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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. All calibrated on the bed, printing at 215C FIrst layer seems to develop a "booger" and drags it around (see background) Notice how this started, first layer seemed to dot away on top? Ideas? Just blue tape being what it is? Rest went fine
  2. http://www.smooth-on.com/index.php?cPath=1429 The video on the site looks very impressive on smoothing out (pardon the pun) those tiny print lines on prints I'm curious if anyone has used this product and how it they liked it? Paul
  3. I get that with my Ultimaker Original when trying to print closer to 200C. For my printer, it seems like the best temperature is 208-210 for most of my prints Most of what I print is small stuff with high detail (little statues for my friend's kids). I've tried printing at the lower temps based on the pictures of stringing I have seen at higher temps and faster speeds....but find a few degrees warmer works best on my printer using Ultimaker silver pla filament Good luck!
  4. But is anyone using the dual extruder in the original Ultimaker with great success? If they've made some major breakthrough, I am really curious what and if that will filter into the existing Ultimaker
  5. Are you using the 1.75m material? Everytime i look for this material I can't seem to find 3mm
  6. Are you using a dish detergent, such as 'Dawn' or the like? I'm intrigued! I mean, could our prints smell lemony-fresh?
  7. True, I just tried a print at 190 and the PLA wouldn't stick, so I notched up the heat and tried again...212 was the magic number on this print (a small cat statue) Once I got the first few layers down, I eased it back to 208 and going to see how that works. I know the bed is level and fresh blue tape. Used the paper method...adjust bed til there is friction between print head and paper. I'll let you know in 2 hours
  8. I really enjoyed watching this documentary. I REALLY like how to pointed out what a hypocrite Bre @Makerbot is. I was a big follower of Makerbot up til they ditched Open Source and went closed. That's when I found Ultimaker I have been really impressed by the Form1 Labs guys as well. If they had a bigger print volume, I might be interested in buying one of those printers in the future. What did you think of it?
  9. Great topic and link I've been dusting off my Ultimaker....i was laid off 3 weeks ago so while I await calls from Interviews and so on...I thought I would get back into printing One topic that I continue to find interesting is temperature. I think the sweet spot for my printer seems to be 210 but I want to keep bringing that down. I have that stringing-temperature picture gr5 posted a while back and I think 190 was the best result temp....at least with the silver PLA I ought from Ultimaker
  10. I found a really neat part on Thiniverse for mounting the IKEA LED light strips. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:346378 I am having trouble sorting out the best way to print the Controller Mount piece, Cura can't seem to generate the support material for it if you set up the thick part to be the bottom. The portion that would "hook" into the Ultimaker needs some help I updated Meshmixer to the latest version and for the life of me, I can make a part lay flat on its grid. I can move it all over the place but figuring out where the grid stops/starts...well....I can't sort it out. Chalk this up as a Newbie question I suppose...!
  11. I haven't upgraded my Ultimaker firmware since receiving it last year. I believe most of the upgrades to date have been for the Ultimaker 2 but was curious if there was a post/page that showed the history of the firmware versions and what was changed or improved (much like you would see on HP, etc) Thanks!
  12. Actually I have the student (academic) version of SolidWorks 2014 I may have to try OpenSCAD too
  13. Kind of drawing...well for example one thing I wanted to draw would be a hollowed out square or rectangle for starters. How much distance should be allowed for the sides of the walls, the bottom, etc.
  14. I've gone through a few various tutorials for SketchUp, SolidWorks and even tried Tinder (but can't seem to create an account or get in using my AutoCAD one...its broken really good). SketchUp seems to have a template for the Makerbot Replicator, I wonder if there is one for the Ultimaker / Ultimaker 2? That said, minus an in depth studio of CAD, I was searching for some tutorials that might give the end user a guide on how to draw a part for printing. I know there are many things we need to be aware of for quality prints, but wondered HOW to draw a part AND have it be optimized for printing Have any of you encountered any such tutorials/videos that do this? While I enjoy Thingiverse and Youmagine, I would like to get better at drawing things for my printer to print
  15. Thanks for the info and link!
  16. Good info I bought two rolls from Matterhackers since the free shipping was pretty appealing....and why not try it out So far I have only used my Ultimaker blue and silver rolls to date. Barnucles posts on his YouTube channel about his great experiences with ColorFabb materials and currently, the only USA reseller is PrintedSolid. However upon going there and looking at what's in stock/available, not much is there. I've found other retailers in Canada, with Fed Ex shipping being $24. Not the worst freight prices I've ever seen but I keep hoping for something state-side.
  17. I see matterhackers.com has quite a bit of stuff Printed Solid doesn't have a lot available (was hoping to get colorfabb dutch orange) Where have you bought filament and was it a positive experience?
  18. http://www.printedsolid.com/shop/175-3/carbonfiber/ Has anyone tried it? Paul
  19. Thanks....has anyone tried any of their non PLA 3MM offerings? Carbon Fiber PLA?
  20. I have had great luck with the Ulitmaker PLA sold online here but was curious if there was a source in the USA? I checked PrintedSolid but colors I want are not available (PLA Gold, etc) I hate to chance Amazon/eBay... Thanks!
  21. I looked on their website and didn't see anything besides 1.75 offered...is that what you used or did the have 2.85/3.0 available previously?
  22. What he said above Please elaborate. Otherwise that looks like a very impressive brim
  23. Don't you hate it when humor comes across wrong in text? Always use the smiley! :cool:
  24. I'm just curious, how many really use two extruders? I have the second extruder kit for my Ultimaker 1/Classic/Classic Coke (gr5) but since so few seem to really use it....and even fewer show videos or pictures of it in action, i've just waited to see the technology develop.
  25. I noticed that there was a newer version of Meshmixer out which seem to have some enhancements for 3D printing. (http://www.meshmixer.com/download.html) Someone wrote a nice article a while back on how to deal with overhangs and get great results using this program. I noticed they had settings under "Print" to go to various Shapeways devices and Makerbot printers. I manually keyed in the Ultimaker's specs (210, 210, 205 and 0.02 printing resolution) and toyed with it some. They seem to have automated some of the Repair and Support Structure areas. One thing I noticed was some of the STL files I was importing were shrunk way small compared to how they open in Cura. Has anyone used the newer version for their Ultimaker printers?
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