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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. My flight had a stop over in NZ. I was amazed how green it is. The gent sitting next to me remarked that NZ is where 'Xena Princess Warrior' and others shows were filmed. We landed in Christchurch so I never saw more than the three hours in the airport terminal :-)
  2. I had do look twice at your location to realize you are in New Zealand. Many years ago (1997) I spent a month in Australia during November. Summer was well on the way. Wonderful trip. Came home to the United States (Maine) in the midst of the first big snowstorm!
  3. Thanks for posting...and fixing the thread not showing! I can scale up but not knowing what the original size should be...tricky!
  4. For 2 years I went to the gym every day (work gym). Was laid off in October 2014 and no gym for a few months. Just started going 4-5 times a week again. Feels good to be getting fit again! (Though at 45, those weight routines pain you for several days after!)
  5. I assume the box on top is the wifi What sort of feeder do you have? And is that a camera and attachment in front to record prints? Or check on the progress remotely? Seriously cool tweaks!
  6. I am noticing one problem and wondering if the timing is the problem (perhaps you changed the layout when I posted) I posted an item in the Software/General section. The Post doesn't show in the list. I went into my profile to check my post history. It is there. Link Hopefully no one else has posts missing
  7. Loading much faster, like the layout in the forums and better use of space (more fits in the page)
  8. And that showed as 1 unread notification. Then I read this And it still shows 1 unread notification Fixes coming, i hope!
  9. Ditto. Counter showed 42 items but when I clicked it, everything shows as "read"
  10. Hi A friend of mine gave me some STL files of something he would like me to print When I open them in Cura, they are extremely small (like 1.3mm) and should be much bigger. He put me in touch with the designer and he advised using NetFabb to fix the scaling or wait til he gets back to me with the corrected files. I've seen this happen a few times before. Is there a Best Practices or some tips how to fix this in Cura (or Netfabb)?
  11. Yes, second the delete conversation option She broke my heart, time to break hers and delete her for good
  12. Where can I source the pieces to get dual fans on my UMO? I like how you've made it look like the U2, being white and illuminated with the LEDs I painted mine pumpkin orange
  13. No, I didn't back it/fund it but I found it pretty interesting. It must be challenging to predict when one filament will be completely out of the Bowden tube and the next color ready to print. I know whenever I change filaments, I am amazed how much of the previous color is leftover until the new color begins to appear.
  14. My printer would howl when the rods needed some oil. (In my case the printer sat idle for a few months and using the sewing machine oil on the rods fixed that sound)
  15. That's good news. Let's hope that cures it
  16. Dilute the paint with water....you don't want to cover the laser etched labels to the point you can't read them! You can always touch up after its together!
  17. Linus Tech Tips shares their experience! (Looks like they had some stringing going on with their earlier prints but, being new to printing, overcame some hurdles!) https://youtu.be/NQw8e0Rz9c8
  18. Thank you! I'm still saving up to upgrade to the Ultimaker 2 (ideally the Extended) and been spending more time on here to learn, learn and learn
  19. I've seen a few posts here and there talking about these. However I haven't heard much more than that. Is this something that would benefit an Ultimaker Original? What's involved in installing one? What are the Pros and Cons? I know some mentioned having different sized nozzles to print with. Is the standard/included size not the best? Thanks for educating me!
  20. One thing I meant to mention...and not sure how your development team would handle it. I frequently get the icon on the top that shows I have 2 notifications. One for a reply. One that i was quoted i the reply. That seems a bit repetitive
  21. I stumbled upon your video on YouTube and I really hope Ultimaker makes that a standard upgrade for the Ulimaker Original and other models! Genius!
  22. Yes Go Lives are bad on a Friday. When problems arise, everyone is away. And that's a Monday no one wants to walk into!
  23. I've never heard of doing that. Do you use the Taulman Nylon? To date I've only encountered one nozzle clog on my UMO and it was the Ultimaker Blue PLA and a problematic Bowden tube coupler. I robbed my dual extruder kit of the extra coupler, Bowden tube and nozzle. The printer has worked well since. I'm not sure what to do with the old nozzle. Someone mentioned holding it over a heat source and melt out the large chunk of PLA stuck inside. I'm fascinated by these multiple Atomic Pull remedies.
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