself up and jam the feeder. Half a roll of filament has been failed prints. I can't attach photos using my phone, for some reason. I will do so shortly.
  20. I had a few evenings of good prints but the last two have failed Last night, same file/gcode, I kept hearing a 'rumbling' like sound as the print head passed over the previous layer. I know the bed calibration is spot on. I do have Coasting on and the model uses a lot of support material. Any tips on what that could be? Ultimaker 2+ Cura 2.3.0 Thanks!
  21. Is the slider block hitting the belt(s) ? You have that going on all over the place. Mine occasionally makes a sound like that and I blamed it on the Bowden tube at max flex.
  22. I've had a similar issue with my UM2+ with the default settings. I have set my bed temp to 68, with glue stick, and had better results. (It seems to be the front right that lifts, the rest were fine)
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