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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Trespa should withstand oils. Might have said this before; but chemical cabinets (The Dutch word is 'zuurkast') are often made with Trespa.
  2. I'm gonna stick with some good advice Daid gave me on multi threading. 1. Don't 2. No really. Don't 3. So now we've established you like hurting yourself; Keep it as simple as possible.
  3. Ahum. Told you so. More comments = good
  4. Putting a thick rubber band between alan key and screw head sometimes works.
  5. https://www.ultimaker.com/blogs/news/2013/03/14/start-your-own-mini-factory-with-autoprints
  6. What do you mean by loop? Do you mean auto-print? (eg; Make a print, finish it, push print off platform, start over)
  7. I'm not part of support; but giving (or asking) for passwords is bad practice.
  8. Yes it's possible, but we probably won't make it. To much effort for to little gain and we have *tons* of other open issues.
  9. Daid mentioned that he uploaded a new version this morning. This should fix the issue. It was a bit delayed due to his vacation.
  10. Some parts will be hard to replicate exactly; but using the files it should be possible to find (or fabricate) close enough fits. I think that the electronics, heated bed & some parts of the hotend will be the hardest. Most other parts can be 3D printed (such as slider blocks & feeder). Thats how we prototyped them in the first place.
  11. The cura engine can transform stl models to G-code. Thats the main function of it all Depending on the branch that you use, the model is either excepted through pipes, or via a (local) socket. It will use those to return any G-Code it computes. The socket or pipe is also used to recieve settings. The engine does not transfer anything to the device. That is the task of the GUI. The engine only accepts models & settings and only returns a set of g-codes. All the documentation out there is on the github page or inside Daid's head (and a tiny bit in mine, as it's not my project). Your best bet would be to hack into the Cura python code, rip out the graphical stuff and use that to call the engine with the settings & model(s). Cura (Python part) can then send it to the printer.
  12. I've been to NEXT Berlin on official UM business. So there is precedent of sending employees to Berlin
  13. Yes; Thats the reason why these options can be turned off. In some cases they fix horrible models, in some cases they wreck them.
  14. There doesn't seem to be just one. This is also why we're testing a bit more fundamental instead of rushing a patch job. This should prevent issues in the future aswell.
  15. We (R&D) are looking into the underextrusion. There are several options on the table, in various stages of completion. But we don't want to rush things, so they are being tested over and over again to ensure that we don't get everyones hopes up with a poor solution.
  16. Try it to find out? We don't have hard limits as they depend on your PC.
  17. Not quite by european standards. I've noticed that the level of english is much lower in other parts of europe. I personally blame subtitles (instead of synchronization) on television for many dutch people speaking english. Atleast, that how I learned most of it.
  18. Een quick fix is om het model door te knippen. Op de forums (aka; De engelstalige delen) zweven best wat profiles voor slic3r rond (ook UM2). Je kan overigens ook met meshmixer zelf support aanbrengen. Dit hele probleem bestaat helaas uit overspannen verwachtingen over 3D printers. Veel mensen denken dat het machines zijn om eindproducten te maken. In veel gevallen klopt dit, maar in veel gevallen is een 3D printer meer een schroevendraaier waarmee je een kast bouwt; een handig gereedschap, maar niet het enige wat je nodig hebt om je product te maken.
  19. Yeah, Daid is in 'murica. He should be back tomorrow.
  20. Three point leveling is far better. Thats why the UM2 uses 3 points. The (re)leveling has nothing to do with the springs; If this were the case, the screws would have to change length. As noted before, in most cases it's because small warpings in the wood. This is also one of the reasons why the UM2 has a metal bed (Heated bed being the other).
  21. De precieze versie zou ik je niet kunnen vertellen. Het is echt al een tijdje geleden dat we de switch gemaakt hebben.
  22. I don't think trespa will burn faster then the plywood. On the maintenence part; mostly the re-adusting of screws & endstops is needed less.
  23. Your best option would be to set your infil to 0% and increase your wall thickness to 1,2. This will created pretty strong prints that are quite light.
  24. If they are working in the computer / tech industry, one may assume its 100%.
  25. Support is ontzettend moeilijk om goed te krijgen. Omdat we maar met een beperkt aantal mensen aan Cura werken (en dan zeker aan de Cura Engine, die het slicen doet), is deze feature nog niet goed geïmplementeerd. De oude versies van Cura hebben betere support omdat deze nog SkeinForge als slicing engine gebruikte. Nadeel ervan is dat deze ordegroten trager is dan de Cura engine (Waar cura in secondes resultaten geeft, doet skeinforge er minuten / uren over).
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