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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Right, I know where to find it...but even if discontinued, the app can still link to what you just listed? My thinking was for the times you need to do a repair (nozzle, heater block, etc.) it is convenient to have that app to access the assembly manual and see how things are supposed to be put back together Again, just thinking of the convenience of the app having that one extra resource.
  2. Maybe it's the auto scale? Under Settings, Preferences, uncheck "Scale large files" (if using Cura 2.1.x) I'm printing some curved pieces that take a lot of work to rotate and align to print. They barely fit the bed...and previously, auto-scale was reducing the model down to fit. Unchecking that will allow you to see the part at 100% and move it around, finding an alignment that does work.
  3. I've read the thread twice...I don't see how @gr5 failed you or was anything less than helpful.
  4. I have a used the CF20 material and it's a most frustrating experience. Parts I printed had decent horizontal strength but vertical was awful, snapping easily. As @gr5 mentions, the nylon material or even bridge stuff seems to work much better. Be aware this stuff loves to soak up moisture, so your handling/storage process should be reviewed I really tried very very hard to like CF20. I had numerous conversations with Colorfabb over setting tweaks (retraction, flow, fan/no fan, etc.) I had a awful time making the stuff bridge and anything vertical was a mess. I used a ruby nozzle as well. I can't offer any advice on the Olsson Block but would encourage you to upgrade your printer for the sake of gaining all the improvements. But save your money. Save your hair line. XTCF-20 is awful and there's other materials that do it better. As cool as "carbon fiber" sounds, this stuff isn't going to please you.
  5. Well, I understand the frustration you guys have had with the Ultimaker 2 and the feeder. I think @Sandervg and the rest of the Ultimaker crew have tried to resolve the issues, some did seem to have it worse than others. Known issue? I'm not sure, it isn't like them to do that. They offer the + kit to improve it and of course you have Bondtech or other options if you don't want to rely on their feeder. I'm not sure what else they could have done, it's an evolving technology and somedays I think we're all racing to catch up with it. (New filaments, new nozzles, new ways to cope with adhesion, couplers, etc, etc)
  6. The Ultimaker Original (not the +)....it does not have an assembly section under the "Manual" That would be very helpful. The UMO + does.
  7. [Vader choke] you will release the plans immediately Those last few photos with all the antennas, were those done on the Ultimaker too?
  8. I just have to wonder if he complains on the Ferrari website about their large price tags.
  9. @Dim3nsioneer - I haven't had much luck just getting my Ultimaker Original setup in S3D For now I'm trying to work thru the issue in Cura. @gr5 Yes, I followed your advice and ....opps. Someone owes me a Guinness How does the support roof function work? I might be willing to give that a try.
  10. Very odd, since the other prints have been perfectly fine The only change I made asides what I mentioned...is I cleaned and lubricated the XY rods and wiped them clean.
  11. Well this is unusual I took @gr5 's suggestion to lay it a bit flatter and tried the 0.3 z distance and that didn't seem to do much But my print has a crop circle going on! I think I may leave the supports as they previously were...and print the remaining parts at the default position, as the testers suggested. Still....I've never seen something like this
  12. I was curious about the roof option and appreciate you mentioning that. It's worth a try! Edit: In a part like this, I just need a Z Distance for the Top Distance. It looks like on this model, using 0.2mm layers, the default is 0.15 top distance. Would that work well? (Yes, keeping ZigZag)
  13. Hi @gr5 True, I can lay it about 15 degrees flatter. But I still would like to hear about different support material types. Removing it is quite a chore!
  14. I'm getting good prints with this version of Cura after some growing pains. One thing I would like to understand better in the support types. The default ZigZag works well holding my part in place, but removing it is turning into a problem. Since the part I am printing is semi-circular and raised, it generates a lot of support. The model has been optimized for the position it prints at, after a lot of testing with other testers. Now most of the support material comes off nicely. But a fair amount remains on the part and requires a lot of time with a scraper or sharp knife to remove I see there are other types of support structures to chose from... I'm interested to learn what others have used and what their preference has been? Pros? Cons?
  15. Added two favorites from Daft Punk and one from Queen
  16. Curse you guys....everytime this thread gets a post, I'm all excited an Ultimaker 3 has been announced. Doh!
  17. I'll be sure to add all those terrible "ear worm" songs that stick in your head...and you wind up humming in the car
  18. I just went through the very same thing. I'm some angry too. I did a 8 hour print and went to do another part in Cura and just noticed that sly pop up that it had auto scaled to 92% No way to disable this "feature" from what i can see. So now I have started a new print..... 9.5 hours (done 100% scale this time) Why create new "features" with no way to undo them? A lot of filament and time gone to waste.
  19. For the past two weeks I've been printing a lot of pieces for my BB-8's frame. Last night I made one of the first body pieces. Being a round robot, the next few months of prints will make heavy use of support material. I used Cura 2.1.2 and got a nice result...here you can see the result...and then all that support material!
  20. I think the best advice @gr5 gave me about bed leveling precisely was to add 4 skirt lines to the print. Then while the printer is making those skirt lines, quickly turn and adjust the bed adjustment knobs as needed to get the desired result. It will seem a little frantic doing so but having done it...I haven't had to adjust the bed in quite some time.
  21. Good info. I bought the upgrade kit in case I find a used Ultimaker 2 and upgrade it
  22. If you're printing on blue painter's tape, you could wipe it with rubbing alcohol and that will remove the wax on the tape, giving even better adhesion.
  23. How do you know if your upgrade kit is affected or not?
  24. I've learned that slowing down the printer gives exceptional quality....and while it adds time, it beats a re-print. A UPS Battery Backup is a good idea. You never know when the power might blip off and on, especially with summer thunderstorms!
  25. Okay so let's get back on topic.... I agree with the earlier comment about Github. I know the developers like it since it's pretty advanced. But to the arm-chair novices...or non developers...it can be hard to sort out what you are looking at where you should be (part of why I stopped posting some feedback in Cura in Ultimaker's). That Artella site looks interesting...I think I'll kill off some more of my productivity at work and look at it further
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