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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Ok, so the flap you outlined is perforated up top. I moved it back and forth a few times to un-stick it from facing straight down and out some. I haven't tried a large piece yet, just the quick-settings and Ultimaker robot, which turned out alright (a little droop on the top of the robot chest seems normal). Is there some test print models you can share that would help calibrate? Test cubes/squares I have seen others print out? I'd just like to use a reference everyone knows well, then I can post photos of my results. It would be helpful to know what settings you would advise (0.1 , etc) The only thing I can think of is.... I did increase the retraction slightly by 0.2 a few weeks But asides that, I have been trying to print at 30-40 mm/sec (for good details) at 200-205. Too cold?
  2. Question about time lapse... What sort of delay do you guys use? I was using an app for the iPhone 4 that takes a photo every 10 seconds....but upon playback, its just not as smooth as recording the entire thing and then speeding it up. The delay makes it too jumpy. What's the magic number
  3. We said good-bye today. It was extremely hard to do but his health declined rapidly. I thank you guys for your condolences. I stayed for the entire process. He died on my shoulder, his favorite place to be. Sorry to be off topic
  4. Thanks guys. First pet I have ever had to euthanize. He is comfortable and eating all of his favorite foods and getting a lot of lap-time. Monday afternoon he'll make his last trip to the vet. But until then, lot's of love.
  5. A little off topic ...I won't get to this for a couple days. My 16 year cat seemed to lose the use of a hind leg over the past few days. It turns out he had a minor stroke and the prognosis isn't good. So I'm going to spoil my little friend for a few days before he is peacefully euthanized next week. :(
  6. I still get a few phantom notifications on new posts that I have already read. But they are becoming less frequent.
  7. Is there any chance you can make the phone clamp piece for the smaller, iPhone 4? Edit: Will this clamp on/fit the Ultimaker Original ?
  8. Fan is the standard one from the UMO kit...it is running with the default settings (off first layer, on the rest)
  9. I'll post a photo from the most recent attempt tonight. I meant to do so but was running late for work and have a pilot meeting tonight. Check back this evening
  10. and probably for that reason, the bottom layers of my print looked like this... I changed my settings now "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself. " - Han Solo How'd the full print go?
  11. I was wary of touching the gcode but it is commented on nicely in this view I initially made it 15mm and that was a LOT ...but it worked! I found 9 mm to be the right amount for my machine.
  12. And that could explain, as I have seen in the reference guides, some of the underextrusion issues.
  13. Thx, that really helped.. Ha...well I found that to be interesting as I have had some trouble with pillowing and underextrusion on my prints recently. I've been faulting the material as of late and not having the right settings. But it couldn't hurt to either try a previous release or even the Beta.
  14. My Ulticontroller has changed to gibberish on me twice while in operation (but not printing). I was calibrating the bed and when I went to use the Ulticontroller to home the bed, it was all garbage text. It hasn't happened for a few weeks. I made sure the electronics fan was working and had airflow...it does. Just one of those odd moments.
  15. You should live stream a demonstration sometime!
  16. You can get a brand new one for $2499. I know people like to recoup their investment but sometimes a little extra for something with zero time is a better deal (at least for me).
  17. I've seen you post this a few times... Print slower and hotter! Here are top recommended speeds for .2mm layers (twice as fast for .1mm layers): 20mm/sec at 200C 30mm/sec at 210C 40mm/sec at 225C 50mm/sec at 240C I am printing at 0.1 so using the above, that would translate to... 40mm/sec at 200C 60mm/sec at 210C 80mm/sec at 225C 100mm/sec at 240C Maybe I should re-check the filament? I did when I first loaded it and there seemed to be a few spots at 2.9 mm but some at 2.83 and 2.84, so I went with the average of 2.85
  18. I added more pre-extrusion in the start gcode (from 3mm to 9mm) and that helped a lot. 215C didn't work any better. I am really stumped on how to get a good print in white. I have a large project to do in white!
  19. Hello @gr5 I do have infill set to 24% I had printed at 200C and 30 mm/sec and had similar issues.
  20. Intriguing post about the version and print trouble.
  21. I upped the temp to 215 and still bad underextrusion. I'm stumped on this one. I may go back to the Black filament, or Dutch Orange, that had worked well.
  22. Oh cry me a river, XP has been old for a very long time. Complaining they do not support Windows XP is the craziest thing I've read in these forums. Upgrade to Windows 7/8/10!
  23. I don't have jams , just underextrusion.....I'll try a print tonight on a warmer temp and see how that goes
  24. I started another thread but am having a lot of underextrusion all 30 mm/sec and low temp of 200 I think I need to go up to the higher temp you did. How fast did you print?
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