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Everything posted by nallath

  1. If it's reported already, it does help if you post how you got your issue (full logs, specs, etc) in that issue as a comment. It gives us more info to work with and also increases the priority (since more people seem to suffer from the issue)
  2. Please report Cura issues at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose
  3. Could you please post a feature request on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose ? That will make it easier for us to keep track.
  4. This is possible. You can find what options are possible here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/blob/master/UM/Settings/SettingDefinition.py#L601-L644 and https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/master/cura/CuraApplication.py#L359-L384
  5. We don't have one anymore. The oldest one I've got is 15.06. What Cura did you use in 1993? It hasn't been out that long yet (it was released in 2011).
  6. That's also why we're not doing that 😉
  7. The crash handling won't help with fixing slowdowns unfortunately.
  8. In 4.5 we also switch to a much more extensive crash logging system, so let's hope it gives us what we need 🙂
  9. That's what I'm trying to tell you; If you merge the models it will ensure that the origins of both models are the same.
  10. We tried to do this (as it has been suggested quite a few times). Unfortunately, no-one seems willing to then actually test things and report them. We got so little info from this that it just wasn't worth the effort. We might try again some time in the future.
  11. What do you mean by seperately? That you can still change the settings? If that's what you want, you can select models inside a group with ctrl click
  12. Then I have some good news for you, as that's exactly the bit I've improved (although it was nowhere near as dramatic as you have it). It used to re-render the entire scene when any GUI element needed an update and now it's a fair bit smarter about what it needs to update. You could also try to force the compatibility mode. You can do this by going into preferences and select "force Layer view compatibility mode"
  13. Select both of them, right click the mouse, select "merge models"
  14. Not as much as you might think, but in this case at least one (me) saw it. I've notified the firmware team and they are having a look at it.
  15. I think it's a definition problem. A general problem is something that occurs during all situations. That was also what my statement was about. If it would be so slow for all computers, our QA department would definitely have found it. Since that didn't happen, it's not a general problem (it's still a problem, but if we can't reproduce it, it's a complete nightmare to actually fix it). That being said, I have made a bunch of speed improvements the past few days. I can't say if those solve the issues (because I don't have them), but it should make things faster in general.
  16. https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/ryzen-27700x-black-screen-issue.3393849/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/804fv7/ryzen_7_random_black_screen/ https://community.amd.com/thread/231672 Want me to google a few more, or is this enough citation?
  17. Not all of the issues have to to with the Ryzen, but a fair part of them do. We're also far from the only software that is suffering from the Ryzen issues (so there *are* literally hundreds of developers with the same problem)
  18. The zeroconf issue with the networking plugin has been improved a lot as we merged our fixes with the upstream library. The changing of tabs should also be a bit faster for 4.5
  19. Because it's not the bed rendering that is causing the slowdown 😉
  20. Well, it has been, because we (Ultimaker) have been using the metric system for ages. We get maybe 2 requests a year (if at that) about the conversion. Most of them simply see it as a minor (in)convenience. I doubt if we will sell any more (or less) machines depending on if we implement it or not. Even if we would, its not likely to be enough to cover the cost.
  21. The community is not, but I do believe that you should be the change that you want in the world. So thats why I made the barbarian plugin. Partially as a joke (hence the name), partially to also somewhat solve the issue users are having (all the while triggering them to switch to the right system). Adding inches on everything in Cura (so all the settings) would be a complete and utter nightmare. We're easily talking about months of full time development work. Once it's done, it will also significantly complicate the maintenance of the software, so there is also a long tail that makes this even more expensive. If you want to keep storing your stuff in inches, use 3MF, since that actually allows you to set the unit. Cura will just handle that fine. So tl:dr; Part of the reason is dimensional righteousness, part of it is cost (aka; we have better things to do). ps. If you don't mind, I am going to use dimensional righteousness as a term now. I think it's rather fitting!
  22. See some more info about our profile stack on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings
  23. Patch releases are always bugfix releases (in the case of Cura at least). We got a number of automatic crash reports that helped us solve some problems that we weren't able to fix with the reports we got from the beta release.
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