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Everything posted by peetersm

  1. Yeah, mine is gone too. As well as any links to posts I made or threads I was following. Might be nice if someone from UM could verify this will never come back or it's on a list of bug fixes.
  2. Search from forum page: -how are results "ranked"? I'm not seeing presents of key words linked to results. -navigating results pages has strange effects - vanishing results -also not able to search on usernames here's a video: I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  3. same here, all history from posts I made in the old site to topics I was following is gone. I can even use the search to find threads I started. Searching on you username produces no results.
  4. The migration of old posts did not work, looks like some HTML tag were not interpreted correctly. here's an example of an old post which looked fine on the old forum, but the migration some how added formatting tags on the lists of print settings: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/11396-retraction-blobs-how-to-minimize I'm not sure if I originally pasted the print settings from notepad, or where I pasted those from, but the text looked great on the old forum. I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  5. Forum posts - editor should be WYSIWYG, try inserting an bullet list, or bold some font to see what I mean, you will get the code added for you, but that's all. here's a video: I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  6. users should be able to choose if they want emails notification on followed forum activity. emails choices should be global set at the user level and include: no email notification daily digest email for every post ALSO the email notification should include such things as: Link to posts - not top of thread but the post maybe a few lines of text from the reply post other info you would expect, users name, etc I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  7. Reply/ Post Comment window -too small -font size and style does not match final post -no preview button here's a video: I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  8. reply test - since i can not delete posts - ignore this
  9. Posting to forum - preview loads a blank page and does not actually preview the post. - when adding images from our personal gallery no thumbnail preview is shown. Win7, Chrome This video might help: I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  10. show either viewed or un view posts with: flag, color Change, font-bold, or font face. Basically some simple visual indicator for unread posts in the thread view. win7, chrome I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  11. Forum Bug -from topics page "last" link does not take you to the last page or post in thread. -on topics page "replied by" does not show recent posts in order, not sure what info it is showing. here's a video of this happening (WIN7, chrome) I figured with all the long threads about issues, it might be helpful to post this as a "question" so we can see when it is fixed (by changing to solved), ALSO trying to be very narrow in the scope of issues I will post.
  12. As long as this includes in-line on every post in forum thread view visual clues as to what has been read and unread. AND as long as those filters actually work at multiple levels. Also - you should please take much stock in @anders-olsson I have bolded text for emphasis (not in original post)
  13. In the promises to fix things I keep reading the there will be a "filter" for un-read posts. I hope you really meant read post tracking, where individual posts show which ones have been read in the thread. I want to be able to see read posts while in the thread, not a filter that would just show a list of posts like the current filters functionality. Also I think people have been saying pretty loud and clear we need the over view page back. The current layout requiring you to go into each sub section is a time killer. I really feel way more disconnected here from the content I came to read and interact with that in any other forum/community page. This new design is disconnecting people, kinda the opposite of the stated goal.
  14. I hope you really meant read post tracking, where individual posts show which ones have been read in the thread. I want to be able to see read posts while in the thread, not a filter that would just show a list of posts like the current filters functionality. Also I think people have been saying pretty loud and clear we need the over view page back. The current layout requiring you to go into each sub section is a time killer. I really feel way more disconnected here from the content I came to read and interact with that in any other forum/community page. This new design is disconnecting people, kinda the opposite of the stated goal.
  15. I agree with all this, the baby was thrown out with the bath water. I don't have much confidence that things will get fixed back to "usable", based on the youmagine lack of progress over the past year. I cringe at the amount of resources being spent on this (um company and us end users having to tell UM basic things like "keep track of read posts") I would be fine with going to a new place that uses real forum software with real forum features, there is already a basic google group, but that not very active. Please make sure you let people know where the new site will be. This forum is a huge train wreck.
  16. I have several UMO+ and they are great. I print in k12 schools and they are workhorses , just keep running with great results. Even my UMO (2 years old) is still running well with basic maintenance and care. You are correct that the UMO+ is a great price point. Give your self a weekend to assemble it. Also I have posted updated assembly instructions which might help, since the current (v2.0) instructions contain some errors. There used to be a category in the forums for "assembly" but that was merged into general. I will link to that once I find it (refraining for rant about new forums short comings)
  17. Yes, please make that go away! This new site is like a junior high kid's power point. A bunch of crazy distracting transitions that were used just because you could use them, but only serve to cheapen and distract from the content you really want people to focus on.
  18. for threads I've commented in , I'm not sure the forum is showing me which posts I've read anymore. The old one did that.
  19. is it just me or is the tracking for read posts gone now too. Why would you take that away? It's super useful when trying to pick up on the thread. maybe I just have not figured out how this is being indicated, if someone knows what I should be looking for please help me see it.
  20. migration brought over a bunch of weird code these posts used to have nice text with single line breaks, now there is ton of garbage HTML code around things https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/11396-retraction-blobs-how-to-minimize also this editor is ignoring CR single line breaks
  21. Yeah, big step backwards for me too. 1. readability is horrible. I just want info here, not a eye candy. 2. page header & Nav menus keep popping in and out at the top of the screen. 3. Menu box stuck in top right corner of screen, needs to go away. 4. main forum page used to have some posts on it so you could skim recent activity, but now you have to enter each forum to see any activity. and the latest filter does not show you which forum the post was from. 5. search seem less useful than before. I can't seem to figure out how to search in a forum.
  22. about the Ulticontroller. Since you have already swapped the cables and still get nothing. You may have a bad ribbon cable. I only figured this out by testing with my multi-meter. I found that one or two pins do not conduct, so the LCD light up and half works. I've seen this twice so far out of the 9 machines I've worked with.
  23. this is not right. I would open a ticket right away with UM support.
  24. another note: 1. PT100 should have a plastic 2 wire socket on the end, it plugs into TEMP1 plastic jack. it is the smaller of the two things plugged into your nozzle heater block. 2. Cartridge heater should have the two bare wires, it plugs into HEATER 1 on the terminal block. it is the larger of the two things plugged into your nozzle heater block, AND it has the 90deg bend in the metal end by the nozzel heater block.
  25. I think a recent change in the heated bed cable colors may make my photo look different. My heated bed has two grey(fat) and two white(thin). I've noticed some kits coming with headed bed cables that are blue&brown(fat) and Balck&white(thin), just keep the fat and thin wires going where they say and ignore the colors since they do not match. I have a anotated assemble manual here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39983297/UM%2B%20assembly%20manual_mark%20notees_v2.2.pdf see page 61 and here's a photo that might help of my board.
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