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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. Vielen Dank für den Tip. PAUSE hat funktioniert, aber er hat dann nicht nach meiner eingestellten Zeit ( 20 Sek.) weiter gemacht, sondern blieb so, bis ich eine Taste gedrückt habe. Auch wurde die Stillstandszeit der Druckzeit hinzu gerechnet.


    Hast recht - mea culpa...

    Man ersetze M0 mit G4... jetzt aber!


    G4 S20


  2. This usually happens when the head looses temperature, it's triggered if the temp goes down from 10°c (or something like that). Does it happen when the fan is at 100%?


    Didier, don't mix it with the "Heater error" - that's a different thing...

    A "Temp sensor" error is triggered if the sensor reading yields to less than 5°C or more than 275°C.

    What's the printing temperature?

  3. Hallo @rasenmuster,

    mit "kreuzförmiger Wandstruktur" ist vermutlich "Infill" gemeint?

    Mit "quickprint" und "normal" wird das mit 80mm/s gedruckt. Das ist vermutlich einfach zu schnell für das Material (bei der Temperatur).


    Hat jemand eine Idee?


    Wechsel in Cura zu den "full settings", übernimm die Einstellungen wie vorgeschlagen und stelle auf dem "Advanced"-Tab alle Geschwindigkeiten auf maximal 40mm/s (was standardmässig schon darunter liegt, kann so stehen bleiben).

    Dann mach damit einen neuen Versuch.

    Viel Erfolg!

  4. Recently a gnome tramped into the headquarter for a spot check.

    Was it a remote relative? I don't know...

    Here are some snapshots which were leaked to us...

    The face of the employee is blanked out to ensure absolute anonymity. :)



    Come on - go above and beyond!

    One week left...

    As you can see - i had some fun during the holidays... :)


    • Like 4
  5. Ähem..., Jörg - Du hast dem Start-Gcode ein paar Kommentare hinzugefügt... da will ich schwer hoffen, dass das keinen Effekt hatte... :)

    In Cura kann man solche Sachen mit dem Plugin "Tweak At Z" erreichen. Bei sehr vielen "tweaks" wird das irgendwann etwas unübersichtlich, aber im Prinzip funktioniert das genauso wie in S3D.

    Oft kann man die Lüfter auch der Automatik überlassen (in den "Expert Settings" die Tooltips im Abschnitt "Cool" lesen). "Tweak At Z" wird z.B. hilfreich, wenn man Überhänge in bestimmten Höhen hat und ähnliches.

    Neugierig bin ich jetzt, was der Grund der Frage war... - kann Cura etwas, was S3D nicht kann, oder warum wechselst Du den Slicer?

  6. Hm, this is hard to pinpoint.


    To exclude an overheated stepper driver as the reason: you could try to reduce the motor current for the z-axis a bit (approx. 10% lower) - you can adjust it via "Motion settings" on the printer.

    But i also see those lines from time to time if i use cheap filament (with unequally diameter)

  7. IMHO it's not a good idea to weaken a safety routine.


    I have to second this. Personally i wouldn't touch the default setting for your setup, it's there for a reason...

    It's adjustable for users with alternative hotends and a different thermal mass (for example e3d).

    Instead - ramp up the fan speed slowly (increase the value of "Fan full on at height" if you use Cura) and don't use the fans for the first layer.

    Or... switch back to a fan shroud with a closed bottom, like the one from Labern - it works like a charm - even with a weak heater cartridge.

    • Like 1
  8. Since the latest version of this firmware I've had a lot of "Error - Stopped. Heater Error" errors when printing.

    How can i adjust the settings to minimise this? I'm using a Venkel shroud instead of the standard and my fan settings are 40 min and 70 max in Cura for all prints.



    There's only one adjustable setting that is related to this:

    Advanced -> Preferences -> Heater Timeout -> Period of max. power

    Can you check this? The default is 30 sec.

    A "heater error" is triggered if the nozzle heater is driven with maximum power and the temperature doesn't rise by (at least) 10°C within this period of time.

  9. tinkergone - is m301 case sensitive?  Can he read back the current parameters before he does the m500 to see if it's the m500 or the m301 that is failing?  And finally, maybe he should to a factory reset to get his eeprom settings in the correct position for tinkergone?  Or is that silly?


    AFAIK all commands are case sensitive, but - looking at the script - i think that pronterface is converting it to uppercase before sending. But it's a good point and worth a try!

    A M503 between each change doesn't hurt - but there should really be a response message with the new values on the serial console after sending the M301...

    Factory reset is not silly, but will probably not help in this case. These settings are from the standard "ConfigurationStore" - i've not tinkered with it... i promise :)

  10. Das Runterfahren des Drucktischs ist beim UM2 nicht Teil des GCodes sondern in der Firmware vorgegeben. Die einzige Möglichkeit, das zu unterdrücken, ist, den GCODE-Flavor auf 'RepRap' zu ändern, d.h. nicht mehr UltiGCode zu verwenden.


    Nö, das nützt auch nix... Wenn von SD-Karte gedruckt wird, gibt's am Ende immer ein G28 und ein M84 - außerdem gehen alle Heizungen und der Lüfter auf null. Das ist völlig unabhängig vom Slicer (oder vom "gcode-flavor") und würde sich auch mit S3D nicht ändern....

    Der einzige Unterschied am Druckende ist, dass für "UltiGCode" noch die "end-of-print-retraction" dazukommt.

    Nur wenn über USB gedruckt wird, hätte man das selbst in der Hand, aber damit ist "UltiGCode" sowieso außen vor...

    Die einzige andere Möglichkeit, die mir einfällt, wäre eine Pause nach dem letzten Layer, das kann man natürlich im End-Skript einbauen. Ich mach das manchmal, wenn ich ein Objekt in mehrere Teile aufsplitte und mit der nächsten Datei oben drauf drucken will. Dann bleibt das Heizbett noch solange auf Temperatur, bis jemand auf "Resume" drückt.

    Vielleicht geht das sogar mit dem "Pause at height" Plugin - das müsste man ausprobieren.

    Allerdings zählt dann die komplette Wartezeit in der Statistik als "printing time"...

    Naja, irgendwas ist ja immer... ;-)

  11. I can only connect at a baud rate of 250000 everything else reports something like this


    A baud rate of 250000 is the correct value for an Utlimaker2.

    Are you using the printrun/pronterface from www.pronterface.com, or something different?

    Another approach:

    Copy the two commands (M301 and M500) into a (plain) textfile, put a M501 in front of it (better safe than sorry) - rename the file with an extension of *.gcode and just "print" it.

  12. Hm, minimal layer time makes the speed go slower, but doesn't that kill the quality as the nozzle "stays in the same spot so long" due to the slow speed?


    Not in my experience, the fan speed is increased as well. I can only speak about an UM2 with Olsson block - 8mm/s at 200°C for PLA seems to work fine.

    I think you're right - if in doubt - there are so many parameters to explore...

  13. @Titus: Congratulation - it's well deserved - you were the only one who doesn't dreaded the effort!


    :D It's a shame there weren't more entries :(Would have liked to see what molecules other people like, I was figuring people would go for coffee with sugar or dopamine and such :p


    I assume it's a combination of


    Why always so small as possible :(




    ...had some other stuff to attend this week.




    @tinkergnome I wonder what settings you printed with. Again 0.1mm layer height and 30mm/s. I couldn't get the letters to print nicely. I did avoid melting the hydrogen atoms by printing 4 at a time in each corner of the bed, and cool head lift. Next time I would try and print colder, to reduce stringing.


    Indeed... 0.1mm layer height, the basic speed was 35mm/s but reduced to 85% for the outlines, 20% infill (*), PLA 198°C.

    Another important detail for small stuff is probably: minimal layer time 12 seconds, this reduced the speed for the top layers down to 8mm/s (approx.),

    and enough cooling..., hydrogen was printed with 8 pieces at a time and 2 or 3 at a time for the bigger ones.


    (*) i have a suspicion, that the infill percentage is not exactly comparable between Cura and Simplify3D, but perhaps this is only my personal impression...


    Regarding the letters:

    I didn't scaled the provided STL files, but changed the parameters in the scad file and generated new ones.

    The "hydrogenDiameter" was set to 11 for my example. And i changed the size of the text to 4 (take a look at line 97 of the scad file - if you're interested)

    I don't know if this would break the rules of the contest - but it's a construction set, isn't it?

    (and it doesn't matter in my case)

    Let's see what comes next...

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