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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Hi, I am in the eastern USA too. (Maine here) Adafruit sells these (based in NYC) You really won't need much for accessories. Printer and filament!
  2. I know this is a reach....but I am trying to do as much as I can with my UMO. Is there a way to incorporate the advances of the Olsson Block adds to the UMO?
  3. With the announcement of the Ultimaker 2+ and the improved feeder, I wonder if that will make a big difference ? Are there different nozzles that one should use for the Carbon Fiber material for best results? There's been a lot of experimentation in this thread and I am impressed!
  4. Well the search leaves a lot to be desired, when one does go to use it (no sorting, etc.)
  5. Yes, I am a part of that group and I have printed a few pieces on my Ultimaker Original. I keep hoping @Sandervg will ship me a free Ultimaker 2+ but apparently it is lost in the mail? I'd like to work on the bigger pieces with BB-8 but since we have obtained new data since the movie came out, interested to see how that works. Everytime I have enough funds put asides for a new printer, a pet gets sick. I had to euthanize my 16 year old cat in October and this week, the 15 year old cat got very sick. We racked up a $625 bill Monday and then the medications. Frustrating...but pets are family and you do what you have to do.
  6. With the release of the Ultimaker 2+ and it's new feeder, I wonder how it will compare to yours? And the video...what's with the funeral pipe organ? Sounds like Flash Gordon died
  7. Great eye for detail Yes, one of my two full-size R2-D2s. And that's a uGlobe Pleo, a baby robotic dinosaur that is fun to let chase the cats. I posted the link to my Facebook page so you can see all the nerdy-do-gooder things we do in our community. The slider is neat, I need to test it out with my DSLR.
  8. I was curious what the side of the feeder looked like How does it adjust? Through the top screw? Details!
  9. I totally agree. They've nearly wrecked their showpiece...their community....by mucking around with the forums. Either buy a platform like vBulletin and leave it alone! 8)
  10. I'm glad I have waited on purchasing an Ultimaker 2...someone predicted CES a few weeks ago!
  11. Overall, I am impressed. I like that the Olsson Block is standard issue and that the feeder, which seemed to be the cause of many, many extrusion problems. The fan fix is another positive, as is the more powerful heater. What this shows me is that the company took a serious look at the issues the Ultimaker 2 had, listened to the feedback from the community and made changes. I like that. I think when we were teased about big news, I might've been expecting some bigger changes. Maybe an even bigger build volume? (Big on my list!) Or self calibration or other things some other printers have added. Nice work, Ultimaker. Now just stop the vertigo inducing videography in your videos
  12. I caught the irony of the major announcement....on the very day the forum will be down. C'mon Ultimaker team, you do talk to each other, right
  13. Despite some trouble with the quality of the print, the pieces came together nicely for assembly. This is from a fun tutorial on Adafruit's website. Asides printing the pieces, the additional pieces cost close to $150 and assembly/soldering is something I enjoy. I had to make some minor changes to the Arduino's code (changing the direction to BACKWARD from FORWARD), I found smoother operation when the slider was pulling TO the stepper motor and not being pushed from it. I haven't done many time lapse tests with it yet, but I am looking forward to it! In this setup, I printed out an iPhone 4 holder and attached it to the camera mount.
  14. @eldrick all of those variables are fine. That's why I gave the link to the model, curious if others had troubles with it too.
  15. I agree with you. I like 'old Cura' and wish they would stick to a known-good format. After playing with the beta and being involved in that process some...i made the decision to purchase Simplify 3D. I don't want to fight with new Cura and since a majority of my Ultimaker printing friends are using S3D, I've opted to go where I can get help
  16. Aww you could have at least given the dog the proper credit
  17. I'm trying hard not to point out the obvious...the Chinese steal/grab/take any intellectual property they can, legal or not, and make cheap copies. To come to this community looking to get something "cheap" then hoping for support is dishonest, at best.
  18. Well let me share ... https://bangordailynews.com/2015/12/15/living/orrington-star-wars-fan-replica-r2d2-have-a-local-mission/ The reporter contacted me Sunday, wanting to do a story on R2-D2 and also wanted to see a lot of the construction process on my second R2-D2. We spent some time on the Ultimaker, but as they say, that wound up on the editor's floor
  19. @cashio , have you been able to resolve the issue? Just wanted to see if our suggested helped you
  20. Those are good results. White PLA is tough to print, I have found
  21. It could be that the coupler that holds the Bowden tube in place isn't working properly. It should have metal "teeth" that bite into the Bowden tube and hold it in place. If you remove the clamp and slide the Bowden tube out, can you see grooves? (Or take a photo)? I had this happen with my Ultimaker Original a year after owning it. It's a pretty easy fix once you have the correct parts.
  22. It is on the dashboard, 6th block down on the right. Ah, I see it. Never knew that was there. Thanks
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