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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. I'm not 100% sure combing is the problem some of my recent prints have. Let me share the most recent ones, where the fill looks a little off (despite 24%) and 0.20 layers. Bottom/Top thickness is 1.2 Shell Thickness 0.8 This cover piece just has these edge artifacts and the surface should've come out smoother This one, you see the trailing lines which seem to indicate combing. But when I tried a test print with combing off, I got terrible underextrusion And on this last print, again you see those odd trailing lines on these support leg pieces. The fill just seems to be lacking...something! If you click on the photo, you can see it in better detail (I uploaded a larger resolution) Overall these prints are satisfactory but I think they could be better.
  2. Note: I noticed with Combing Off it makes the machine do a LOT of retracting.
  3. Is it auto-detecting the starting and ending Z or is that default for any object?
  4. Sorry to bother the group with my question. I have posted it separately HERE (Problems with RetractWhileCombing Plugin)
  5. I've been having problems with prints showing errant lines on them. Other members mentioned it was an issue with combing. I have Cura 15.04.03 and before trying the plug-in, thought I would give the Advanced/Expert settings option to turn Combing OFF a try. Here's a test part with the default settings (Combing on ALL) You can see the un-desired lines show up on an otherwise good print. With Combing OFF, we see some underextrusion So it looked to me like I should try the Plug-In (RetractWhileCombing) I closed Cura, copied the file to the proper sub-folder and launched Cura again. Under the Plugins, I selected RetractWhileCombing and hit the down arrow to enable it. I got some pop up activity showing it was working, then it sat at this screen for a very long time. Should this eventually complete? When will it change to show the print time? Do I need to change any of the settings listed? Thanks!
  6. Ok, so i downloaded the plug in, placed it in the Cura folder, fired it back up. I went to the Plug-Ins, highlighted it and down arrow. I saw Cura do some work but now it sort of sits at this screen, not sure if the progress bar should complete or what? (I also put the Combing setting back to All in Advanced) Can someone detail how these plug-ins should work? Never used one before
  7. How do I know what the layers are to use it? I guess I am vague on the documentation provided (PDF)...so for now, I'll try turning it off in Cura and do a test print
  8. I was curious about acetone vapor finishing and came across this thread...and this video...
  9. Interesting...it showed up on YouTube recently and the article is from 2014...
  10. I try to be grateful I get results And I agree about the languages. But at least none are in Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan....
  11. I'm running 15.04.03 (latest non beta)
  12. Ahhh, so that's what combing is I have it set to the default value if ALL What setting should it be set to? Off?
  13. I wish the search results allowed you to sort by newest to oldest. It works...a bit. But is a struggle, I agree
  14. I wonder if there is a way to see that in the Ultimaker Original? Last month I had about 50 hours week, this November has averaged about 30 hours a week That's a lot of blue tape, too!
  15. I have a question about my print.... While the quality is excellent overall, I notice these trailing lines on them (smooth to the touch)...is that normal? Is there anything I can do to eliminate them? I'm printing with ColorFabb PLA/PHA @ 208C , 0.20 layers and 24% infill (structure pieces so I opted for higher infill)
  16. Is Buildtak easier to remove prints from? Blue tape is tough, always ripping the tape.
  17. So far....(knock on wood, as they say), no ghost notifications over the weekend
  18. Like all filaments, you will need to find the sweet spot for temperature Here's how it did the robot at the Ulticontroller defaults. Again, remember how hard something shiny and black is to photograph. I wouldn't say it came out bad...but I am so spoiled by ColorFabb's black PLA/PHA. On a scale of 1 to 10 , with 10 being awesome, I'd give it an 8. The finish isn't my favorite.
  19. What program is that where you are monitoring it?
  20. ...and now I am getting tons of notifications about posts that have no new replies. Very annoying :(
  21. The black is very good and the results are a very, shiny black result. The photos I took of the Ultimaker robot in that black are hard to see...you'd think I printed gloss black paint
  22. I noticed the beta has the ability to coast and I don't quite understand how that works. Could someone explain that beyond the brief description in Cura (beta)? I'm really intrigued to know when you would want OR not want to use that option (Pros and Cons) Thanks!
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