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Everything posted by nallath

  1. It puts the mm3 filament used in the header if you slice for UM2(+).
  2. https://github.com/fieldOfView/OctoPrintPlugin There you go. It even supports camera view inside Cura
  3. Or download the new beta. We fixed it there.
  4. Profiles is intentional, because profiles tend to set things that are not changable per mesh (eg; layer height). Changing settings inside a merge is possible. Try ctrl click to select object inside a merge. Can you explain that a bit more? Shift click. Panning is your friend.
  5. The log is quite helpful in this regard, it will tell you what went wrong with parsing the script.
  6. Try changing the string to return to: return """{ "name": "Show Layer", "key": "ShowLayer", "metadata": {}, "version": 2, "settings": {} }""" So now i get: "M117 Layer 1/325..." in the g-code. Is that what you wanted?
  7. Uuh should be in the same spot. Don't think we changed that.
  8. You shouldn't edit fdmprinter.json, but instead make a new file that inherits from it. Have a look at how the UMO_dual handles this. You are right on account of having to also add two extruders in the extruders folder.
  9. Note that ahoeben also fixed it, so it's really fixed in next build
  10. A single hamster provides us with 1/2072th of a horsepower[1]. One horsepower is ~745 watt, so if the machine requires 1.21 gigawatt, we need 1 210 000 000 / 745 * 2072 = 3,365,261,744.97 hamsters, provided that we can use the hamsters at 100% efficiency. [1]http://en.allexperts.com/q/Science-Kids-3250/hamster-science.htm
  11. I just tried this from source and I couldn't reproduce it. Could mean that someone already fixed it. Could you also give me the logs? That way I can verify if your issue is actually solved.
  12. Uh. Could you be a bit more specific (and give logs. We developers <3 logs!)
  13. As for point 2; We're aware of it. We added a fuckton more features, which makes the loading of machines / profiles way faster. Point 3; We don't break API's lightly, but we had to do it in order to fix material profiles working correctly.
  14. Not with CuraEngine. It could be that there is software that can do it, but i'm not aware of any.
  15. It's just the control mechanisms that are electric. The raw power needed is provided by a diesel engine.
  16. Not sure if at all possible. If it was, I still wouldn't recommend it.
  17. You could always look into spray coatings for the object. There are quite a few (epoxy) coatings that make your print a whole lot more durable.
  18. I'd simply order a bunch of samples, print a few small boxes with those and test it. I don't think anyone went that far as to how well (printed) materials hold out by extreme temperatures. I do know that PLA doesn't like cold, heat & UV, so you can pretty much scratch that of your list. As for having to print to much; You might want to look into not printing the entire thing, but using sheet / plate material instead. That will always be cheaper, at the cost of having to do more assembly.
  19. Ah right. That makes sense. The improvement is on our tracker, but there is only so much we can jam into a single release. Once the open beta is here, i'm sure you can agree that there is enough new features / improvements in it to compensate for this not being in there
  20. Uh. No. Not aware of this. I've forwarded this topic to daid.
  21. Cura 15.04.3 doesn't work with the def.json files, those were introduced for 2.2 or higher. There is no paid Cura software (You could pay us, we don't mind, but you don't have to).
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