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Everything posted by Nicolinux

  1. @mnis: Nein, ich habe keinen UM1 mehr. Ich habe es vor ein paar Wochen verkauft. Das macht es eigentlich noch schlimmer weil ich das ganze Filament noch hier habe und darauf brenne es wieder einzusetzen.
  2. Thanks, for the clarification! Another one for the cheat sheet.
  3. ...if it can. How do I know how thick the extruded plastic strand will be with a .04 nozzle? Is there a way to compute it?
  4. Good to know. I don't like Parallels because it swamps the system while trying to "blend" windows stuff into my Mac, but I am using VirtualBox and I might have a windows image somewhere. Thanks for the praise, I'll give DesignSpark/SpaceClaim a shot. The thing is, while I am comfortable with OpenSCAD for simple objects I still haven't decided for my "main" CAD package yet. Most have way too many features and awful interfaces. And others like Google Sketchup aren't directly made for this kind of use and have too few features. Hm, that's an angle that I didn't consider before. But I don't think they will ditch Fusion 360 (cloud) anytime soon. Fusion Desktop was marked as a technology preview so we knew the risks. Still it was nice to have an offline tool for designing. That's one of the problems with the cloud version - you might never know if their service fails. I'd hate it to have to wait if their cloud is down. I would also be very nervous if I'd use it for my business. On the other hand now that they have added editing capabilities for .stl files, this feature alone makes their offering very intriguing. I just hope that they won't also kill MeshMixer. This tool is way to much (silly) fun
  5. Nichts neues. Laut Sander's Zeitplan müsste es in KW48 kommen, also Ende November. Interessanterweise komme ich mit der Wartezeit momentan klar
  6. In Cura's defense - the tooltip for the spiralize options tells you exactly what it is going to do.
  7. +1 for Autodesk Fusion 360 and pitty that RS DesignSpark is Windows only. There's no way I'll leave my Mac and boot Windows to model objects.
  8. Aha, gut zu wissen. Wenn du noch in den nächsten Stunden die Versandbestätigung bekommst, dann ist das ein guter Indikator für die Lieferung.
  9. Hm, maybe that's true for older revisions. I did the test (taking the extruder out while printing) and didn't notice a difference at all. I had a rev. 4 Ultimaker Original.
  10. I wouldn't fear breaking the glass but messing up the bed leveling.
  11. Very nice. Apart from some layers beeing too pronounced, it looks perfect. And damn this gold PLA looks sexy...
  12. I'd like to see if your theory is valid. I am too thinking about where to place the UM2 when it arrives. I will add some cushioned feet for sure, regardless of the position.
  13. Wow, looks really good. Clean surface too. Please post close-ups of the finished product. If this quality is to be expected from an UM2 just take out of the box, then I am impressed.
  14. Where is the difference to normal kapton tape? I didn't know that one can use kapton on a heated bed for better adhesion. Thanks for the tip.
  15. Der UM2 hat eine beheizte Druckfläche. Ich denke das reicht in den meisten Fällen aus. Sollte es mal nicht klappen, kannst du die Fläche vorher mit Prittstift einreiben. Ich hatte einen alten Prusa Mendel und musste nie etwas anderes machen wenn das Druckbett heiss war. Das gilt für PLA, mit ABS habe ich keine Erfahrungen.
  16. Guys, seriously - pics or it didn't happen! Or videos on Youtube. There are far too few UM2 videos there. Every morning at breakfast I am searching for new UM2 videos but there's nothing new EVER!
  17. Aum, this is just a guess, but you could try and print it upside down. The bowl doesn't seem to have very steep angles so your only problem would be the bottom (now at the top). If you then print with support material enabled you'd have the ugly area (where the support material touches) inside the bowl at the bottom (when you turn back). This area is usually covered by the bowl's contents and not visible but you could also sand it to make it prettier. Instead of using Cura's support material options, you could also try Meshmixer. Check out this video:
  18. That's weird. I asked a few weeks ago how they prevent the rods from doing exactly what you described and Daid said that they engineered them so they can't move out. I smell a UM2 upgrade here But something is not clear to me. Doesn't this vastly impair print quality? If the rod moves with the print head, wouldn't it start printing an inch or two to the left/right?
  19. Also the wavy pattern is way too regular to be just related to filament issues. I doubt that he has some weird filament where the diameter changes every few inches. Oh wait... That's another thing to check. Maybe the filament is the culprit.
  20. Hi, hier noch eine weitere Idee. Vielleicht ist der Temperatursensor beschädigt und das Filament hat einfach nicht die richtige Temperatur. Ich weiss nicht wie du rausfinden könntest welche Temperatur es aktuell hat - es sei denn du hast einen Inforarot Temperaturmesser. Oder du könntest (vorsichtig) einen Tropfen Wasser auf die Düse anbringen und die Düse auf 90° heizen. Dann immer um 5° erhöhen und schauen wann das Wasser reagiert.
  21. Looking at your picture again, I am pretty sure it is somehow related to the fluctuations in the flow rate. There are wider slices followed by thinner ones. So the nozzle pushes out variable amounts of filament every few layers. And although variable the changes are still recurring. Maybe the connection between the z-stage and the acrylic bed is a bit loose. Maybe one of the springs got stuck and it allows the bed to move slightly.
  22. I guess the reason the UM2 "lost" to the Replicator 2 is because it didn't produce perfect prints out of the box. In last year's review they tested the Ultimaker Original and specifically wrote that the printer was "well dialed in". So they took the time to fine tune the printer and then evaluate the print quality. I find it a bit odd that it wasn't the case with this year's review. Especially when the "primo" features of the Rep 2 are those already found on the UM2. If one was to read only the last part of the review(s), the UM2 would be the clear winner.
  23. Another idea is to check your filament tension. Maybe wavy pattern corresponds to the oscilating movement of the filament spool while unrolling. With too much tension this could affect the flow rate.
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