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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. There is this: https://github.com/CadQuery/CQ-editor
  2. Since the contact surface at the bottom is fairly small compared to the size of the model, supports might help or even be necessary to keep the model attached to the buildplate.
  3. Only the user settings though, NOT the settings specified in the machine definition
  4. The biggest change for the CR-10 in Cura was that in Cura 4.3 (or was it 4.2?) the Creawsome mod definitions were chosen as the basis for all Creality printers.
  5. No. A normal gcode file does not contain all the settings, only the results of using all settings. So unfortunately, gcode files are the wrong place to look at. I can imaging a plugin that exports a flattened version of the settings "stack" that Cura uses for printing, which would work on both Cura 3.6 and Cura 4.5. Two exports, one from each version, could then be compared/"diffed". But I doubt that it would take only a few minutes, especially when taking into account multiple extruders (which a Cura dev would have to do). I've written my fair share of plugins for Cura. I think it would be quicker to manually compare the definition files for the printer between versions: This is 3.6: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/3.6/resources/definitions/creality_cr10.def.json#L16 For 4.5, the values are mostly set here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/4.5/resources/definitions/creality_base.def.json#L126
  6. An attached cura.log would have been more helpful Yes, I have created a plugin for that: https://marketplace.ultimaker.com/app/cura/plugins/fieldofview/CustomJobPrefix
  7. So, where do you want my input? Here or on github?
  8. Do you perhaps have more than one model selected? The Per Model Settings tool only works for one model at a time.
  9. That definition is a bit dinky, but it works I guess. It should have an extruder definition, but that's a topic for a different discussion. Add the following lines below the line that has the "chamber_temperature" in it (line 106): "default_material_print_temperature": { "maximum_value": "450" }, "material_print_temperature": { "maximum_value": "450" }, "material_print_temperature_layer_0": { "maximum_value": "450" }, "material_initial_print_temperature": { "maximum_value": "450" }, "material_final_print_temperature": { "maximum_value": "450" }, "material_standby_temperature": { "maximum_value": "450" }, Obviously, if you want another maximum value than 450, change that value.
  10. I hope they have good pie.
  11. Say you stumble upon a party. Well, stumbled upon... you've been hearing about this nice recurring family thing from your friends; they hand out this nice apple pie there. Completely free, very nice pie. Friendly folks... You have a good time. Couple weeks later, you come back expecting great pie again. For free ofcourse. Turns out they've put some more cinnamon in their pie. Because lots of people said their pie was better with lots of cinnamon, and these cinnamon lovers even put up youtube videos about how to add cinnamon to the pie. Problem is, many people got cinnamon in their nose when eating this modded apple pie, and cinnamon up your nose isn't all that great. Because it is much better to bake the cinnamon into the pie, the friendly family starts to do just that: add more cinnamon to the pie before baking. You know, as a nice gesture to all those guests who came in asking why there is not more cinnamon in their pie. Problem is: some people like the original pie better. Do you think it is a good idea to break down the door of the nice family and scream from the top of your lungs "What did you do?! YOUR PIE IS COMPLETE GARBAGE!". Do you think the family is inclined to give you more pie? What I am trying to say: you come across a bit rude and ungrateful.
  12. AFAIK, this is already implemented in the firmware for the S5 (and S3?).
  13. More information here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/7270 Cross-posting is not always a good idea; it splinters the discussion.
  14. The limit is 365. It is set in fdmprinter.def.json, but I discourage you edit that file because (1) it affects all printers, and (2) you have to make those edits again if you ever reinstall Cura or install a new version. The better option is to override the maximum in the printer definition you are actually using (provided you are not using a "Custom FFF Printer").
  15. That's a neat trick. You can automate it with a Search & Replace postprocessing script.
  16. How did you add this printer in Cura? Do you have a "definition" for it (a .def.json file), or did you add it as a "custom fff printer"? If the former, you should be able to change the maximum allowed temperature in that .def.json, but since it is not a printer definition that comes with Cura, it would be easier if you posted that .def.json and I'll tell you how to modify it.
  17. As said, this is an Ultimaker Original (not the Ultimaker Original +). When you add it as a new printer in Cura, you will be asked if it has a Heated Bed installed. It doesn't, from the looks of it. This printer was originally named "Ultimaker", before the Ultimaker 2 was released. Then the previous model was renamed to "Ultimaker Original".
  18. You don’t have to delete the plugin, you can also disable it through the Installed tab of the Marketplace. That way you don’t need to delete the plugin each time you reinstall a version of Cura.
  19. Not anymore then? Unless you post a "project" (File -> Save as...) and/or the produced gcode, there is little that we can do to diagnose your problem. Does it happen with all objects?
  20. Did you perhaps change your material (filament) diameter to the wrong value? Check the extruder tab(s) on the Machine Settings on the Printers pane of the Preferences.
  21. You have to look further than the end of your nose. "Configure Cura" actually opens the preference window. This is the "Preferences" I was talking about. In the preferences, there is a "Printers" section. In the Printers section, there is a way to open the "Machine Settings" dialog. In that dialog, there is a checkbox to indicate whether the configured printer has a heated bed or not.
  22. Or go to Preferences -> Printers -> Machine Settings and uncheck the Heated Bed option.
  23. Slicer PE can read gcode files and export the toolpath as a model. Te result will not be like the original scan, but at least something.
  24. A quick way to use the models from that thingiverse link on a dual extrusion printer is to use a modifier mesh to change the extruder used to print halfway through the print.
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