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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I don't quite understand what you mean by that. Select the layer number. Press up and down arrow key. You can also use ctrl + up / down. Already in 2.1 Done for next release. It's 10-20 times as fast. I've added a "show single layer" option. Not quite there yet, but that should help a bit already. What do you suggest?
  2. Ssh. Don't let anyone hear that! People might start thinking that we know what we are doing It already works with quite a few settings, but most of them are setting related. I haven't tried it yet, but it should be possible to also change the retraction, speeds, accelerations, etc. It can also change the infill pattern, number of walls, etc.
  3. Here is a little sneak peak into the next release of cura; As you can see, we've added infill meshes. These allow you change the infill of an intersection between an object and a infill_mesh. This way you can not only set the infill at layer heights, but at any part where you want it.
  4. Nope. It's something that's wrong in the Engine. I hardly develop for the engine.
  5. It means that you don't have to type the serial number, it can read it from the bar-code.
  6. It also has a bar-code scanner for the serial number.
  7. The ability to change machine dimensions in the GUI will also make a comeback in 2.2
  8. It's not going to be in the next (2.2) release. I have no idea when it's going to be back. It's somewhere on the backlog though.
  9. I wanted to ask the same question. I was pretty surprised to find a 15.04 version number after upgrading my UM2 to an UM2+ with Cura 2.1.3 und OS X. But it seems to be normal then. Could somebody please confirm this?! Yeah it's correct. Right before the launch we noticed some problems with the firmware version we built for 2.1.3 (which should be the same as 15.04.07, save for the version number). As we didn't want to delay, we just used the 15.04.07 firmware for 2.1.3 Sorry for the confusion.
  10. All of them worked with it, but not all of them had profiles / machine definitions. Now that it has been in the wild for some time, people have added more profiles / definition files. Funny you say that. I just committed some code that should fix it.
  11. If all goes well, open beta should be this week.
  12. 2.2 will have greatly improved support for dual extrusion. You can probably get it to work with setting the machine extruder count to 2, but it will require a lot of tweaking / experimentation.
  13. Woah. That is rather excessive. We have the issue on our tracker. I'm not sure when it's going to be fixed though.
  14. Could you please stop re-posting the same question over and over again. It's getting a bit annoying.
  15. @Debakanta; Double posting your question, especially on a very old topic, isn't going to get you a faster response.
  16. There is no auto-upgrade in Cura. The only thing I can think of that causes this is some sort of data corruption on your local system. At that point it can't find the machines / profiles, so it asks you to add a new machine.
  17. Yep Both are possible See https://github.com/Ultimaker/curaengine#running
  18. Define process. Do you want to create g-code or send g-code to the printer? Download the complete cura package and it manages this for you. The hardware specs required can also be found on the download page. Yep. Not exactly sure how old it can be, but 15.04 and up work. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/#running
  19. Infill before walls is possible, but as far as I know we don't have a setting for changing the order of outer / inner wall.
  20. There will be a closed / open beta as usual.
  21. Pretty soon. We're already in feature freeze right now.
  22. Cura 2.2 will be able to do this to some extent. We added an experimental feature to change the density of the infill during the print.
  23. If you want to do this you need to compile the Cura engine for Debug. It's not a "official" feature that we support (and to be honest, not all that interesting).
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