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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Oh wait, I have @nallath 's email, I will send it to him
  2. This feels like an old argument, those that are fine with their manual leveling and those that want everything as simple as possible for the customer. Either way, I am glad it is now part of this printer. Professional users will probably be a lot less technical that we are and appreciate the double-check it offers.
  3. Correct, on my work PC I just renamed the folder and now it is working. @ahoeben , message me your email and I will send the zipped folder to you
  4. Well I opened the electronics bay and checked everything over again....ferrite is around all the motor wires. Perhaps...that's just how an Ultimaker 2+ sounds?
  5. How interesting I just did the Ultimaker 2+ Extruder Upgrade on my Ultimaker 2 Here's the sound mine is making on retractions I'm wondering if the ferrite clamp isn't around the extruder motor wire...? Or something else? @Sandervg ?
  6. That worked....renamed the folder and installed it again
  7. I'll check from home Unable to find that on the work PC (could be permissions on the work computer)
  8. Thanks for the link for the lock screw/pulley. (I use this vendor for various robot belt drives) I hope they get the wifi issue fixed quickly for you
  9. Well I don't want to loose 15.4.2 as I have those settings set for my UMO Awaiting some troubleshooting tips from the developers
  10. OnShape did a nice presentation at the Ultimaker 3 reveal. It looks very promising and I am going to try it. It was founded by one of the creators of SolidWorks. The fact you can run it on many platforms (tablet, PC, laptop, phone...) is extremely impressive. Fusion 360 looks interesting to me. I've watched some of their tutorials on YouTube and it seems to take a lot of learning to get the most out of it.
  11. I know you complained a great deal about the Extruder Upgrade kit availability, but now they are available...why not upgrade and reap the benefits?
  12. Is there any way to improve the load time for pages? That's the single biggest complaint I have. Every click is a long load time.
  13. Thanks for addressing this issue, @SandervG I know when I have searched for some settings for my Ultimaker Original, I got tons of Ultimaker 2 answers but I had to really sift through a lot of results to find what I needed.
  14. Well, as detailed elsewhere, I have the exact same problem on my work computer. That's running Windows 7 64-bit Un-installed 2.3.0 Deleted the Program Files \ Cura 2.3.0 Re-installed. At end of install, selected "Run after install" Nothing happened. Launched Cura 2.3.0 from Start - All Programs - Cura 2.3.0 Splash screen loads, starts load up steps...then vanishes What should I try next?
  15. That's a great find, I remember seeing those large server cases years ago and thinking a mini-refrigerator could fit inside, keeping my beverages safe from coworkers
  16. How big are these prints? As @yellowshark points out, brim could help prevent the curling.
  17. Right, but you are demonstrating we have to rely on Google, not Ultimaker's website, for a correct search. And I that's what Titus is pointing out, as have others.
  18. Text comes across dry...my response was [intended] to be humorous too. So remove the folder under Program files and try again? Will do.
  19. CCLeaner cleans up temp file and so on (seriously good program, Google it) Well I expected better than "Thank God I run a Mac" from support. My goodness.
  20. Well this is annoying, the beta ran alright. While loading some large parts this evening, Cura sat on "preparing to slice" for a long time, never doing anything. I downloaded the Windows 64-bit version and installed that. Allowed it to uninstall the beta and then install. At the end of the installation and option to run Cura, nothing happened. I tried the install again. No splash screen. Even checked the task manager...no where to be found Cleared temp files (CCleaner), reboot....install again. Now when I launch Cura I get the splash screen but nothing else. Windows 10 (latest build) 64 bit. Help
  21. I'd really like to see some video if the active leveling in action. (If it isn't already out there?)
  22. Well, higher resolution would have been nice. But for simply monitoring a print job, that will suffice. Besides, those of us wanting to do 1080p or 4K timelapses would probably use a GoPro in different locations.
  23. Edit...neotko beat me to it and found the thread!
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