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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. ...and now I am getting tons of notifications about posts that have no new replies. Very annoying :(
  2. The black is very good and the results are a very, shiny black result. The photos I took of the Ultimaker robot in that black are hard to see...you'd think I printed gloss black paint
  3. I noticed the beta has the ability to coast and I don't quite understand how that works. Could someone explain that beyond the brief description in Cura (beta)? I'm really intrigued to know when you would want OR not want to use that option (Pros and Cons) Thanks!
  4. I'd be really curious to see how the inside of that teflon part looks
  5. Well you are 5,336.36 km closer than I am!
  6. Is there a point you can ship the printer to Ultimaker to examine/service?
  7. I think the owl is one of my favorite prints, I printed one at the normal size and down to 2 inches tall to show off the detail the Ultimaker Original can do. Whenever friends learn I have a 3D printer, the men ask if I can print guns that work...and women inquire about "private toys" Yikes!
  8. LePaul


    I just bought a copy Friday since my friends are using it a lot with great success. I seemed to be the only one using Cura. I'm going through the tutorials now on how to use it, the interface is a lot different than Cura.
  9. I just received my 2016 SolidWorks Academic version this week. I'll be honest, it is complete and utter overkill for anything I will ever need. But at $20, under the Military Veteran's Academic Version Program, it's a great deal. I would like to check out the simpler programs you guys have mentioned. I would also like to suggest subscribing to Lynda.com The tutorials are top notch and I can't say enough good about them. They've helped me get back up to speed on many things (Javascript, Visual Basic and C#)
  10. I checked this out and what stood out to me was the poor video quality, specifically the sound. If they aren't going to make a suitable promotional video, that doesn't help their cause {with me} The 3D printing looked poor (did you note the spool just lying there...wait til it tangles!). The CNC milling looked ok. The wood cutting was ok. But you would be confined to very small distances. The video showing the arm unboxing an iPhone was cute. But I certainly wasn't "sold" on it's usefulness.
  11. I printed R2's holopgraphic projector, it is much lighter than the aluminum one (6.6 ounces versus 1.1 ounces)
  12. I haven't toyed with Meshmixer in a long time. I found the interface less than user friendly. I did use Roberts tutorial a while ago and I did get some good supports. But just using the program was a hassle for me. I keep hoping Cura will give us those sorts of support types and options.
  13. I researched doing my own and the experimentation factor is pretty high. I bought the upgrade and am going to install it soon. I work weekends so my free time hasn't been much lately. I would suggest you re-consider and go with something that was tested extensively and well documented. Sometimes spending a little more saves you a lot of troubleshooting later
  14. This was a great re-read On my Ultimaker Original, with the blue tape wiped down with rubbing alcohol, I have to remove the build plate to remove the parts. I have to use a sharpened scrapper to remove them. That usually tears the tape up :( I wind up using a lot of tape and of course, re-level the bed. I have my heated bed upgrade kit though, once I have some time to record the installation, it goes in!
  15. Maybe I should follow-up with the gentleman in that Adafruit video and ask how well that configuration has worked over time? I find it interesting since there could be users who want to upgrade to an Ultimaker and if there's a way they can use their existing filament, that helps.
  16. I put all my R2 building (charity work, construction and upgrade work) on my Paul's R2-D2 Facebook page Plenty of albums are there where you can see how much work an R2 is. We do a lot of charity work and patient visits, so R2 has racked up a lot of miles over the past 6 years.
  17. I was thinking of this when I found this Bluetooth/3d Printed camera slide!
  18. Thanks! Been working on cutting down on the weight, 3D printing some of the detail pieces you see in the body. The second R2-D2 (who can have just one?) is also heavy due to the mechanism inside to lift/retract the middle foot and transition to drive mode. The 3D printed R2 he made is tough to print. I wonder how it would look if someone scaled it up a bit? Maybe I'll try
  19. I've seen that one printed a few times, will all the details R2 has, it can be a challenge. The Form Labs resin printer does a good job on it too I spent a long time building the full size version
  20. I came across this today, interesting if you have a lot of 1.75 mm filament kicking around
  21. I was curious how that would stand up to hot shower water over time. Nice to meet another friendly face from Team Ultimaker. You printed R2-D2? How big?
  22. I feel your pain, as I have documented, white filament just gave me tons of clean up work. Lesson to be learned: Find colors that print wonderfully and stick to them
  23. Maybe not so much Black Friday but Cyber Monday?
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