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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Mweh, I partially agree. It might give some insight ito important features. Just as long as it's clear that a high number of votes does not mean it gets implemented, it could work.
  2. Post it on the forum or the issue tracker on github. More attention will be given to feature requests that are provided with proper tributes. Cookies are seen as proper tributes, but most kinds of consumables (Beer, whiskey, cake) will be accepted aswell.
  3. How official does official need to be? If it's in amsterdam (or europe ish) it will be very likely that a few (if not most) R&D people will be there (especially if it's amsterdam). I do agree that UM should be hosting such a convention, but it's not my call to make (and it is understandable that we can't put enough time in it, waitingtimes > convention).
  4. Oh en just because Im busy, does not mean I won't make time (in my spare time if need be) to help a bit. I'm completely rubbish with planning things though.
  5. *ninja-mode* But yeah, I'm a software engineer. Have been since November. Did an internship with ultimaker a year before that.
  6. Pfeh, I voted, so someone from UM responded.
  7. Slicing won't always fail if the object isn't watertight. It completely depends on how horrible the object is. Even so; there are some check that you can do to filter out most horrible objects (and warn the user). Non manifold tends to result in more errors then small gaps in the object.
  8. Trespa is some sort of plastic, but it's quite resistant to chemicals. They also use it to create safety cabinets used to work with chemicals. We have some prototypes here at ultimaker and they tend to need less maintainance.
  9. You sure? I'm pretty certain the EU has some sort of standardised rules. If you are in a different field as them, there shouldn't be a problem. My advice would be to simply use the name and change it if they decide to go lawsuit on your ass.
  10. Trespa is an awesome material to build machines from. Its pretty heavy, but awesomely stiff.
  11. An option would be to put a small stepper motor on the head in addition to the big feeder motor. Does increase the weight, but not as much as the heavier stepper motor.
  12. The print face does influence prints. If it's bigger, more heat is pushed into the prints, which can ruin them.
  13. Just spray some teflon spray in your bowden tube. That will probably solve most of you problems with retracting.
  14. David was a bit of a zombie today. Lack of sleep has that effect
  15. Money doesn't buy experience, nor does it buy people who know the system. No mater how much money you trow at it, the time needed to learn someone the ropes is not going to change. Especially not if the person that needs to teach those people the tolls of the rade is already handeling to much work. To answer the: how hard can it be? Very. We dutchies have a good saying about this; "De beste stuurlui staan aan wal'. Loosly translated; The best captains of a ship stay ashore. It's very easy to oversimplify a situation if you're on the outside looking at it (Really, how hard can it be to steer a ship! Just turn the weel...)
  16. It looks like the infill overlap might be a bit on the high side.
  17. At the UM office, you're happy if you get more then 45kb/s...
  18. Python is pretty darn easy to get started with. The C side of things is a bit more tricky, but most of the really hard stuf is on the math, not so much in the actual implementation of things. More developers for Cura is always good
  19. I'd say that a Ulti-con EU would be the best option. Most large conventions (such as the Game dev cons) have a US, EU & asia version.
  20. It's the basis to any bugreport; Ensure that you are using the latest version and (if there are any) you've tried the release candidates. If you are feeling especially helpfull & adventurous; also test it on nightly builds.
  21. Its possible to print watertight. Atleast, it is if you add some PVC glue afterwards.
  22. You need to subscribe to a mailing list to get the software, only to find out it only spits out .exe files. Bummer.
  23. You could even print the submarine. I've been able to get PLA to be water proof with some PVC glue. Would make for an interesting project.
  24. I dare say I speak for the full R&D department when I say "Giant robot spider"
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