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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I already accidentally clicked it multiple times. I definitely don't want to click the buy now button
  2. Seconds. Filament is either in mm3 or mm (depending on your g-code flavour. Reprap uses mm, ultiCode uses mm3)
  3. Could be that the card is corrupted.
  4. Well, black Friday isn't a European concept (I never understood why a lot of people on the interwebs got so excited around this time) . I don't think we did any such sale last year, but that won't mean that it will be the same for this year.
  5. If you downloaded it directly you're using the 15.10 version of the plugin. If you want to have it for 15.06, you need to switch branches.
  6. Deutsch = German Thats a different langauge...
  7. I always thought that jerk was the acceleration of the acceleration.
  8. I'm guessing it's a set of pixels that are either on or off (I didn't make it, so I'm not 100% sure). The logo doesn't have a font in the machine, so this is the only way to do it.
  9. Should be fairly easy to do that with the post processing plugin.
  10. Well... Thats a good idea. We should make complainer killer robots!
  11. Or even better; Modify the head so you can bump the object off the plate. Especially with a heated bed this should be possible. Just cool down the bed, and smash the head into the object to push it out of the printer.
  12. The lay flat is horribly implemented. It's fairly slow and doesn't even always give the best solution.
  13. This is also why 'solid modelling' is much more suited for 3D printing, as in that case you are very explicit in what is inside and what is outside. Voxel based modeling is a good example of this, as voxels are essentialy 3D pixels.
  14. Could happen, i'm not quite sure how most browser do the caching. I think in our case the company network does some caching aswell. This is why you test sites with ctrl+f5 for refresh, as that force reloads a page.
  15. Could be something that re-sellers offer as a service?
  16. Nah, it's actually the thing I predict every time someone makes any kind of guess what the next product is going to be
  17. If i recall correctly the UM2 should have protections in place for moving the motors by hand. The UMO not so much. I havent read all replies, but you might want to try and loosen the feeder screw a bit. Having it too tight can cause grinding.
  18. 404 should not be influenced by browser. It's usually a server issue or a broken link.
  19. The fixing algorithm can fail sometimes, which can result in some lines not being printed.
  20. Well, that's odd. @sandervg: This sounds like something you should pick up.
  21. No worries, should be fixed soon-ish.
  22. The old Cura only runs in 32 bit, due to library dependencies. You could try the new version on http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/
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