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Everything posted by ndimensional

  1. Out of nothing - at least for me - Cura AppImage fails to start. When starting via command line, the following error message appears: ./Cura.AppImage PyInstaller/loader/pyimod02_importers.py:352: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour o f importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12; see the module's documentation for alternative uses Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///tmp/.mount_Cura.Ay7SrYx/share/cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml" and "file:///tmp/.mount_Cura.Ay7SrYx/share/cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml" QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component System: Linxu Kubuntu 22.10, kernel 6.2.10 Anyone any idea what happened and how to solve?
  2. ok, that (stream directly Gcode) I did not know.... the only thing I am expecting is, that Cura works with an Ultimaker Printer via USB - so you are absolutely right about third party printers .... and as far as I understood, the third party printer manufacturer could provide by himself the necessary USB connection software in Cura, so it is anyway up top him to fix and care about this.
  3. I would think it depends also on the hardware. My S3 has an USB port - and the data sheet says also that there is a USB port. So - I have to admit I did not grasped all the complaints - if Cura and an Ultimaker are having USB problems, then it should be fixed asap. If it is another brand, than I fully agree that there is no support. Again, dropping USB is not an option as long as the Ultimaker Printers have an USB port ... And no, you are not 😊 a monster , but Ultimaker as a company should give a much clearer statement about such things. I worked for a big IT company (two characters) and I know that not all HW and SW configurations can be economically supported... my last words regarding this ...
  4. USB printing may also be a security topic. LAN and WLAN are not so secure than a PtP connection .... But anyway, the discussion about the development approach in Ultimaker is not a very useful one. At the end everybody who is not in line with the approach can select another software where the developers may be more "user friendly". But also, if USB is an option in the software it should work and be supported - else it should be removed. ( I personally use LAN due to the printer being located in another room...). My 5 ¢
  5. Well, the size is ok but the color .... instead of being black it a very light gray. And the rest of the GUI is also not very rich in contrast. Seems that it switches als to - when using this theme file - light background etc...
  6. Hi, one thing which made my life complicated with the new version - used OS is Linux (Kubuntu 21.10) : - Font size on a 4K screen tooo small. The work around I found for Version 4.5 (put a themes.json file ...) is basically applicable, but now the font color is "light grey" and not easily to read. Is there any documentation how to make an own theme ?
  7. I got a replacement (collet + bowden) - due to warranty - but it showed after a short time the same behaviour. Ultimaker is invited to send me a second spare part set, but I doubt, that it will fix the issue. Since the bowden and collet was replaced, without a lasting effect, I would suppose some tolerance in the feeder itself may be the problem. So again, it seems not to be an collet/bowden issue ... I think it arises when someone is printing with the nozzle doing small, fast movements - ike zigzag. And that at the end is loosening the bowden from the collet. By the way, it shows only, as I mentioned above, on the first feeder on my UM3 - the second one is not affected.
  8. Not sure, maybe the feeder for the UM2+ and the S3 are the same - but I am not sure.... As it looks, the printer of catalancabreado is an UM2+ - maybe you ask him directly....
  9. Congratulations! For me it works since months... Well, so maybe this is a real improvement proposal for Ultimaker.... Feel free to put it on Youmagine- at the end you have finished it.
  10. Great ! Please let me know if this fixes the issue also for your UM
  11. Yes, for sure .... As youcan see, it bulges a little on the right side (in the photo). Maybe it would need a little more space at that side, 1 mm or so would do it I think.... Since it was the 5th iteration and does the job I let it as it is....
  12. I already got a new set through warranty - collet and bowden. But after some time the problem came up again. On one hand I would doubt, that I would get a second warranty replacement and secondly it would not help after the end of warranty. So I did a deep dive problem identification and found, that it always happens when printing a long time with many short movements of the print head. The solution is, aside from replacing the colletm, to longen the short tube, where the collet is placed in, on top of the feeder. So the movement is no longer this hard. By the way, it only shows up on the left feeder (looking from front), the right one never showed this behaviour. Any rewards for improvement proposals?
  13. Thank you very much - yes, that's it. Well, it uses a lot of material and normally I don't have have a problem with contamination, but good to know, just in case. PS: since there is a plethora of settings, I am sure I did miss over 50% even after reading the normal guides....
  14. When using support on a dual extrusion (S3), Cura generates a second part: I only need support in the hole at the top of the red tower. The blue tower is generated by cura when using the second extruder for support. Red tower is printed by extruder 1, Blue support by extruder 2. When using only extruder 1 for printing AND support, no second tower is generated. How comes?
  15. Hi, I had the same problem. I created a bowden support, so that the bowden is not moving at the outlet of the feeder. I own an S3, so I do not know if the support will work with your model. It is a bit tight at the right side with the lever, but it does the job for me. I created it with FreeCAD, so feel free to adjust to your needs. To apply you have to remove the bowden and insert it into the tube part on top. Then reattach the bowden and finally slide the part over the feeder. The movement of the bowden, especially when doing tiny zigzag lines is slowly loosening the bowden and then the pressure from the feeder and material is pushing it out of its hold. At least this is my diagnosis. UMS3.zip
  16. For my UM2+ - Firmware 2.6.2 and Cura 3.2.1 the following steps worked: Configure Cura (Preferences - Configure Cura - Printers - Machine Settings - End Gcode) to add the following -4- lines of text: ;Comment to stop blob and grinding ;Comment to stop blob and grinding ;Comment to stop blob and grinding ;Comment to stop blob and grinding See also discussions:
  17. Asche auf mein Haupt - war wohl etwas zu voreilig. Möglicherweise ist auch die Dateigröße mitentscheidend. Die Tests hatte ich mit einem Würfel von 5x5x2 mm gemacht. Frohgemut nun ein größeres Stück gedruckt (200x150x50mm) , welches ich schon öfters benötigt habe.... und siehe da, mit "M25" doch wieder ein "Batzen". Dann statt M25 wieder 4 Kommentarzeilen verwendet - Druck war ok, gleiches Teil gedruckt... also alles über Cura automatisch eingefügt, manuell werde ich nicht checken. Werde jetzt erstmal bei den Kommentarzeilen bleiben, in derHoffnung das es das Problem vorerst löst.
  18. Work around: You need either manually add "M25" before the M82 at the end of gcode file: ............................... M107 M25 ; Stop reading from this point on M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ;End of Gcode ............................... or configure Cura (Preferences - Configure Cura - Printers - Machine Settings - End Gcode) to add two lines - copy the two lines into cura as they are: M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M25 ; Stop reading from this point on At least this worked on my UM2(+)
  19. Work around: You need either manually add "M25" before the M82 at the end of gcode file: ............................... M107 M25 ; Stop reading from this point on M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ;End of Gcode ............................... or configure Cura (Preferences - Configure Cura - Printers - Machine Settings - End Gcode) to add two lines - copy the two lines into cura as they are: M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M25 ; Stop reading from this point on At least this worked on my UM2(+)
  20. OK, "M25" getestet: Wenn man es mit Editor wie von Dir vorgeschlagen einfügt funktioniert es - also der "Blob" verschwindet. Leider funktioniert es aber nicht, wenn man es über Cura automatisch einfügt, da es dann vor dem "M82" eingefügt wird und so logischerweise den Rest überspringen lässt. Aber wenn man sowohl "M82" als auch "M25" über Cura einfügen lässt, geht es - also der "Blob" verschwindet. Die Datei sieht dann am Ende so aus: .......................... M107 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M25 ; Stop reading from this point on M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ;End of Gcode ............................ Zun zweiten Teil deiner Frage: Mit "Blob": ----------------------------------------------- M107 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ;End of Gcode ----------------------------------------------- Ohne "Blob", Kommentar durch Cura eingefügt: ----------------------------------------------- M107 ;Kommentar um Blob zu vermeiden ;Kommentar um Blob zu vermeiden ;Kommentar um Blob zu vermeiden ;Kommentar um Blob zu vermeiden M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ;End of Gcode -------------------------------------------------
  21. Versionen: die Firmware war immer 2.6.2 - nur Cura Versionen geändert. Wobei ich die Tests jetzt alle mit Cura 3.2.1 gemacht habe. Das mit dem M25 habe ich nicht so richtig verstanden - wo und wie genau sollte man das einfügen? Über Cura direkt oder manuell? Mit oder ohne zusätzlichen Kommentarzeilen? Bei manuell: Kommentar im Code oder danach und M25 vor oder hinter dem Kommentar? Ich meine letztendlich ist nur eine Lösung sinnvoll, die automatisch eingefügt wird also über Cura. Vielen Dank für die Anregungen für weitere Tests und Überlegungen. Guter Tip, habe jetzt mal mit irgendeinem Text gearbeitet - geht - aber nicht immer. Fazit: Mindestens 4 Zeilen Kommentar in Cura für Geräteeinstellungen (Einstellungen - Cura konfigurieren - Drucker - Geräteeinstellungen) bei "Gcode beenden" die Zeilen eingefügt. Was ich jetzt nicht probiert habe ist, ob die Länge des Textes auch einen Einfluss hat. Zumindest habe ich jetzt ein Work-Around. Hier übrigens meine Testübersicht: Hinten = Nach der letzten Zeile in der Datei / Im Code = zwischen den Zeilen "M107" und "M82..." hinten in der Datei
  22. Bei mir klappt's jetzt ! So, habe mal den Gcode für einen simplen Würfel mit Cura 3.2.1 und 3.1.0 erzeugt. Der Unterschied ist am Ende. Cura 3.1.0 fügt folgendes an - nach ";End of Gcode": ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;SETTING_3 {"global_quality": "[general]\\nversion = 2\\nname = empty\\ndefiniti ;SETTING_3 on = ultimaker2_plus\\n\\n[metadata]\\ntype = quality_changes\\nquali ;SETTING_3 ty_type = fast\\n\\n[values]\\nprint_sequence = one_at_a_time\\n\\n", ;SETTING_3 "extruder_quality": ["[general]\\nversion = 2\\nname = empty\\ndefin ;SETTING_3 ition = ultimaker2_plus\\n\\n[metadata]\\nextruder = fdmextruder\\nty ;SETTING_3 pe = quality_changes\\nquality_type = fast\\n\\n[values]\\nbrim_width ;SETTING_3 = 5.0\\ninfill_sparse_density = 30\\n\\n"]} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sofern nicht irgendwo noch etwas verstecktes lauert. Dann habe ich dieses Stück an den Gcode von Cura 3.2.1 - welches ungepatcht den "Blob" und des komische Retracting produziert - manuell hinzugefügt. Und siehe da, kein Problem mehr. Es sieht für mich wirklich so aus, als ob dieses Stück den Unterschied macht. Ich bin kein Gcode Experte, ich weiss nicht, wieso der UM das liest, obwohl es nach "End of Gcode" kommt, aber es scheint die "Root cause" zu sein. Dann habe ich in Cura 3.2.1 bei den Geräteeinstellungen (Einstellungen - Cura konfigurieren - Drucker - Geräteeinstellungen) bei "Gcode beenden" das Stück eingefügt. Jetzt wird automatisch - zwar vor "End of Gcode", aber das scheint nichts zu machen - das immer eingefügt - und es funktioniert bei mir nun ohne "Blob". Vorsicht: enthält u.a. die beiden Einstellungen Brim=5mmm und Infill=30% welche ich mir individuell eingestellt habe. Der Rest ist Standard. Kann also sein, daß bei anderen Qualitätseinstellungen das nicht mehr funktioniert oder die Einstellungen überschrieben werden. So wie es aussieht, bestimmt das Code-Stück die individuellen Einstellungen aus Cura - u.a. Brim=5.0 und Infill=30% - und wenn die nicht übertragen werden scheint dem Code irgendwas zu fehlen, zumindest beim UM2 bzw. einem Upgegeradeten UM2+ Allerdings ist mir der Wirkmechanismus zwischen diesem Stück und dem Resultat nicht vollkommen klar..... hier sollten die Experten von Ultimaker mal reinschauen !!! Mhhhm, habe jetzt noch mal probiert: Infill auf 50% gesetzt - das funktioniert trotz des eingefügten Code-Teils welches ja eigentlich besagt Infill=30% - es wird immer mysteriöser.....also in Bezug auf den letzten Teil - wenn er gelesen wird, hat er wohl keine Auswirkung - aber wenn er keine Auswirkung hat, wieso ist dann der "Blob" weg und das Retracting ok?
  23. Hi, nachdem ich einen englischen Thread anfing mache ich hier weiter. Meine Maschine: Ultimaker 2 upgegraded zu UM2+ - Firmware Version 2.6.2 Gleiches Problem. Ich habe nun mit verschiedenen Cura Versionen getestet. Ergebnis: VOR der Version 3.2.0 keine Probleme - erst mit 3.2.0 bzw. 3.2.1. Ich hoffe daß das Ergebnis dauerhaft ist und nicht nur Zufall...... Ich zögere noch die Firmware downzugraden, da sie ja 2.6.2 ist und somit eigentlich seit mehreren Cura-Versionen nicht geändert worden ist - zumindest sollte es so sein... Management summary : No problems before Cura 3.2.0 / 3.2.1 with firmware 2.6.2 on my machine. Cura 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 have problems.
  24. Looks like its not a handling problem or produced by me . Thank you for the reference to the other threads - yes, that's it. Well, it happened after a Firmware update with 3.2.0 - not sure what my last firmware version was. And yes, same additional problem like the others: grinding so that the next print can not be started without some feeding fix. My machine is an upgraded UM2 - to UM2+ with the upgrade kit from Ultimaker. Electronic board is one of the first series. So lets close this topic for now, will continue with my findings in the german thread. I will test now with combinationbs of Cura and firmware down to 2.5.0 - as far as I understood the problem came after this version. Update February, 22nd: Details in the German thread. Findings: Need to add 4 lines of comment in the code via Cura (Preferences - Configure Cura - Printers - Machine Settings - End Gcode). Begins with ";", text itself can be chosen freely....
  25. HI Geert 2, thank you for this link and hint. But I don think that it adresses the real problem. It may be a good work around, but as you write - the blob is still there. The main problem I see is, that the material flow is stopped immediately and the print head is not immediately removed after end of print......the feeder is working still half a second after end and I never had this problem in the past. maybe Cura 3.2 is the root cause - or a change in the firmware with Cura 3.2... but maybe I am looking completely in the wrong direction.
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