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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but the new Cura will support object grouping in combination with dual extrusion. You will also be able to tell every object what extruder needs to be used to print it.
  2. We have builds that have more support for dual extrusion, but we have quite big performance issues (especially on Windows). We have fixed the stability issues. I don't think we will release with the current performance issues, so I expect it will be at least a month before we have a release.
  3. The object should turn gray if it isnt possible to slice it due to size.
  4. If you are feeling really adventurous you could always try to run it from source. I also expect that pretty soon we will have nightly builds so you can have cutting edge builds without the hassle of having to run it from source.
  5. Did you try changing the first layer height to 2.5mm? I think this has to do with a bit of rounding issues.
  6. It seems to be that the model is too thin to print. If you increase the Z scale to 2.0 it does print.
  7. I'm getting a ton of ghost notifications as well.
  8. The point is, they aren't increasing the accuracy or resolution of the kinect. In their paper they mention that they strap a 15 mega pixel DSLR camera onto the kinect camera with a moving polarized lens. This camera needs 3 images to compute a normal map. They then use the data from the kinect with the normal map to improve the data. However, you can make a structured light scanner with 3 images, which does not even need moving parts and would probably give you even better results. They are making a very, very unfair comparison.
  9. This is not true. Holding still consumes a lot of power.
  10. I've never written a script for 15.04, but there should be some guides floating on the wiki somewhere.
  11. Depends on the cura version. For the new Cura you would need to write a script for this plugin (https://github.com/nallath/PostProcessingPlugin). The examples should be pretty self explaining.
  12. The article is bs. I've read the original paper and it looks almost nothing alike the press release.
  13. The changes from 15.04.3 to 15.04.4 should not impact this behaviour.
  14. I wouldn't like it if that happend to me. Especially not if your reseller told you a week ago that there was no issue in ordering the machine. In the Netherlands we have laws for this which allows you to send back stuff you bought over the internet for 2 weeks after you got it an get a full refund, so this hasn't happend to me.
  15. We should have a better platform for plugins, I agree. But for now the github is all we have.
  16. We also rely on certain libraries which we can't make custom versions off (as it would take too much time to properly fix). The library that seems to cause this is WXWidgets, which we stopped using in the new Cura. These kind of errors are one of the big reasons why we made that switch.
  17. There is going to be an upgrade kit, so it's not like everything is lost (even if you get no compensation)
  18. I've not seen that error message before. This seems to be something that we have no control over.
  19. The lay flat option tries to do this. It's a rather difficult problem, so it doesn't guarantee a perfect result.
  20. I think switching over to a H-bot gantry system is the best. One of the intern projects we did a while ago was to make a bigger printer and the calculations stated that that system was best.
  21. I didn't even knew the wiki was still online! That being said; We now use the github page of the new cura to list all the plugins. You can just use a pull request to add something to the list. @sandervg; We should probably remove the wiki at some point to prevent this kind of confusion.
  22. Splitting in Cura is slow as f*ck. It's completely done in python.
  23. The raft is a bit weird with respect to the layer numbers; It uses -3, -2 and -1 as the layer rafts. It could be that Cura does not display them correctly (eg; It should state that there are in fact 203 layers). Try to load the g-code in another g-code viewer and see if the problem is there (or just print it and see what happens )
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