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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Uh I think that's a bug. In cura 2.2 we now also tell you why a certain setting is disabled.
  2. How does the model look in x-ray mode?
  3. Does it actually increase or is it just the estimation that is different? I very much doubt that the actual print time increases by 100% by something that happened between 14.09 and 15.02. Especially because after two years you're the first person to report the issue.
  4. We call the slice engine "steam engine "in some bits of the code. So in a way ultimakers already are steampowered.
  5. http://community.robo3d.com/index.php?threads/web-enabled-robo3d-using-raspberry-pi-and-octoprint.1774/ Google is your friend
  6. Cura can't do that. Octoprint might be able to do it though.
  7. At no height. You ask it to do something that it can't possibly do. The object is 0.4 high and the first layer is 0.5. Line width is used to print lines that are not quite the same as nozzle size. We found out that in quite a few cases printing lines of .36 with a 0.4 nozzle gave far better results. In the old Cura you only had a nozzle size, so that was often set at the 0.36. This confused a lot of people, as they thought something went wrong with the setting parsing. To resolve this, we added the line width setting. If i recall correctly it indeed increases the flow, but also the spacing between lines. I don't know what setting you refer to by switch amount.
  8. Sounds like they removed that feature on purpose. Old cura does have the ability to print dual extrusion prints.
  9. Formide is actually a fork of CuraEngine. Dual extrusion will also have received tweaks in 2.2
  10. Never said it was ideal But like I said, there are people working on a in integrated octoprint plugin.
  11. There is no UI for it, but it's possible if you change it in the machine definition file.
  12. Huh? Cura 2.x supports rep-rap g-code as well. What makes you think it doesn't?
  13. Not at the moment, but we will have beta's soon ish again.
  14. A bit of awesome news on our end; johan_k 's code changes have been merged. This means that the layer view for 2.2 is now faster than the old Cura. Its now so damn fast that I often don't even see the processing layer message. This also removes the time between calculating the top layers, so scrolling between layers is also lightning fast (you might see it blink sometimes, but that's about it)
  15. I've never had my prints fail due to power. Last time we had a power surge here was like ~5 years ago when an Apache helicopter flew into a powerline. That's actually the only time that I remember that we had any kind of power outage. Is America that bad with providing continuous power? (or is it just that good in the Netherlands?)
  16. I don't think it matters in what form the points are.
  17. It's possible to change it, it's not that easy anymore. But don't fret, someone (FieldOfView) at the office is working ona plugin to fix the changing of machine issues. Yes. It's a thorn in my side as well. But we had to make choices between stability & speed and we went for stability first. But in this case there is good news again; 2.2 is going to have a much much faster layer view!
  18. Pronterface? I think Daid changed that 3-4 years ago. I was still an intern back then, so it's rather unfair to blame me for that don't you think? I'm guessing that you are referring to 15.06? If you read my posts from that time you can see that I was strongly opposed to releasing that. We already saw a very strong decline in USB printing when it was supported, so yeah it kinda makes sense to not support it. All I have to say about this is wait for 2.2. We have made 20+ changes based on user feedback. It's true that I don't always agree with people, but I find this a bit of an overstatement.
  19. Why are you telling this every time ? I have been printing nothing else then with USB, and never have trouble, I even print huge files, never ...have..any ..trouble ! When you removed the option in Cura, you always said there was no interest in USB printing. I know you removed the option from all UM2 and later printers, and that's the only reason why it won't work ! Because just because you (as an expert user) can get it to work, doesn't mean it works flawlessly for everyone. As I already wrote in my post, the USB printing is not removed at all. It has been there from the beginning. We don't support it, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work or is removed. It means we think we've got better things to fix / implement.
  20. They are called micro switches. If you don't mind soldering a wire on it, you can get em for like ~1-3 euro.
  21. Yeah 2.1 supports it. I don't recommend doing it though (in either version). You introduce a ton of points of failure. If you want some form of remote control, get octoprint (it's not like the 30$ for a pi is that much money and it will earn itself back by having a higher success rate)
  22. It could be that we made a mistake with the sizes. I've created a bug report on our internal tracker for you. You can change the head size in the ultimaker_original.json file. The setting you are looking for is called something like machine_head_polygon. My guess is that this went wrong because we actually hardly have un-modded UMO machines in the office (and never got tested quite right). Shame on us... *edit* : For our own reference; CURA-1948
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