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Everything posted by peetersm

  1. Edit - never mind the login is in a different place on mobile , I found it finally under the menu in the top left corner. This is what it looks like for safari on the iPhone 5s iOS 7.1 . The only way I could Log in was to reply to post, then i got the log in. [/media]
  2. Also check used filament for grinding or slippage. What are your retraction settings? I ask since on the box with the wall infill holes the outer layers look pretty good, but the infill is all short runs that may not be able to recover after a retraction.
  3. yes I think the defaults for new CURA have that set too high. I always use expert setting and make those all zero to they will use the print speed setting. I do leave 1st layer speed slow.
  4. I'm printing in colorFabb on an umo+ , my basic settings are 30 to 50 mm/s speeds and 190 to 200 degrees for both 0.2mm and 0.1mm layer. I usually get great results but recently, cura 15.02, I am seeing the blobs and retraction issues and strings.
  5. Please bring back "assembly" all these posts are now lost in general>general discussion. At least move them to hardware>maintain your Um Or Hardware>modifications or Better yet Hardware > Assembly
  6. Post June 4th updates. Still getting "false notifications" see image as an example
  7. hmmm .... then I wish I would have screen shot-ed it since it's been showing up as a "question" for me since ever I made it. along with the other "Bug-......" posts I've made here. Do these show as questions yet on you end?(see image below) Maybe it only becomes a "question" when someone else posts on it? also why not let people answer their own questions ??!? that's a definite design flaw if you ask me. also - thanks for the fast and courteous help today, I appreciate that. see image below
  8. Its moved to the first page now. Did someone just fix that? It's been missing since yesterday, and I looked on computers and mobile device too. I wonder what other posts have been lost. Yes, I did just some minutes ago Thanks! Also if you are a moderator why does that not show on your "title" and also for communications and transparency please make sure to say "i just fixed it" or something like that when you correct a bug...I feared I was losing my mind. :-)
  9. maybe you can not "answer" your own questions....? see image
  10. it was already a question, it was created that way and still have the tag "question" in the header.
  11. Its moved to the first page now. Did someone just fix that? It's been missing since yesterday, and I looked on computers and mobile device too. I wonder what other posts have been lost.
  12. at least this one post (the one linked above) has been cleaned up by the June 4th fixes. Now how to I flag as "answered" and if there was more that one reply how would I select the best answer????
  13. Two new bugs came with the june 4th update 1. Clicking around between forums logs you out (chrome, win7) 2. this forum post does not show anywhere except I can find it under my "following" filter since I started this port. this should be showing under Community > Forum > Software and Firmware > Marlin https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/16201-is-the-umo-firmware-1502-maximum-feedrates-for-e-too-low
  14. Please see if I am right in my thinking. I'm having all sorts of stringing and retraction blob issues on my UMO+ I've been trying to adjust the Retraction speed in CURA to see if I can minimize these issues. I think that no matter what I ask for in CURA if I try to retract faster than 25mm/s then I will not get it because..... When I run a M501 to see the defaults then I see the following: Send: M501 Recv: echo:Hardcoded Default Settings Loaded Recv: echo:Steps per unit: Recv: echo: M92 X78.74 Y78.74 Z200.00 E836.00 Recv: echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s): Recv: echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z30.00 E25.00 Recv: echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2): Recv: echo: M201 X9000 Y9000 Z100 E10000 Recv: echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration Recv: echo: M204 S4000.00 T3000.00 Recv: echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s) Recv: echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z0.40 E5.00 Recv: echo:Home offset (mm): Recv: echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 Recv: echo:PID settings: Recv: echo: M301 P22.20 I1.08 D114.00 Recv: ok
  15. Well I've been gone for about 2 weeks. Since this site is killing my hope and joy about UM. as of today looks like...... -20 days since last post of any change. -5 days since "conversations" have taken place , and yet another round of promises of "quick changes you're all going to like" - 3 new notifications of things that were not new, I already looked at and cleared before I can not put into words the sadness these last few months have brought. See you in a few more weeks. ;-(
  16. Um2 assembled, not easily modified by end user. Um+ kit, easily modified by end user. I have helped put to together 8 UM+ (I run workshops for schools) and they are great! I do not have experience with the UM2, but reading these forums has lead me to the conclusion that the UM2 is not drastically different. If buying in the US consider dynamism.com as a source for imported UM of both flavors.
  17. I am concerned that you keep using the term "filter" because what that word means to me is a choice in the existing drop down filter choices (lastest, mopst viewed, most comments). I do not think this is what most people are asking you for and I want to make sure we're talking about the same thing. I would like a visual indicator for unread posts in the thread view and in the forum overview page, like you would find in most forum software. This can be simple a color, or bolder font, or a star on the side. Actually it should be a simple visual indicator nothing fancy at all. Can you please comment on which feature you're asking the team to work on.
  18. OH, and we need "Search this forum" which means if I am in the Art of Printing, then my search will be restricted to just that forum not all forums. But if I choose "Search all forums" or maybe just navigate up then I will get results from all forums.
  19. if we had tags we could easily add printer model. I like the idea of an advance search, or better yet... a "refine search" were we could add or subtract keyword syntax to the current results.
  20. I think relevance should also consider: 5. how close the key words are to each other. About #3. Inverse age of topic. Once basic functionality is restored I might prefer to be able to sort search results by age. Also would like to use basic syntax like minus or "not" to ignore terms-words I don't want.
  21. Another issue with post editor: 1. No auto URL link detect. 2. When using the "add link button" if your paste included http:// then you get a broken link since this shows up twice, and you have to go back in and remove one of the http:// , I would like the button to be able to realize this and accept with out error a URL paste either with or without the http://
  22. Great question, maybe people should post here to help focus the conversation about the search feature requests. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/15388-bug-search-hit-ranking-page-navigation-issues-vanishing-results-um-forum This thread is getting pretty long and looking thought it to find certain info takes a while , in part due to the search features current limitations and bugs.
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