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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. The model probably has a small hole or gap that is throwing off Cura. It needs to be "repaired". If the hole is small enough, perhaps the Mesh Tools plugin "Fix small holes" works. If not, you could try Meshmixer or Netfabb or another tool that comes up when you google "3d model repair".
  2. If you inspect your model in X-Ray view (which is - strangely - hidden away in the Preview stage), you will probably see that there are geometry errors in your model. Your model likely isn't "watertight".
  3. You could try the "Make solid" function in MeshMixer. What is does resembles wrapping a sheet of very thin, very flexible material around the model, thus removing any holes and internal geometry. But you may loose some detail.
  4. You can also put the plate and parts in the freezer (after it cools a little; don't put an 80 degree Celsius plate of glass in the freezer).
  5. It is not something Cura supports in a generic way. Cura is based on the assumption that models are "watertight". Even a cup or your cube without a top is watertight in the real world because it has an inner and outer wall. With any physical object, if you make a cross-section, and draw a straight line over that cross-section, you will always cross an even number of "transitions between the object and the space around it" (ie: walls). A single "wall" would be infinitely thin and that can not exist in reality (though it is easy to create digitally). Just not printing specific faces makes the object not watertight, which is not something Cura "wants to" do.
  6. This can be achieved by setting the number of Top Layers to 0, but that is not a generic way of "not printing" anything that overhangs more than the overhang angle.
  7. There's a plugin in the Marketplace that adds a lot of information about most of the settings: Settings Guide. https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide2 NB: You can't download/install the plugin from the above website; use the Marketplace inside Cura
  8. Pinging @ghostkeeper just in case he is not aware of this.
  9. The creator of that plugin is yet to create a version compatible with Cura 4.4 (and newer).
  10. It would be great if you could share your Cura.log so I can have a look at that crash. It can be found through Help -> Show configuration folder. In the folder that opens, please locate cura.log, and post it somewhere I can download it (dropbox, wetransfer, one drive, etc)
  11. If you have “the same issue”, I need the answers to the same questions as above.
  12. The plugin is available via the “Marketplace”, top right of the Cura window
  13. It is not trivial to edit that file on an installed version. At least not as easy as it is when running Cura from source.
  14. If you have the Printer Settings plugin installed, you can increase the "Maximum Speed X" and "Maximum Speed Y" settings. Then the speeds you enter can be higher than 150 without the field turning orange.
  15. Will that be a beta, or is the "final" release scheduled in two weeks?
  16. What do you mean by "it won't let me"? The input field(s) turn orange, but that does not stop you from slicing. Orange means that Cura thinks the value is "unlikely" to be correct. Only if the field turns red the value is not allowed (eg if you enter 0 for speed). Edit: If you want to be able to change the Acceleration easily, install the Printer Settings plugin from the Marketplace.
  17. Hey, I did not know there was also an @fieldOfView account here. I can't remember making it. My main account - for historic reasons - is @ahoeben. I think it should be possible to get the window object with 'Application.getInstane().getMainWindow()' and connect to its `'activeChanged' signal (to activate/deactivate handling of events in your plugin) or use its 'isActive()' function (while handling events).
  18. I’m a community member like you. I contribute code to the Cura open source project and I write plugins for Cura. I try to help and fix problems where possible, but I have no obligation to do so.
  19. This can happen if you rotate the model before adding the support blockers. The only workaround for now is to add the support blockers before rotating the model.
  20. FWIW, here's the issue I created so I don't forget about the feature: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-OctoPrintPlugin/issues/145
  21. Going over infill is not part of bridging.
  22. Hi, I am the creator of the OctoPrint Connection plugin. That plugin is not maintained by Ultimaker, so the there may be hope yet for supporting the setting to invert controls to match what is configured in OctoPrint. I must admit I was unaware of that setting in OctoPrint.
  23. Yes, but the result will be the same. It is not the file format that is wrong, but the model. If you load the broken model into another program and save it again, it will still be broken. There are applications that can *try to* repair the model (netfabb is a popular one, meshmixer also sometimes does a decent job). But chances are they too will "misunderstand" what you meant and create plane where you do not want them. Best solution is not to use Sketchup for models you want to 3d print. Sketchup is a great program for many purposes, but not for 3d printing. TinkerCAD is a similarly simple program which produces models that 3d print well most of the time.
  24. Looks like this is related to your graphics card drivers. Please reinstall latest video drivers and try again.
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