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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. Anyone else have problems with this? I have Windows 8.1, installed the latest, let it use the un-install option for the older version...didn't work. When I tried to load the old version, I have a Pearl error. Did the install again and it worked the second time
  2. I'm impressed how well the Form 1+ printer did as well. I asked them to send me a sample print and its amazing! I still prefer my Ultimaker since the build size is so small and the cost of resin is up there.
  3. Well they do want to "protect" their intellectual property...so showing it, might reveal it. And based on our replies, we've demonstrated that Open Source is the way things should be/stay.
  4. You're printing ABS from a stock Ultimaker original? Those ducts look good, asides printing those, what else is needed? PLA90...I'll have to research that
  5. Exactly ^^ I've only been in 3D printing for 2 years, I see a lot of things out there for the UM/UM2 and wonder if I should try those. Perhaps a more experienced member of the community or a staff member...it would be nice to know what items are beneficial or harmful to the operation of these printers. I understand that experimentation is highly encouraged here, so many will print the item, try it, and decide for themselves I guess what I am hoping for is something similar in effort as the printing guide some members put together, to help debug common printing issues. I see a lot of fan shroud modifications yet know how essential it is for that to work as designed by UM. However...if there is one UM thinks is BETTER than theirs, that I would like to know. And the list goes on
  6. Don't go the path of MakerBot. Born open source, then closed it...and there went the innovation. You couldn't give me a Makerbot device. Its land fill.
  7. I'd really like to see how this works in action ....video? Photos of prints in 2 colors? How precise are the two colors? I do not want the "marbling" you seem to see in other printers with dual extruders mixing colors instead of being separate colors in the print. You've enticed us! Let's see it in action
  8. As others have said, and in the prior thread.....fix the search function (or improve it) Do not add badges. I have seen other support sites do this and some members will chime in needlessly to boost their post count (and reach a certain rank). Thankfully, here, almost all the forums have comments that help the original poster's question and minimal "noise" (junk posts). Someone made a good suggestion....setting up Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker 2 areas. Since you have two products and a broken search engine, finding an answer for the Ultimaker Original brings up a lot of results for Ultimaker 2 machines. Do a search for underextrusion and other printing problems and you'll see that finding an answer for your particular machine can take longer to find answers to. Document the firmware changes/Cura changes. Most would like to know what was changed from one version to the next. Better communication on coming upgrades/new features. Most would like to know what upgrades are being researched and developed. I understand keeping some things secret....but too secret leads to rumors and speculation. Lastly...I see a lot of custom parts for upgrading both printers. What are some "Ultimaker Approved" upgrade parts one can print? So many things I see, I am not sure if they would be good for my printer or cause damage. Some guidance would help me! If I should leave well enough alone, say, with a fan shroud, I would like to know Thanks for listening!
  9. I just used regular latex paint but diluted it some so that, during assembly, crucial labels/markings/etchings were not covered up I went with a color called "Pumpkin Custard", pretty close to a 'hunter orange'. The beautiful thing is a cheap sample from Lowes is enough to paint the machine, with plenty of paint left over
  10. I have had mine for over a year. I let it sit for a few months without use. When I did use it, the print head was having a tough time moving around. Be sure to get some light oil/sewing machine oil (I bought what is pictured below from WalMart in the fabric section) Be sure to power on the Ultimaker, then disable the stepper motors, and then lubricate the rods. A few drops on a paper towel does wonders. With the paper towel edge (and a few drops of oil on it), moving the print head spins those X and Y rods. But the print head moves around much better than before. Check out the Ultimaker User Manual, section E covers maintenance.
  11. You've listed things for the Ultimaker 2. I created this post to highlight items for the Ultimaker Original
  12. I can't get 123D to work for me I sign in with the account I created and it just sits there. And Autodesk doesn't have anything listed for support on this, so I'm struggling to find a way to fix the account And after spending an hour on it....I'm done with it
  13. I meant to ask this a while ago and from the many videos and pictures I have seen, many of you have some improvements on your machines. What are some Must Have ones you found made a big improvement? I've been tempted to print a better fan shroud. The vinyl one seems ... well, like it has room for improvement. And...there's always a lot of new people in here and I thought this post might be a good resource once people share their ideas and examples If you can, please include a link and picture(s)! Thanks!
  14. Ok that's for the Ultimaker 2 but in that link, it appears he made one for the Ultimaker 1 http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:251409 Oh wait, that's the one part to mount it to the Ultimaker Now the hard part, sourcing metric threaded rods in an area that has few things metric...
  15. With all due respect, your support forum is one of the biggest selling points for the product. Don't mess with "badges" or "rankings". That isn't broken and doesn't need fixing The search function, however, is badly broken and needs to be addressed. As others chimed in, its very expensive to get stuff from Europe. I'm not sure the fix for that. You also announced a partnership with a USA retailer a while back. With "fbrc8"...so, I read your news release, went to their website...and not a whisper of anything to do with Ultimaker. Maybe there's a lot going on behind the scenes. But to this consumer, it looks disorganized and hurried to post something like this. If I could setup a business to resell the Ultimaker brand in the USA, it would be proudly listed all over my website. Happy to see changes to support. And let your customers know what's coming up. I am still really mad you guys sold me a kit and offered Ultimaker 2 eight days later. I would've bought that. Keep making a good product.
  16. Well that roll of Ultimaker Blue PLA seems to be hexxed The Filament doesn't roll off the spool without kinking up, it was making the Bowden tube pop off the print head for a while last year....might be time to bag it up and use something else to print the Low Friction Holder.....is that on Youmagine?
  17. It sounds like I have a bird trapped in my house! No issue with Ultimaker Silver PLA. Used a new spool of Ultimaker blue and no issue...but printing tonight and squeaking away. A 15 hour print mind you!! I have the spool on the back, the PLA is springing-off the roll and pulling the filament fine. But the SQUEAK every 25 seconds is maddening! Help!
  18. I watched all three videos and wish the bald haired gentleman would stop playing with his hands and work on a sentence without saying "Ummmm" all through it. They certainly need to edit the videos better for length, perhaps they can view Barnucles videos as a reference. Concise, to the point, detailed where needed. Print The Legend was very good. Just amplified why I dislike Makerbot and Bre Pittis. He still thinks he's the most important person in the world of 3D printing. :roll: I like what FormLabs is doing, its more expensive to print with that resin, and a small build plate....but extremely impressive print (I had them send me a sample print....its amazing) I know some folks who swear by the Lulz since they do print larger stuff, they just have to do it slowly. Sander: What is your reaction to their comment about the inconsistent PLA from the Ultimaker Store?
  19. Hmm, so that's out....we're weeding through them!
  20. Yeah I saw this a week ago...which initially gave me hope!
  21. I was curious if anyone used a MakerBot Digitizer? As that's been out a while, I have been searching to see what others have made that are cheaper and better (plus I am no fan of Bre/Makerbot)
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