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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I can wholeheartedly recommend using OctoPrint. You can send a print directly to OctoPrint from Cura and monitor the print as if it were a local printer. You can install OctoPrint in the same computer that you use now, but if at all within your budget I would invest in a Raspberry Pi to install Cura on so your slicing computer does not have to be tied to the printer.
  2. It is a windows/driver limitation. Windows RDP does not support OpenGL. If you have an nVidia GPU, there's a special driver you can install that supports OpenGL: https://www.khronos.org/news/permalink/nvidia-provides-opengl-accelerated-remote-desktop-for-geforce-5e88fc2035e342.98417181 PS: don't "demolish" your GPU on my behalf...
  3. Sofar, no Cura developer has been able to reproduce this. Reproducing is the first step to finding a solution. In order to try to reproduce, please add more information; just saying "Same issue" does not give us much to go on. What OS do you use? What GPU, what drivers? Did it work with any earlier version of Cura (and if so, what version)? Do the other tools (translate, scale) work correctly with their respective axis widgets, or is it just the rotation hoops? Does clicking on the rotation arrows work to rotate the model 90 degrees?
  4. It looks like you have the "Make overhang printable" setting enabled.
  5. What GPU do you use? Can you check if there are updated drivers? Running Cura via a remote desktop connection is not supported.
  6. I think that in the usecases you sketch, doing things purely timebased won't be great either; you probably don't want the printer to start doing a wipe in the middle of printing the outer wall. I think you'll want something more intelligent than just layers OR just time. You'll want to know how long a layer takes (which is available in the gcode, though might not be extremely accurate depending on the printer definition), and decide based on that and the type of feature that is currently being printed (eg not during outer walls).
  7. You export data into a CSV file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application. Only editing the weight per spool and cost per spool is supported when importing the edited CSV file back into the plugin.
  8. You seem to be starting the installer instead of the application that gets installed by the installer. After installing, do not run "Ultimaker_Cura-4.8.0-amd64.exe" again, but instead run "Ultimaker Cura 4.8.0". Note that you can also answer "no" to that question, which would leave "the new one" in place before installing it again.
  9. No, Cura made it this way because the details are smaller than the nozzle size (or actually the line width). You'll likely get more details if you turn on the "Print Thin Walls" setting.
  10. This should already be possible using the Per Model Settings tool, see https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012031399-How-to-adjust-print-settings-per-model-in-Ultimaker-Cura Load an additional model and overlap it with the main model (or create a support blocker as a shortcut). Then select the Per Model Settings tool (the one above the Support Blocker tool), and set the added model (or the support blocker) to "Modify settings for overlaps". Set the option for "Cutting Mesh", and then add the Hole Horizontal Expansion setting and adjust its value. Caveat: you will get additional walls.
  11. Thanks @production, the version that I have submitted to the Marketplace (you might say "the production version") does that automatically for you.
  12. Where did you get the "_wait" from? It is incorrect. Use this instead: M140 S{material_bed_temperature} I'm guessing you mean the Gcode? You can save the generated gcode to a file on your disk instead of sending it to the printer directly, and then inspect that file in a texteditor such as notepad.
  13. @Hilbe, what OS do you use? The development snapshots linked above do have that issue on Linux (and possibly OSX).
  14. The plugin needs to be reviewed before it is published on the Marketplace. That normally takes between half a week and two weeks.
  15. I think the best option is to use the ArcWelder plugin in Cura, and to deactivate it on OctoPrint. This has the benefit that the file gets processed on your (likely more powerful) computer that you slice with instead of the (slower) computer that OctoPrint runs on. There is no use in processing the file on both ends. Once @FormerLurker and I figure out a way to have the Cura OctoPrint connection plugin detect that processing of the file on OctoPrint is done I can make the plugin start the print automatically.
  16. See Extensions -> Cura Backups -> Manage Backups
  17. I have submitted an updated version of the plugin for inclusion in the Marketplace.
  18. Unless you did a proper join / unioned / boolean operation in the application you used to merge the two models, the models are actually still separate and overlapping. Overlapping models confuse slicers. It is also possible that the basket is hollow and simply too thin to print.
  19. Could you try entering 1,75, ie with a comma instead of a period?
  20. Then next time, try water that is just 30 degrees. You can cut off a piece of filament and submerge it in the warm water. If it becomes malleable in the warm water, then so will your print.
  21. Use the official AppImage instead of the package you use now. There is an incompatibility between Cura and the version of Qt on your system. The AppImage comes with a version of Qt that works.
  22. Are you certain the water wasn't hotter than 50 degrees? Hot water can warp prints.
  23. I do not mean to belittle Jos' strategic guidance in any way, but warm and friendly is certainly how I remember him from the year I worked at Ultimaker hq.
  24. Even OpenGL does not get the 3d model you see, with volume added to the extrusion lines. That volume is added with a GPU shader, and cannot be captured.
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