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Everything posted by nallath

  1. All in all, if this were to become a released product it will be in the 1800-2000 euro price range. The software is built from scratch by me and GhostKeeper, with some odds and ends from others. The control software shares a base with Cura (eg; it also uses Uranium as a base). The control software must be released as open source due to AGPL licence. I'm not sure when this will hapen. We're still in the phase where we're looking how the scanner is going to be brought to the market. If people have no problem with a prototype that still needs improvement & work, we could make this work.
  2. We even had / have UM originals that were hacked so you could wear them on your back while they were printing. It wasn't very comfortable, but it shouldn't be to hard to make something that is comfortable to wear (We didn't use padding at all...)
  3. Well, I have a prototype structured light scanner. Could well be that the source code of that is open sourced soon.
  4. Yes. There is no difference between official and unofficial. It's the same as trying to build websites for ie6, but worse. At a certain point new technologies that we simply -need- are no longer supported or will take weeks / months to implement (and often continue to be a drain of resources and a cause for a lot of issues). This forces us to make choices like this. We don't like it either.
  5. You only need a little bit of overlap; Just about the same as you have with 'normal' wall/ infill overlap (about 15%). If you ensure that the walls between the objects are not straight but have a shape with some noise, you can improve the bind between the objects.
  6. That wouldn't solve it by definition. It could be that the 3d party will be sued for infringement. It's also quite annoying that you have to buy multiple objects to have a fully functional printer.
  7. I haven't seen any proof that the D-Wave quantum computing actually works (eg; Is an actual quantum computer and not a normal mainframe).
  8. It doesn't have exactly the same firmware as the umo2 (as the ulti controller of the umo+ is different from the um2)
  9. It's not secret: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/ (don't let the URL fool you, we're just lazy )
  10. The start-end code is in the setting json file. There is no easy plugin just yet to change those.
  11. There are no known extrusion problems with the new Cura. So blatantly advising people to go back to the lower version is a bit of a shotgun approach (The old Cura is more stable though).
  12. Cut op the object and send those (separate) objects to the cura engine. Makes it a lot easier to debug things.
  13. That's really weird. It outputs a depth map just like the 'old' device. I can also find multiple open source implementations who did got it to work.
  14. Do note that you need a pretty decent video card to get good results from skanect.
  15. It's not that hard to be more powerfull than the atmega. But they are cheap and there is already a lot of work done for them, which is the main reason people use them.
  16. Nice Some guys also made a build for arch linux. It's good to see that this is happening.
  17. Don't expect anything in the micron resolution out of something that costs less than 1000 euro I haven't worked with it, but from the specs, i'd estimate that the new kinect is better, but not orders of magnitude better.
  18. I'm so jealous of kids these days. They have all the nice toys.
  19. Het is best lastig om 'goed' uit te rekenen wat kan. Een aantal factoren spelen hier een belangrijke rol in; Vermogen van hotend Als je meer fillament door je nozzle heen duwt, word er meer warmte uit de hotend getrokken, dus zal de temperatuur zakken. Te veel en je nozzle (en dus je materiaal) word te koud. Temperatuur hotend Als je fillament sneller door je nozzle heen moet duwen (want dikkere lagen), dan is de verblijftijd van het filament lager. Om het fillament op dezelfde temperatuur er uit te krijgen moet de nozzle zelf dus op een hogere temperatuur. Dit hangt ook weer samen met de lengte van je 'hot zone' (langere hotzone zorgt er voor dat energie makkelijker in je materiaal kan) Max snelheid extruder Je extruder kan op een maximale snelheid draaien. In combinatie met de dikte van je fillament geeft dat een bepaalde mm3/s die je maximaal aan kan. Slip / torque van extruder Bepaalde extruders gaan slippen bij bepaalde hoeveelheid kracht of bij bepaalde hoeveelheid torque. Dit is vaak flink lager dan de maximale snelheid Koeling van materiaal Koeling werkt alleen aan de buitenkant. Dikkere lagen koelen minder snel af in het midden van de laag. Je zult dus langer moeten koelen om de gehele laag op een bepaalde minimale temp te krijgen (< 60C) Wat betekend dit? In princiepe is er dus een bepaalde mm3/s die je neer kan leggen. Door je lagen dikker te maken moet je op dezelfde snelheid dus meer mm3/s gaan plaatsen. Het kan dus zijn dat als je dikkere lagen neer wil leggen je de kop langzamer moet laten bewegen. Een grotere nozzle zorgt er over algemeen voor dat je meer mm3/s neer kan leggen.
  20. I don't know by heart. I'm not that active anymore for Cura as some other things popped up.
  21. Probably moved, can't find it either, but google still has a cached version; http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:otNH4ctXVjcJ:https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/17591-my-favorite-mods-um2%3Fpage%3Dlast+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  22. As far as I'm aware, there is none. Last time I tried I wasn't able to do it for posts either.
  23. New builds are up: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/Cura-15.09.85-win32.exe http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/Cura-15.09.85-win64.exe http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/Cura-15.09.85-Darwin.dmg http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/15.10/Cura-15.09.85-Linux.deb
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