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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. The mesh tools are available as a plugin via the Cura Marketplace. Sorry, I can't really help with how to fix the model as I have no experience of Fusion360 but I am sure that others on this Forum can offer some suggestions. Any ideas @kmanstudios?
  2. Thanks for the project file. I think the problem is caused by the model not being watertight. The mesh tool model checker detects that...
  3. Hello @aag, without having the project file, it's hard to guess what the problem is. Please attach it to this thread if possible.
  4. Hello @rob0213, that's how combing is designed to work. Combing does not normally use retractions when moving the nozzle within a single part. There is a setting called something like max comb distance without retraction, when you set that to a non-zero value, combed travel moves further than that distance will use retraction. The best quality results are often achieved by setting the combing mode to not in skin and using a non-zero value for the max comb distance... Hope this helps.
  5. Hello @CarloK, please attach the stl file for this model. Thanks.
  6. Hello @WulfC, if you are running Cura on either Linux or Windows then you could use one of my builds which are based on the Ultimaker master branches + my own work. You can find them at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 I don't know if the fix you require is in place yet but if Ultimaker have fixed the problem then my next build should be OK.
  7. Cura always prints non-thin walls as a pair of lines, the inside and outside edges of the wall outline. Thin walls are handled differently.
  8. Hello @latreides, could you please save the project file (.3mf) and attach to this thread. Thanks.
  9. Indeed, there's a change-at-z script active, that's the cause of the reducing temperature.
  10. Thanks for the .3mf file. I can't see anything obviously wrong with that yet. Could you please also attach the gcode file that suffers from the pauses. Thanks.
  11. Hello @mgrabow, to be able to help I need to see the settings you are using so please save the project file (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread, thanks.
  12. Yes, they are just normal retract and un-retract commands that bracket a travel move.
  13. Also, to improve the print quality I would change the combing mode to not in skin and set the max comb distance with no retract to something like 10 or 20. Gyroid infill would work well with this design.
  14. Setting Support Placement to Touching Buildplate will remove that support from the voids within your model. Here's your model mesh and you can see the tubular cavities that are being filled with support... Those cavities won't get filled with infill, you need to remove them to get a completely solid object.
  15. I am also using a Bondtech (BMG) and it is configured with acceleration 3000 mm/s^2, jerk 20 mm/s and 830 steps/mm. I am using firmware retraction at 50 mm/s and prime at 30 mm/s.
  16. I don't know what the problem is here because with my bowden extruder I am retracting 4mm at 30 mm/s and it does it with no really noticeable delay (well, 133 mS, I guess). So there must be something in your firmware that is limiting the extruder speed. Perhaps your extruder accel/jerk is out of whack?
  17. Hello @changedsoul. Thanks for the file. I can't see anything obviously wrong with the retractions but you appear to have enabled the new nozzle wipe feature which is intended to keep the nozzle clean.
  18. Hello @stock3d, could you please attach the gcode so we can check the temperature commands? Thanks.
  19. Hello @changedsoul, please attach a gcode file that has this problem. Thanks.
  20. Depends on whether it's a bowden extruder or not. If it is, try 4.5. If it's a direct extruder then 1.5 could be right.
  21. Hi @comyz, that's a puzzle to be sure. My only thought is that you are over-retracting and the nozzle is sucking in air which gets expelled later. Are you using 6.5mm of retraction at 25 mm/s in Slic3r also?
  22. Hello @comyz, could you please attach the gcode file so I can take a look. Thanks.
  23. Hello @salomon, make sure the wall overlap compensation is turned on and set the Minimum Wall Flow to something like 30 or maybe greater and it should only make one pass over that wall. Hope this helps.
  24. Hello @Swiftcloud, please save the project file (File -> Save) and attach the resulting .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  25. I'm afraid not. You would have to delve into the C++ code in the backend to be able to add/change the skin patterns.
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