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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Het lijkt me dat je hiervoor het beste een berichtje naar het sales email adres kan sturen (te vinden op de site). Ik denk niet dat dergelijke bedrijfsgegevens zomaar vrij gegeven worden omdat die natuurlijk nogal gevoelig liggen. De consumenten printer markt is nogal gefragmenteerd. Een koploper is moeilijk te geven. Vergelijk het met de auto markt; er is niet zoeits als een merk auto's die de leiding heeft, voornamelijk omdat er ontzettend veel verschillende klasses en types zijn. Aan een fabrikant vragen welke printer de beste is zal natuurlijk het standaard antwoord geven; "Wij van WC Eend adviseren WC Eend'
  2. IRC still works. Freenode #ultimaker
  3. Why not discuss it with anyone from R&D who have interaction design experience on 2D GUI? I have had quite a bit of formal education about it and there are several people here who have quite a bit of experience with it.
  4. Soo, lets talk about the elephant in the room. What would change the direction? Would the direction be changed if the number of posts declines? If a hundred people say that they believe it should be different? If five thousand points 'worth' of people would say it? If one reseller says it? Five resellers? A combination of the above? If we suddenly get a lot more (or less) simple questions with support?
  5. Well, mentioning and discussing something is not the same as developing something together. Developing something together is best done through iteration (This is me talking with a Software Engineer hat on); You launch a beta product (and tell people it is a beta product), without taking away existing stuff. People will then tell you 'A doesnt work' and "I like B". You use that feedback to create a new version and show that again. Repeat that x times and then you release the new version instead of the old one. Most of the missing features have been discussed at some point. If I remember correctly, a lot of users abhore the idea of points and badges (and to be honest, in its current implementation, I dont like it. I do like the way stack overflow implemented it! It could be its just that its unclear how the points / badges work and that the points dont seem to be addded correctly)
  6. Oh and one extra advantage; Assembling will give you a good working knowledge of how all of it fits together. This will improve the quality of your prints.
  7. If you are going to use them for costuming, its a excellent option. In most cases you will need some 'cleaning' work (eg sanding, smoothing, glueing, painting, etc) but as its for costumes i find that acceptable.
  8. I agree with the huge whitespaces. Especially the one on the right is just silly. I'd rather have more information density. That being said; Next time, try and do a rolling release (as we already do with Cura). This is generally better than changing an already running system.
  9. Yeah, I've requested (limited) mod rights, but appearantly we're going to get other means of fighting the spam. Lets wait and see
  10. Why is the stitching in the paid only version and how is this stiching any better than say cloudcompare / meshlab / PCL? Is the software also capable of only outputting a normal map so people can experiment with using a different system (say a structured light system, kinect one, project tango) for the 3D depth scaffolding?
  11. For me the remember me functionality is most definitely not fixed, unless coming back an hour later and having to login again falls outside of the "remember me" criteria. 3rd login today. Same here. +1, happend to me aswell.
  12. Could you add a photo? This really helps with 'debugging' the problem. Judging from your description I believe it could be http://d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/53970867e4b0c76107b1091a/images/53bbf859e4b09d13bf3cdd85/file-NJOw1Ah4bz.jpg This is caused by under extrusion. You can find quite a bit of topics that deal with solving that problem.
  13. Dit maakt best wel wat uit. De infill word altijd in 45% graden gelegd. Hoe de infill ten opzichte van de ouder skirts ligt heeft best wel invloed op hoe stevig het object is (en soms ook hoe het er uit ziet).
  14. Try another SD card. It sometimes happens that they stop working (usually caused by not safely removing them).
  15. Red areas in the x-ray view means it is your model that is broken, not Cura.
  16. Well, every version of Cura has had bugs (and missing features). Most of the stuff that you want to do (read; pretty much the stuff that 95% of the people use) will work. Atleast, it should work Some of the weird functionality, such as importing minecraft levels directly into cura and converting images into models wont be supported.
  17. Doesnt work for me either. We have a ton of resellers, so they should be shown there.
  18. Sometimes the structure is flawed. YOu might be able to clean up one room, or even all of them (to steal the architecture metaphore) but you cant fix the fundaments that the house was built on.
  19. Also, Yay for the quick implementation of this!
  20. I strongly disagree with what the author of the blog has to write. Yes, there have been companies that f*cked up by re-writing, but rewriting code because its a mess (even though it works) has a very good reason; Every new feature you add in messy code costs exponentially more. Yes you have a product that works, but its so damn hard to add new stuff. The examples he gives of bad code are the easy ones, as if those are the only mistakes that make it messy. Those mistakes make it a bit meh, not oh dear god what have you done?!?
  21. The release date is final, so it could be that there are still bugs in it. There will definately be missing features.
  22. Why mention this explicitly? I think most people have been quite constructive in their feedback. Granted, there are some complaints, there always are. But most of them have pretty good arguments why they feel like this. I think pointing out that burning something down damages the vibe might even damage the vibe more than the actual critique it has recieved so far. We dont need to be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes isnt bad. I think that the fact that we now have a system to check for feature reqeuests (eg; an idea with a lot of likes) is actually a very good way to check if people agree. A think like that was neigh impossible with the old forum. For those kind of feature requests it would also be good to have a 'Dont care' and "Disagree" option, as those three combined give a decent bit of information what the comunity thinks of something.
  23. I believe the "remove notifications" should be "Clear notifications". Remove notifications might also mean that you want to get rid of notifications all together, instead of clearing the list. Also; Notifications should no longer pop up as new once i've opened the list (eg; Dont show the big red number)
  24. Well, thats why the sugestions now have a 'voting' mechanism. Post if and if enough people agree, it will be taken into account (as its way more quantifiable')
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