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Everything posted by nallath

  1. This sounds like a customer that wants everything; It needs to be cheap and perfect. You simply can't have both. Judging from all the issues that you have it seems like that it's way more expensive to re-source the UMO+ compared to just buying the kit and assembling that one. Is there a specific reason why you're resourcing everything (As the 'same part' from a different company isn't always the 'same part', so expect issues here)
  2. How so? If the person who is doing the modifications is only making money on the mods, this could be a viable business strategy. I agree that it would probably be smarter if he did got a reseller contract (as that would probably allow you to earn more). But all of that is just what is 'smart', not what is allowed (which was the actual question).
  3. We're going to need more information if we are to help you. Please have a look at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues and log the issue there.
  4. Well, you don't need to have a contract to sell machines. A company / person is perfectly allowed to buy machines in the store and resell those. A reselling contract would probably be smart because of other benefits (discounts, training, etc).
  5. Try the latest release on http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/ There are some driver issues with windows. Also update your drivers, as that might also be an issue.
  6. Nope it doesn't. Daid did some experiments with this way back, which resulted in NinjaKittens. This experiment did inspire us to create Uranium, so it would be easier to also make lasercutting & engraving software by re-using parts of Cura.
  7. I don't see any reason why this should not be allowed. Even if Ultimaker has a problem with this (which I doubt), you're always free to make modifications to the machine. As the machine is yours, you're also allowed to sell it. Making machines from scratch, modifying them and selling those as modified Ultimakers would not be allowed though.
  8. If you scale to max, it does print in that size. If the model is too big, it turns gray (indicating that it's not printable).
  9. Planned, not quite implemented. You can assign different profiles to different objects on the build plate.
  10. @sandervg Good that you didn't make the picture at the software side of R&D. All the Macbooks there have linux on it
  11. It's not quite clear what I can / can't share at this point. I still expect that there will be a first limited number trial run (similar to the first Ultimakers)
  12. @gpb01 Good idea. Make a enhancement request in github so we won't forget it.
  13. We use a version system that uses year.month.version 15.02 uses our old code base, which is not in beta and is seen as rather stable. 15.06 > is with new code base and is still in beta. Loading under build plate is actually an issue in the 15.06 range. I've never heard it happening to 15.02. Could you make screenshots of this? WIth regards to crashing software and slicing, have you tried disabling firewalls? Cura uses a local socket to the slicing, but some firewalls seem to block this.
  14. Switching now would only increase the difficulties as a lot of people already have models converted into 'the way cura wants them'. We do have a feature request to look at the meta information of the 3D model to see if we need to pre rotate it, but we haven't gotten to it. As for the rotation tool issues, make a issue report on github so we can keep track.
  15. If we supported old linux and XP, windows would still be harder because the build system is more difficult. So no, linux is not the easiest because we dropped some support. The dropping of support is so that its possible at all.
  16. Linux is actually the easiest platform to support. Max & linux are both equally easy with regards to build scripts. Windows is a lot harder, but once you have it right it keeps working (provided that you dump windows xp, which would force us to change everything). Mac is actually the hardest platform to support as it generates the most bugs / issues. So all in all: Linux > Windows > Mac Supporting windows XP would cost us several months of engineering, if it is at all possible with some of the new things that we do.
  17. http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/
  18. There are two things that are important for a scanner; Resolution (How many 'samples can you take per square cm of surface that you want to scan) and accuracy (How correct are the samples). For scanning small objects, you need both. The scanner has an accuracy of about 0.2 mm with the most simple scanning pattern. A single scan has a theoretical resolution of 1,3 million points. Depending on how close you put the item, your resolution per cm2 will change.
  19. 15.09.90 is out already That version does not have retraction lines, as we received that contribution too late to be put into the 15.10 beta.
  20. The results are a whole lot less impressive if you turn the texture off. The texture makes it look better then it actually is.
  21. Yellowshark is right. Gray means the model is too big or intersecting with something.
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