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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. You don't need your own stage for that. The SupportEraser adds the picking pass to the Prepare and Preview pass, and OP's plugin could do the same. The problem though is that you can only get 8 bit RGBA values from the pass. Pickingpass uses a shader to encode a 24 bit "greyscale" value in the 3 R,G and B bytes. But for a normal vector, you would really want to have 3 16 bit floats. You could try to encode floats in ints, but you would still need 3 of them, and with a single renderpass you only get 4*8=32 bit maximum. My still-in-development measuring plugin creates 3 passes to get a more accurate position than what the pickingpass affords. Perhaps OP can have another look there: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-MeasureTool/
  2. "Not supported" means there are no (supported) premade profile for the combination of printer and material. It does not mean you can't print with the combination. Just set the settings you intend to use and proceed as normal.
  3. Cura 4.6.2 is not Cura Enterprise. I think it is just an oversight that the 4.6.2 release misses an msi. I don't think the exe installer is "bad". It has some features that are (were?) lacking in the msi installer (such as confirm to remove the settings and profiles).
  4. I have not used Windows 8 in a long while, but as far as I know Cura should just work on it. Unfortunately, if you download dll files and put them somewhere on your system, that gets your system in a state where we don't know what versions of what files are where, making it harder to help you. Do you still have a list of dll files you installed? It sounds like the "Visual C runtime redistributables" are corrupted and/or have mismatching versions. The Cura installer comes with these redistributables and offers to install them for you. It could be that the installer thinks a newer version is already installed on your system (especially if you make a habbit of manually downloading DLLs and putting them on your system). You could try uninstalling any and all "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" from your system, and then install Cura again. NB: this may affect other applications on your system.
  5. This creates overlapping volumes, which may not print well. Be sure to have the "Union overlapping volumes" setting enabled, and check the Prepare view before printing.
  6. I've had a closer look and it looks like something quite proprietary and hard to support without proper documentation.
  7. Feel free not to use the advise people give you, but be prepared for a clogged hotend or other failures. 1.75 mm filament in an Ultimaker 2 might work for a handful of prints, but will fail you when you least need it.
  8. Maybe if you upload a .g and a .gx file somewhere, we could have a look if it is something that can be easily implemented.
  9. I don't have your printer, so I can't check, but isn't a .g file just a .gcode file that has been renamed? And a .gx file a renamed .x3g file?
  10. Unfortunately, OpenGL 4.1 is required for the advanced rendering. Your GPU supports up to 4.0.
  11. This list is always up to date: http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/Replacement_Patterns.html
  12. Dat Ultibot tho... Edit: Vase mode? Oh, you mean Joris mode!
  13. The Custom Jobname Prefix plugin is now named Custom Printjob Naming plugin. The plugin now has separate fields for a prefix and a postfix. It also lets you specify a path to use. This path will be limited to a subset of all outputs; currently removable drives, the Duet RepRapFirmware Integration and OctoPrint Connection plugins are supported. If the path option is supported by the plugin, a small folder icon will appear next to the job name as a quick shortcut to set the path.
  14. At the risk of sounding agressive: YOU ARE WRONG! Euh, no agressivity intended. Sorry, your GIF is very small (in this forum), and skips over what you do in Cura very quickly. It looks like you are using this plugin: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/nallath/OrientationPlugin Plugins like this run in Cura, not in CuraEngine. You could look at the source of the plugin and extract what you need to create a rotation matrix to feed into CuraEngine.
  15. I am quite proud to announce that sometime this morning, someone was the 1,000,000th to download one of my plugins from the Marketplace! To celebrate, all my Cura plugins will be available today for the very special price of FREE! (oh, wait, they always are 😉). As always, some exciting updates are coming up.
  16. @alkekmakerspace, to identify and hopefully fix the problem it helps if you at least answer the same questions as asked above:
  17. The Mesh Rotation Matrix will let you rotate the mesh. What more do you need?
  18. DO you have a (removable) drive X:? If so, can you change the drive letter?
  19. Not if you use the Ultimaker S5 definition and profiles. You could edit the ultimaker_s5.def.json file to remove the ` "platform": "ultimaker_s5_platform.obj",` line, but you would have to do that again when you install a new version of Cura. Also: why?
  20. (that's how the bug came to be; I made a silly copy/paste error while implementing that feature)
  21. It looks like I somehow gave you the link to the current version instead of the development snapshot. Here is the development snapshot I meant to post. The version - as shown in the Connect to OctoPrint dialog - should be 3.5.15-DEV.
  22. Sorry, that's a bug which slipped through testing last time 'round. I have fixed the bug, but have not yet published a new version of the plugin. You could help me by testing this development snapshot. Download the file and drop it onto the buildplate in Cura as if you were opening a 3d model. It would be great if you could let me know if this bug is fixed, and if the plugin works as expected in general.
  23. That (horizontal)_ offset is "by design" and should not affect printing larger models. The offset is there because the nozzle is not in the middle of the printhead.
  24. How big of an offset are we talking about? In the Machine Settings, is the "Origin at center" box ticked? It should NOT be ticked.
  25. In your case, it seems to be having a problem with stderr.log, not stdout.log
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