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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. The problem is that the "island" in the a is not at the same z coordinate as the bottom of the mesh. So the island actually sits a bit above the mesh and does not get printed on the first layer. The difference is about 0.2 mm You either have to fix the model, or you have to sacrifice 0.2 mm of your model by lowering it "into the buildplate" in Cura (ie: set the z of the model position to -0.2).
  2. I am working on a new version of the plugin, with a couple of neat enhancements: There's an option to snap to model points ("vertices"). This option is only available if your GPU supports OpenGL 4.1. With the new version, you can "lock" the From point, so it is easier to measure the distance to multiple points from a single origin. And the measure tool now also has French, Italian and Dutch translations. A prerelease is available now, and if testing goes well it should be available on the Marketplace soon: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-MeasureTool/releases/tag/v1.1.1-DEV
  3. I think the easiest way to start is with an "extension" type plugin: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Uranium/wiki/Plugin-Types#extentions You can use this example as a starting point: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UraniumExampleExtensionPlugin If you want a button near the "save gcode" button, have a look at how this plugin adds a button: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-PauseBackendPlugin/ You should be able to include the qrcode module with your plugin: https://github.com/lincolnloop/python-qrcode You may have to jump through some hoops to get it to import correctly. Here's how I do it in the OctoPrint Connection plugin: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-OctoPrintPlugin/blob/release/OctoPrintOutputDevicePlugin.py#L48-L90 I have not checked the code, but this plugin may help you access all the settings: https://github.com/5axes/CuraSettingsWriter
  4. You missed a question: when should it be displayed? While saving gcode? Before, while or after printing? (if so, how are you printing?) While slicing? Only when the user presses a button? And what information do you want to have available when generating the qrcode? A hash of the gcode?
  5. @chekkefr, I did not mean to descent to youtube-level comments, but I can see how you could read mine as such. I will try to do better next time, but I think for now enough has been said on the matter.
  6. "Most printers" don't even have a camera. I don't think you know what the word "trivial" means. I know that there are printers and services that use trained models to detect failed prints. Training such a model may be "trivial", but getting the required amount of relevant data to feed the model is not.
  7. Where and when does it create the qr-code? Should the qr-code be displayed on the screen, or should it be an image that gets saved separately from the gcode? Should it be included in the gcode as a sort of thumbnail?
  8. Hard to tell for sure without a project file (File -> Save project...), but likely candidates are "Make overhangs printable" (which should be off) and "Remove all holes" (which should also be off.
  9. Hard to tell without a project file (File > Save Project...) or at least a screenshot, but I think you have the "Spiralize Outer Layer" setting turned on. Not all models are suitable for spiralizing. You are telling Cura to "draw" your model as one continuous spiral, with no stops. So if there are multiple "islands", Cura will connect them with a string.
  10. What makes you think you can only enter 1.75 or 2.85? You can enter any diameter you want.
  11. There has actually been quite a lot of progress lately, but no official release yet: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/11841
  12. It is possible that you installed the "Startup Optimiser" plugin and told it to "Disable loading unused configuration files" See if there is a "Startup Optimiser" entry in the Extensions menu, and if so select the option "Restore all configuration files" from it. Then restart Cura.
  13. You may notice that in Cura, some settings are indented. The indented settings are "more specific" versions of their parents. The slicer actually only looks at the more specific version, and the less specific version is only there as a convenience for the user. In the case of "Retraction speed", there are more specific speeds for the actual retraction and for the priming ("unretracting"). If you set the "Retraction speed" setting, then that normally sets both the "Retraction Retract Speed" and the "Retraction Prime Speed". If you, or the profile, put a specific value in either one of those settings, than the "Retraction Speed" setting is no longer used for that particular setting. If you, or the profile, put a specific setting in both the "Retraction Retract Speed" and the "Retraction Prime Speed", then the value of "Retraction Speed" would no longer be used at all (because both settings that use its value are getting overridden). To visually show that the value is not used, Cura disables the setting. Once the more specific versions both have their own values, the more generic setting is simply irrelevant.
  14. Thanks for submitting a big report. It will likely get marked as a duplicate of the existing one I referenced.
  15. Looking at the pictures again it could also be that you enabled the "Mold" setting. In that case, your model could be fine. Again, hard to tell for sure without seeing a project file.
  16. Hard to tell without a project file. (File -> Save project...) It could be that your model is not manifold, and you have the "Remove all holes" setting enabled in Cura 5.1 but not in Cura 5.3. The "Remove all holes" setting is quite a blunt instrument, but it can have its uses in some cases. Just remember to turn it off again. The best approach is always to make sure your model is manifold.
  17. Setting the bed shape seems to be broken indeed. Changing the shape options does not seem to "take". This is a bug that needs to be fixed. I think this is the same issue that is reported here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/14795 No, not from the Ultimaker Account. At least, not automatically. I think you can create a backup in 5.2, and restore it in 5.3. However, Cura 5.3 should on first run "find" your 5.2 profile, and make a copy to use for Cura 5.3. If that did not happen, then please try the following: * In cura 5.3, go to Help -> Show configuration folder. * Close Cura * In the folder that opened in the first step, go up one folder, then locate the folder named "5.2" * Copy - don't move - all the files in that folder to the folder named "5.3". * Restart Cura This should get you the configuration you had in Cura 5.2, updated for Cura 5.3.
  18. I made that one 6 years ago, long before Cura 5 was a thing. Cura 5 is quite a bit different under the hood than all the versions before it, so it is not that strange that the particular theme does not work anymore.
  19. You can change *some* settings at a certain height, but layerheight is not one of them. See Extensions -> Post processing -> Modify G-code -> Add script -> Change at Z More control is possible with the per model settings tool, but that one also will not let you change the layer height. https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667417981430
  20. You could always add an additional "Search and Replace" script to change "M0 ; Wait for Pause" to "M0 S30 ; Wait for Pause"
  21. I'm not OP, but looking at the thread topic, I guess they used Blender 😉
  22. Probably because your model is "non-manifold". All walls need to have a thickness. Read this article: https://github.com/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide/blob/master/resources/articles/troubleshooting/missing_parts.md#non-manifold-meshes
  23. It looks like you tried loading a file named "3DBenchy_ePA-CF.3mf 3" a couple of times. Note the space and number three after the .3mf extension. Those should not be there. Perhaps you meant to rename the file to "3DBenchy_ePA-CF 3.3mf" (ie: with the added 3 before the extension) You successfully loaded a freshly downloaded "3DBenchy_ePA-CF.3mf" later.
  24. A fixed prerelease version is available here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/releases/tag/v4.6.1-DEV
  25. Hard to tell, especially without examples (a picture or two) and without knowing what version you came from.
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