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Everything posted by DaHai8

  1. Installed Cura 2.4.0 64bit under Windows 10 Pro 64bit. Selected a Printer (Prusa MK2). Everything looked good. Closed Cura. Ran it again and get: Nothing I do can get past this message. Can't Cancel, Can't Try Again, Can't Continue. Clicking dozens of times doesn't help. Finally Ending it in Task Manager and clicking Cancel closed it out. Uninstalled All versions of Cura 2.x.x. Deleted all "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\cura....." Rebooted. Reinstalled. Reselected any printer (or no printer) and when I start Cura a second time, I get the same "There is No Disk in the Drive" Here's the cura.log file: 2017-02-22 12:48:23,983 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin FileLogger2017-02-22 12:48:23,999 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader2017-02-22 12:48:24,014 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter2017-02-22 12:48:24,033 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin ImageReader2017-02-22 12:48:24,054 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin LayerView2017-02-22 12:48:24,070 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader2017-02-22 12:48:24,087 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice2017-02-22 12:48:24,106 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction2017-02-22 12:48:24,124 - WARNING - UM.Preferences.getValue [81]: Tried to get the value of non-existing setting cura/active_mode.2017-02-22 12:48:24,129 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool2017-02-22 12:48:24,148 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin2017-02-22 12:48:24,174 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice2017-02-22 12:48:24,201 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin2017-02-22 12:48:24,220 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin SolidView2017-02-22 12:48:24,240 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin CameraTool2017-02-22 12:48:24,965 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool2017-02-22 12:48:24,996 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin RotateTool2017-02-22 12:48:25,019 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool2017-02-22 12:48:25,038 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool2017-02-22 12:48:25,061 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool2017-02-22 12:48:25,085 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions2017-02-22 12:48:25,220 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting2017-02-22 12:48:25,384 - INFO - UpdateChecker.UpdateChecker.run [40]: Checking for new version of cura2017-02-22 12:48:25,387 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker2017-02-22 12:48:25,457 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting2017-02-22 12:48:25,493 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to222017-02-22 12:48:25,522 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to242017-02-22 12:48:25,550 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin SimpleView2017-02-22 12:48:25,576 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin WireframeView2017-02-22 12:48:25,597 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin X3DReader2017-02-22 12:48:25,634 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile2017-02-22 12:48:25,658 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [100]: Loaded plugin XRayView2017-02-22 12:48:25,663 - INFO - UM.Qt.QtApplication.__init__ [90]: Command line arguments: {'external-backend': False, 'disable-textures': False, 'file': []}2017-02-22 12:48:25,685 - INFO - UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [100]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.2017-02-22 12:48:25,694 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [167]: Socket state changed to Listening2017-02-22 12:48:25,832 - INFO - UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [71]: Started engine process: C:\Program Files\Cura 2.4\CuraEngine.exe2017-02-22 12:48:25,838 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] Calling engine with: ['C:\\Program Files\\Cura 2.4\\CuraEngine.exe', 'connect', '', '-j', 'C:\\Program Files\\Cura 2.4\\resources\\definitions\\fdmprinter.def.json', '']2017-02-22 12:48:25,921 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] 2017-02-22 12:48:25,928 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] Cura_SteamEngine version DEV2017-02-22 12:48:25,938 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] Copyright © 2014 David Braam2017-02-22 12:48:25,945 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] 2017-02-22 12:48:25,951 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify2017-02-22 12:48:25,960 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by2017-02-22 12:48:25,968 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or2017-02-22 12:48:25,984 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] (at your option) any later version.2017-02-22 12:48:26,008 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] 2017-02-22 12:48:26,032 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,2017-02-22 12:48:26,056 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of2017-02-22 12:48:26,080 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the2017-02-22 12:48:26,105 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.2017-02-22 12:48:26,129 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] 2017-02-22 12:48:26,145 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License2017-02-22 12:48:26,161 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [89]: [backend] along with this program. If not, see .2017-02-22 12:48:26,739 - DEBUG - MachineSettingsAction.MachineSettingsAction._onContainerAdded [69]: Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to punchtec_connect_xl; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported2017-02-22 12:48:27,773 - DEBUG - MachineSettingsAction.MachineSettingsAction._onContainerAdded [69]: Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ord; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported2017-02-22 12:48:29,576 - DEBUG - MachineSettingsAction.MachineSettingsAction._onContainerAdded [69]: Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker3_extended; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported2017-02-22 12:48:31,714 - DEBUG - MachineSettingsAction.MachineSettingsAction._onContainerAdded [69]: Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker_original_dual; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported2017-02-22 12:48:31,743 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_offset_x2017-02-22 12:48:31,750 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_offset_y2017-02-22 12:48:32,208 - DEBUG - MachineSettingsAction.MachineSettingsAction._onContainerAdded [69]: Not attaching MachineSettingsAction to ultimaker3; Multi-extrusion printers are not supported2017-02-22 12:48:34,090 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance2017-02-22 12:48:34,122 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance2017-02-22 12:48:34,173 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance2017-02-22 12:48:34,187 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer.deserialize [202]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance2017-02-22 12:48:42,617 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [171]: Socket state changed to Connected2017-02-22 12:48:42,623 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketStateChanged [161]: Backend connected on port 496742017-02-22 12:48:42,628 - DEBUG - UM.Controller.setActiveView [81]: Setting active view to SolidView2017-02-22 12:48:43,425 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [126]: Loading theme file: C:\Program Files\Cura 2.4\resources\themes\cura\theme.json2017-02-22 12:48:43,534 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [186]: Loaded theme C:\Program Files\Cura 2.4\resources\themes\cura2017-02-22 12:48:43,665 - WARNING - cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [175]: Could not get metadata of container because it was not found.2017-02-22 12:48:44,054 - DEBUG - UM3NetworkPrinting.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [134]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.2017-02-22 12:48:44,342 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.GL.QtOpenGL.__init__ [57]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.2017-02-22 12:48:44,348 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.GL.QtOpenGL.__init__ [58]: OpenGL Version: 4.0.0 - Build 12:48:44,354 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.GL.QtOpenGL.__init__ [59]: OpenGL Vendor: Intel2017-02-22 12:48:44,359 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.GL.QtOpenGL.__init__ [60]: OpenGL Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 40002017-02-22 12:48:53,253 - WARNING - cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [175]: Could not get metadata of container because it was not found.2017-02-22 12:48:53,542 - DEBUG - UM.Mesh.MeshData.calculateNormalsFromVertices [379]: Calculating normals took 0.0 seconds2017-02-22 12:48:53,545 - DEBUG - STLReader.STLReader.read [63]: Loaded a mesh with 8052 vertices2017-02-22 12:48:53,938 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.slice [152]: Starting slice job...2017-02-22 12:48:53,972 - DEBUG - UM.Mesh.MeshData.approximateConvexHull [347]: approximateConvexHull(target_count=1024) Calculating 3D convex hull took 0.004999637603759766 seconds. 36 input vertices. 36 output vertices.2017-02-22 12:49:06,518 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.QtApplication.windowClosed [198]: Shutting down cura2017-02-22 12:49:10,528 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [197]: Attempting to kill the engine process2017-02-22 12:49:10,529 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [203]: Killing engine process2017-02-22 12:49:10,533 - DEBUG - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend._terminate [206]: Engine process is killed. Received return code 1
  2. No 32bit version? Or is that coming soon?
  3. User Makes A Change: "Save to File" disabled" & "Slice Me Now" enabled" User clicks "Slice Me Now" and "Save to File" is enabled User Makes another change: Go back to #1 Or User clicks on "Save to File" - Done. Seems like simple logic to me. There is already apparently logic in the code to trigger Slicing when a change is made, make it trigger enabling "Slice Me Now" and disabling "Save to File" instead. Done. Also, and IMO, worse, is that I have many times with many versions of Cura 2.x.x had it lock up and freeze in the middle of slicing after making quick changes - never to return. Only closing and re-opening of Cura (loosing all your changes) gets it back to auto-slicing again. So I always wait for slicing to finish before making another minor change. PITA.
  4. Disallow areas apply to both extruders whether they are being used or not. So even if the model is only being printed with one extruder, if the second one might move into the disallow area, I'm betting Cura won't allow it. This also would apply to any brim/skirt, raft for the model. Move the model farther away from the disallow area and see if it allows it to be sliced.
  5. What version on Cura? Can you post an image of the model you're printing? Things like acceleration, jerk speeds as well as minimum layer times can affect the time to print a model - as well as it's size.
  6. There are three possibilities: one, some, or all may apply: You're not retracting enough. Usually more than 2mm and less than 3mm is enough, but your mileage may vary. You're traveling too slowly. As the head move from point A to point B, some filament will just naturally ooze out (its hot a gooey afterall). The quicker you get between point (travel speed), the less chance there is it will escape. But at really far distances, it may be unavoidable You're printing too hot. The filament needs to be very soft to print and lamenate to the previous layer, but if its running like water (or hot honey), no amount of retraction or travel speed will be able to stop it. This site helped me a lot in dialing in my retraction amount, travel speed and hot-end temperatures: Retraction: Just say "No" to oozing
  7. I find it a little odd that the file being analyzed is a win64 program, yet the Virustotal scan categorizes it as a win32 / 386 processor executible. Are they sure they analyzed the right file or are their catagories that far out of date?
  8. Can you post a photo of the model in Cura first layer view? What is your Layer Height? First Layer Height? Support Z distance? Support Top distance? Support Stair Step Height? Enable Support Interface?
  9. What is your printer? How fast are you printing (Print Speed)? Are you printing over USB? What version of Cura are you using?
  10. I have this odd layer shifting issue I'm noticing when printing in PETG, though I'm not sure its material related (see photos) The issue is exaggerated in the photos with direct overhead lighting, but you can see that very regularly the layers shift back about .1mm (maybe less) for about 3mm and then shift forward that same amount. Back and forth again and again up the print. The shifting is occuring in the Y direction. My Y-Axis belt seems tight enough, and I have a belt tensioner on it. But I could try retensioning it, I guess. But I find it really odd that it is so regular in its occurrence, that if it was a loose belt, I would think it would be pretty random - or always messed up back and forth. Anyone seen anything like this? Any ideas what to check? Thanks!
  11. I agree. Having two versions of Cura on the same machine would be great. I have just realized a possible workaround for this under Windows 7 - 10: Create a New User Account on Windows Cura already installs the code in its on versioned folders: c:\Program Files\Cura 2.3c:\Program Files\Cura 2.3.1 So the problem lies in the Profiles folder, which in this case is conveniently stored under the User's Profile folder: c:\Users\[YourName]\AppData\Local\cura So if you create a new User account in Windows, you'll be able to install a different version of Cura under that account and it will but the Profile data for that version under that User account: c:\Users\DaHai\AppData\Local\curac:\Users\ThorBeast\AppData\Local\cura Then you can just switch users to switch Cura versions. Not an elegant solution, but perhaps a patch until multiple versions are supported under the same User account.
  12. First thing I see is your faces are reversed. That's why it shows red on the top of the object when laying flat. When you view it in x-ray mod, do you see any red areas then? Those are manifold errors. Did you design this in SketchUp? If so, install the Solid Inspector2 and use it to check and fix your model.
  13. But it didn't fail or fall over, did it?
  14. OctoPrint does the same thing. It just takes the amount time taken to process the gcode data so far and estimates the time left based on amount of data left to process. Rafts print a lot slower and are mostly straight lines (very little gcode commands printing very slowly), so it thinks to process the rest of the print will be just as slow. After the rafts are done, print speeds up and commands become more frequent and complex, so the printer chews through them faster and the time estimate drops.
  15. Can you post your STL and/or a screenshot in Cura so we can see exactly what is happening?
  16. Cura doesn't do that. The closet thing to it would be to Shift-Click both models to select them both, then right-click and select 'Group Models', then right-click again and select "Center Model on Platform".
  17. What you are probably seeing is what I call Z Height Zipper Its the point in the print where the nozzle moves up (or bed moves down) to print the next layer. This causes a bit of oozing from the nozzle and creates these little seams/blobs/bulges. I know of no way to completely eliminate this, and every Slicer will put them in different places depending on the model, placement, infill, orientation, # shells, etc. In Cura, under Shell -> Z Seam Alignment, you can set it to 'Random' and it will spread them around the print like S3D does. I think the default is 'Shortest', which usually clumps them together as you are seeing.
  18. S3D Accomplishes this by forcing all layer heights to be multiples of the finest layer, ie: .1, .2, .3 or .15, .3, or .12, .24, .36 ... That eliminates the complexity you describe. And Cura already has an "Avoid Printed Islands" feature. However, smartavionics is just looking for different layer heights from bottom to top on the same model (not side to side, or different models on the buildplate)
  19. Cura 2.3.0 seems to add supports properly, even scaled to 50%
  20. Not sure which printer you are using, so this may not apply, but: Have you compared your printer's Jerk and Acceleration settings vs. Cura's ? These can make a big difference in print times if they are off. Cura 15 did not have a way to set these in the software, so it used your printer's defaults. Cura 2 now has setting (may be hidden) that can override your printers Jerk and Acceleration. You can find these under the 'Speed' settings on the right. If they are not visible, hover over the 'Speed' drop-down and click on the magically appearing Gear, then check all the Jerk and Acceleration setting in the list box.
  21. In Cura, change View Mode to X-Ray and look for any Red areas - these are errors in the object, like open manifolds. In Sketchup, install the Solid Inspector2 tool from their warehouse and use it to inspect your model. From you photo, it looks like your inside walls are reversed (dark grey), this could be an issue.
  22. Hover your mouse over the ! and it will give you help text explaining it. Most everything in Setting has hover text explaining it.
  23. One way might be to increase the Bottom Layer Thickness to equal the start of the inner layer bottom - making a solid bottom. Not an efficient use of filament, but at least you could keep the infill to its minimum for the walls.
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