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Everything posted by nallath

  1. This puzzled me a bit as well, it seems that the snapshot doesn't work correctly. So for now you can get it to work by creating a job and creating the snapshots inside that job.
  2. Contact the manufacturer directly. They know how they built their machine (and also how to set it up).
  3. Did you perhaps disable the um3 network printing plugin? You can check that in the marketplace, under the installed tab.
  4. Uh. The network plugin only tries to connect to devices that broadcast themselves as Ultimaker Printers. So unless your Iphone does that, there is nothing that should trigger that behavior.
  5. Your best option is to contact leapfrog. They are the ones that know their machine and should provide support for it.
  6. STL doesn't have units, so everyone working with them has to make assumptions about it. Cura makes the assumption that STL are in mm. The barbarian plugin provides an easy way to switch between the two.
  7. https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura#logging-issues
  8. Correct. There is always some space taken up by build plate adhesion (and some travel moves, depending on your settings)
  9. That is a different issue. Could you please report it on github? The forum is very badly suited for keeping track of these things.
  10. No worries, it was built in such a way that you can even do it while printing 😉
  11. Look, i believe you didn't find anything in the logs. I also think that we might be able to see things in the logs that don't make sense to you. So as always: 1. Please report bugs / issues on github. 2. Fill in the entire bug template when doing so. That being said; How would updating in place prevent this issue?
  12. Maybe, but it would probably be rather tricky to get right. It's probbaly one of those things that you should do if yo want the last few bits of optimisation squeezed out. Currently there are a lot of things that will take less effort, with equal or more impact on the quality.
  13. It's not a full implementation of Cura, it's porting the engine so that it can be used on IOS. Anyhow, we have our hands full as it is, so we won't be helping out on porting Cura to IOS.
  14. Uh, you would have to contact monoprice. By default Cura doesn't have the capability to connect with their printers.
  15. It was already suggested (and discussed) on our issue tracker: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/7435
  16. Update the version number. It should be 12 now.
  17. Probably because of different acceleration / jerk settings.
  18. Yeah. It's bundled with Cura. YOu can vind it under the extensions menu tab
  19. You can report issues here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/new/choose
  20. Default_value can never be anything that is interpreted by python. I think you could try the following: "value": "'G1 X' + str(_prime_arc_start_x)"
  21. We are signing the application (and have been for a long time), but they have recently increased the security requirements again.
  22. We hebben voor de UM2 een nogal flinke aanname fout gemaakt, namelijk dat machine paden hetzelfde zijn ongeacht het materiaal (en dat de paar instellingen veranderen die nodig zijn door de machine zelf gedaan kunnen worden). Dat is dan ook de reden dat de UM2 zelf materiaal profielen bij houd en cura dus niet. Wat je kan doen is in Cura een UM2+ toevoegen. Daar zijn we weer terug gegaan naar de slicer controle geven over materiaal settings. Als het goed is accepteert je UM2 die g-code gewoon.
  23. Getting the engine to run on a server should not be too hard. But the engine doesn't do any of the clever things that the GUI does with the profiles. So as long as you don't mind that you have to provide "flat" profiles (So a complete list of all settings as key value pairs), this is a strategy you could use.
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