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Everything posted by nallath

  1. What features would it be lacking according to you? The only one right now is split into parts and an easy way to multiply a ton of objects in one go.
  2. Depends on the pattern as well. Cura 2.1 also shows you the infill line distance. So if you set the infill at say 80, it tells you that the distance between infill lines is 0.625.
  3. Red area's shouldn't cause the model to not slice. I'm guessing that this is a Cura version that is developed by someone else. You could try the latest 15.04.6 and see if the problem persists there.
  4. As far as I know resellers are sorta free to decide a price. I've also seen pretty big differences in the price of the blue tape.
  5. Do you mean cura or the cura engine? In case of cura; cura filename.stl In case of curaEngine; CuraEngine slice [-v] [-p] [-j ] [-s =] [-g] [-e] [-o ] [-l ] [--next] -v Increase the verbose level (show log messages). -p Log progress information. -j Load settings.def.json file to register all settings and their defaults. -s = Set a setting to a value for the last supplied object, extruder train, or general settings. -l Load an STL model. -g Switch setting focus to the current mesh group only. Used for one-at-a-time printing. -e Switch setting focus to the extruder train with the given number. --next Generate gcode for the previously supplied mesh group and append that to the gcode of further models for one-at-a-time printing. -o Specify a file to which to write the generated gcode. The settings are appended to the last supplied object:CuraEngine slice [general settings] -g [current group settings] -e0 [extruder train 0 settings] -l obj_inheriting_from_last_extruder_train.stl [object settings] --next [next group settings] ... etc.In order to load machine definitions from custom locations, you need to create the environment variable CURA_ENGINE_SEARCH_PATH, which should contain all search paths delimited by a (semi-)colon.
  6. Try importing images, other than that there is nothing.
  7. You need to enable retraction as well. We made this more clear for the next release.
  8. Retraction speed & retraction distance are settings in the material category and should be changable. You do need to make them visible first in preferences. I've just tested it from source and it works for me (do note that this is a code base that's already quite a bit ahead from 2.1, so it could be that it was broken and fixed in the meantime)
  9. Cool! Did not know that. Thanks! Remember kids, software engineers are lazy people. If we need to do something more than once, we will automate it
  10. We already knew what the problem was, we just didn't have the time to fix it. Fortunately for (all of) us, our swedish re-seller has hired a guy that also happens to be a software engineer. He made a number of pull requests that improve the speed of the layerview quite a bit. Don't know the exact date of the releases tough. Right now we're pretty much feature complete for the stuff that we want, so it's time to do the polishing / translation / bug swatting / stability increases. I estimate that will take about 3-4 weeks, so after that the usual procedures (closed + open beta) will commence. tl;dr It's fixed, will be next release. Don't know exact date, but beta's will be out soon-ish (~4 weeks? Don't pin me on this)
  11. As far as I can see from the Ulticreatr is that their solution is the same as the one we attempted (and did ship with the UMO as a upgrade kit). The problem in this case is not that it's impossible to make or to get working. Someone with a bit of technical know how and some experience with 3D printing can get all of this to work. The main issue we had with it is that we couldn't get it to work reliable. As that is one of our major focus area's it was decided to drop the dual support (Do it right or don't do it at all)
  12. I'm not sure if we already released the files for the UM2+ upgrade kit, but if so, the step files should be in there.
  13. For which version? 2.1 doesn't have a plugin location yet.
  14. Stacking objects is already possible in 2.1. We have improved the behavior for the upcoming release (Able to translate objects after they are merged) Due to it's unstable nature we advise against using the USB printing. There are just too many factors that we have no control over that can break this. What exactly do you mean by custom infill patterns? We (read; BagelOrb, the main slice / engine guy did this in his spare time) have added a few new infill patterns for the next release (including a 3D infill pattern and a variable infill pattern)
  15. My point exactly We "experts" tend to do and see things differently.
  16. In quite a few cases it's better to not have software engineers (or even tech savy users) test & report issues. In the Beta I sent Cura to quite a number of advanced users. None of them actually notices that the simple mode was broken
  17. They use the same version. No worries We will stop to update the old Cura at some point in time (This also means that at some point you will need to use cura 2.x if you want new firmware)
  18. Cura 2.x needs a higher version of openGL, so if your video card is to old it simply can't be supported. As for old cura issues, I have no idea what could be the culprit there. I only did a tiny bit of work on that.
  19. There is a gram calculator. See https://github.com/nallath/PrintCostCalculator Also instead of bashing people about how sucky / shabby something works, you could also attempt to, I dunno, report issues so they can be fixed...
  20. You didn't update your drivers. Try that.
  21. Please have a look at: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues Without this information we can't help you.
  22. Yep. Cura 2.1 does remember it. Don't use version 14.09 If you still want the old interface at least upgrade to 15.04.x
  23. I like! Kinda impressive that you got the icons to be recognisable with so little to work with.
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