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Everything posted by peetersm

  1. Having printed some modio parts (and designing a few for their challenge) I can say this will likely be a train wreck. The ball a socket joints either break after a short time playing or are too loose to hold position. often a bit of post print clean up is needed to even fit them together. They are totally over selling this by stacking tons of (probably SLS) high quality prints along side a prototype $300 FFD printer. They have ~6 months to try to deliver.
  2. yes, I got some of the new stuff and it does not break when left to sit. The new recipe works like normal PLA.
  3. Didn't you read my previous post? there is nothing to wait for! Let me refresh your memory. I'm serious what are you going to do with the back log of UM2 when everyone wants the UM2+ plus you've already set a precedent by giving away an UM2 for the ornament challenge.
  4. So when does the fun start ? I'm ready to be inspired by a fun contest.
  5. Can you make a screenshot? Thank you!
  6. The notification bell has moved down. This is making it harder to click on . At least on ipad3 IOS 7.0.1 I can only see half of it the bottom half goes off the blue bar
  7. I though once you got close with your math you are supposed to extrude some filament , like 100mm or so, and measure how much filament actually moved, and fine tune esteps from there. I know this does not address the mathematical quandary , I agree there should be some theory to explain the 10%.
  8. Check out this most beautiful visage! Written up i more details here: http://3dprint.com/117412/duke-case-study-3dprinteros/
  9. This might be stale news but I just noticed that you can get a "close out" UM2 for $500 off at dynamism. For that I might consider printing my own replacement feeder.
  10. They stock 2 PT100s and sounds like they might have use the UMO+ one which has ~62inch lead on it as opposed to the UM2 one which has a ~42inch lead. Maybe this is way they had to coil up the extra. Other than the length I think they are electronically the same.
  11. On a bright note, the links from the notification area are taking me to the "unread" section now, thanks for restoring this functionality!
  12. Yes, and what a drain on resources for UM, and what a drain on moral for everyone. The light this whole debacle shines on their decision making process is unsettling to say the least. But we've be over this many many times.
  13. I have used several other brand printers and the UMO+ Has the best quality , reliability and ease of use. Other printers do not perform as well in the same price range. I reccomend it to everyone. Right now the main advantage of the 2 is dual fans on the print head and Olsen block, and maybe ulticode. IMO not worth the extra $, also it's not as easily modifiable so that's a detractor too.
  14. I am seeing the same thing , ipad IOS 7.0.6 I have to scroll down to the "unread" section header , it used to load the page a go to this for me.
  15. Do the parts come out with a glossy flat bottom using tape? No they are textured a bit by the tape surface, not smooth like glass.
  16. You are correct, the main bother with 123d catch is that it can be flakey. I try not to use the smartphone app, because if you get a connection error during the upload you lose all your images. When using the desktop app you do not lose your images if there is an upload glitch AND you can upload more images (from memory.. Mobile apps max 40images, desktop max 80 or 90 images). So I typically take the photos (most of the time I do use my phone) then put them on my desktop then unload from there. Note that as long as the app get past the upload stage, then you can ignore and freezes/hangups that it often gets durning "processing". If I do get a crash on the processing stage I just log into my autodesk web account and find the model that was uploaded and down load the stl from there. Most of the time I just want to do cropping so I go right into meshmixer (or your fav stl editor, blender, tinkercad, etc) and clean it up for printing. This is because the desktop app is very slow. But sometimes I want to make a movie of my scann and the desktop app is fun for that. Also read the shooting tips! Taking good photos with overlap is very important for success. You can get horrible results quite easily. :-)
  17. 123D Catch can do that, for free basically if you alrteady have a camer and and computer. BUT I am not sure color info would be attached to the STL files since I only ever print in one color and a basic STL files are all i need. I also read autodesk is letting people use memento for free, it's supposed to be higher rez. I have not goofed around with that one yet.
  18. Use CURA and tweakatZ to change the temperature. I usually print something with a single wall when I am doing temp tests. like a cube and cylinder put together so you can see curve and corners. I have a bunch of temp test files I use but have not gotten around to putting on youmagine.com
  19. I use blue tape and have tried other brands-part# with horrible results, I only use Scotch 3M #2090 blue tape now.
  20. I like the bounce idea since it would not reduce the build area. I too am trying to decide how to add better air flow on my UMO+
  21. Some quick math. The ABS material comes in a $399 pack that allows you to print 80cubic inches, looking at the density of ABS and converting to grams I think this is about 1376g of ABS. Not to mention the cost of the dissolvable material. I don't doubt it produces better prints and requires less interaction, unless you are trying to print a part that needs to print at the same size you designed it and it decides to thicken it for you and throw everything off. I am bothered by the fact that in education (at least in the US we have no money) and we are supposed to be teaching the next batch of thinkers. This came to me by District Administrator (school folk mag) and flies in the face of both the reality of our budgets and the whole goal of our existence.
  22. I saw this today in my email in box and thought "What kind a bunch o hooey!" Check out the crazy "sample prints" around 4:08, they are crazy. and if you can stomach it, listen to the silly claims and things they say all through out this propaganda piece. I like at 4:57 they talk about how great it is that their slicing software "automatically thickens" thin walls for you.!!? crazy, how can you expect anything to print right and fit together if the slicer is modifying your model's dimensions before printing it.
  23. Just because I already tried to do this and would like to see how others would solve the problem. Contest: Design a good test print for teaching CURA and the effects of changing settings. This should be a single stl which has these features. Objects prints in under 3minutes at 0.2 layer and 30mm/sec object will maintain true print speed up to 70mm/sec with min layer time=4sec shows difference between 0.2 layer and 0.1 layer show stringing show overhang show effects of print speed, like sharp corners show loss of fine detail , less than 0.8 thickness show bridging show difference of temp show retraction blemishes show shell and infill setting I needed something like this for my UMO build workshops and classes so I tried to make such an object.
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