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Everything posted by nallath

  1. There are different revisions of the .3mf standard.
  2. I'm guessing that the 3mf version that they use is incompatible with ours.
  3. I guess you would need to buy a second hand machine if you want one below 1000$. Officially the highest temp you can get is 260. It's possible to go higher, but you would need to make modifications.
  4. We don't officially support it. This means that we don't spend time on it, not that it can't be in Cura / marlin / whatever That is also an option yeah. I would prefer having all 3D printers as definitions in the cura release of course. This is why in 2.2 we also support machine variants. You use a certain machine as a base (say an ultimaker original) that you've modified in some way (let's say you added a heated bed). The variant would then sit on top of the original definition with the change that it has a heated bed.
  5. We don't give you support for it, but i still think it's pretty awesome that you do this! So +10 interwebs for you.
  6. Huh? No. Have you been reading my posts? We've already merged a ton of printers that are not made by us. Just because we won't make the definitions doesn't mean we won't accept them.
  7. That's because it's in there, but you are doing it wrong. You're changing .cfg files which are profiles; Profiles are for qualities and materials. You can only changes values of settings with these .json files are for machine definitions. In these you can change how settings behave (For 2.1; Visibility, enabled, error / warning values, etc). What you want (and is explained in the tutorial) is how to change a machine definition.
  8. We've already recieved over 10 comunity contributed printers. All of them have been able to do this. It won't. But you can't expect Ultimaker to invest money in making non UM printers work. We are open source, but UM is still a company (And I also want to get paid ) The user contributed definitions are in the Cura release, so you can already see that this statement is not true. Because USB printing is not supported with UltiFlavour g-code. So it's the same file format but a different flavour of g-code. If there is going to be network printing, there won't be a new g-code flavor.
  9. Google; "Add machine cura 2" and press I'm feeling lucky. How is that a documentation bug? As an experienced developer googling something should be your first step All ultimaker machines are already added. The UM2 is officially not supported to USB print. The fact that it's possible and not boarded it shut does not mean that we need to spend tons of time in developing a fancy interface for it. We let you do things that are non-standard, but you shouldn't be surprised that it takes a bit of effort to get it going.
  10. Those are the machine definitions. Those json files can be found in the package, under resources. Uh. ALmost every single application that I have? My ~/.local/ holds about 50 folders. Including everythig from KDE, codeblocks, gnome-shell, keyrings, webkit, plasma, etc. 2.1 is not in beta any more. We don't expect normal users to create their own machine definitions. I didn't understand your original question, but there is documentation on how to do this. We are also not omnipotent and are in a permanent lack of time to do everything properly. If you find issues with documentation please help us improve them. You don't have to be able to code to be able to improve Cura. Huh? Ultimaker Original (+) machines can print on USB just fine. You don't need a different profile for that...
  11. I don't understand what you mean. It depends on your operating system. In the case of linux, your custom profiles are saved at ~/.local/share/cura This is documented, but right now it's documented in the code. We haven't had the time yet to pull the documentation from there into a better format.
  12. You need to change the g-code flavour to reprap (instead of ulti-gcode) in the machine definition (the .json file) We have definitions; These define what a setting is, what it depends on and what it's default is. We also have profiles; These define a current state of a setting (eg; A value that is not default) There is no strict rule what goes where. Just have a look at the .cfg files that Cura already saves. You can put those in a profile. Machines can have a property that is named something like "has_materials". If it's true, cura will show a material selection.
  13. Look, I'm going to say this one more time. Clicking maximize won't give you the max printable size If you want to ignore the bed clips, you can remove the disallowed areas in the machine json.
  14. Aside from the default "Check if your video drivers are up to date", there is not much I can help you with, sorry :(
  15. I find it rather interesting how you manage to convert "An automatic feature does not give the best possible result, so you need to do it by hand" into "This is fraud" The machine can print it. The software doesn't help you do it automatically yet. I think you are overreacting a bit here. Because what is build space? Is it what you actually use? or is it where the printer can lay down fillament. There is no clear definition. You use the scale tool.
  16. I'm not sure what is done. I do know that it should be taken into account.
  17. The 3D rendering & navigation should actually be faster than the old Cura. We make much better use of shaders & buffered rendering.
  18. Did you update your graphic card drivers?
  19. Or how -every- developer that we have right now develops Cura on Linux Because that's a known issue with the scale to max. We have a pretty naive way of doing it, which in most cases doesn't give you a perfect max size.
  20. A "Pull request". It pretty much means that someone made a bunch of code and is requesting us to pull that code into our release.
  21. The layer view is just a bit slower over all, but doesn't show data while it's doing it. That being said; We already made major improvements to the speed for next release. We were focusing on getting the stability right, so we had to cut corners somewhere. We didn't like it either, but that's the reality of software development.
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