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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. Now available is a Linux AppImage that runs on an armhf system (e.g. a Pi 4). It has received minimal testing but it does appear to work (I sliced a benchy OK!). Obviously, even the amazing Pi 4 is still quite limited compared to most laptops, etc. so don't expect stellar performance but it is surprisingly usable. I think it exceeded my expectation. It is highly recommend that you have 4GB of memory and a CPU fan! Known limitations are that currently the layer view only works in compatibility mode and that the UI QML is slow due to lack of JIT support. If you try it out, please post feedback on this thread or open an issue at https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/issues. You can find the release at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0. Remember, all my builds are provided with no warranty whatsoever. That said, I try to fix issues where I can.
  2. Hello @eagerdas, meshtools says your model is not watertight, that's why it won't slice right. You can install the meshtools from the Cura marketplace.
  3. OK, the biggest problem was that the Max Travel Resolution setting is far too high (I think it was 15!), make that the default value. Other changes I recommend are setting the combing mode to no skin, the max comb distance without retract to something like 10, enable the wall print order optimization and set the maximum retraction count back to a large value. Hope this helps!
  4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mzmzgkqn2hnf5zy/README.md?dl=0
  5. The README.md does mention most of the differences between my releases and Ultimaker's.
  6. Hi @terramir, could you please save a project file (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.
  7. The cura layer view only distinguishes between retracted (light blue) and non-retracted (dark blue) travels. It doesn't show whether z-hop is used or not. You have to use another gcode viewer to see what's going to happen. If you have the z-hop only over printed parts setting enabled, it won't z-hop between parts, it will retract, but not z-hop.
  8. Hi @V3DPrinting, the answer (not very obvious) is to turn off Z-hop only over printed parts for both extruders. Hope this helps!
  9. Try setting the Minimum Infill Area, that was intended to do exactly what you are talking about. Another setting that may help is the skin expand distance.
  10. Hello @Vinnycent, to understand your problem better it would help hugely if you could attach both the gcode file and also the Cura project file. To get that do File -> Save to produce a .3mf project file. Thanks.
  11. Yes, install Aldo's excellent setting visibility saver plugin and then you can simply reload your settings after loading a project.
  12. I implemented minimum top/bottom skin thickness for when adaptive layers are in use. You can find Linux and Windows builds with this feature at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 I don't use adaptive layers myself so please try it out and open an issue at https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/issues if you have any feedback. If it works OK, I shall submit a PR so it can be added to Ultimaker's Cura.
  13. Turn on the wall overlap compensation and set the min wall flow to, say, 40 (not really very critical). Hope this helps.
  14. Yes, I make them myself and they are based on Ultimaker's development sources + my own fixes and additions. OK, I'll think about the speed factor. Maybe something based on the tan of the overhang angle would be good?
  15. Hello @Safety_Lucas, thanks for the interesting report. Can you provide more info, please? What range of speeds would you want to use WRT the overhang angle? BTW, my Cura builds also provide a separate fan speed setting for overhanging walls: That feature has already been rejected by the Cura developers so it's only going to be available in my builds (Linux and Windows only, I'm afraid) which can always be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0
  16. Me too! It also has an added benefit when you have a skin that finishes on top of infill as the skin edge can butt up against the infill connections like you see here...
  17. There are no options to control the behaviour apart from the min area of gaps to be filled (gaps smaller than this will be left unfilled). Of course, you still have the normal settings for specifying the line widths for various features: PS - looking at your image, I should think that 10% gyroid infill with the connect lines (zig-zaggify) option enabled would work well.
  18. They have had years to fix it and not done anything and they weren't interested in using the "improvements" that I have made to that code some time back. It seems unlikely that this will get better anytime soon.
  19. Thanks for the files. I believe the stuttering is caused by the model's line segment lengths getting "adjusted" by the overlap compensation and so the line segments end up with widely differing lengths, some very short. TBH, I don't understand how a lot of the compensation code functions as it is not well documented. In the past, I have made some changes and I believe the version I have in my builds is better but it still doesn't behave very well. The current Cura master branch which will form the basis of the next release does make a better job of the cylinder when the line width is exactly 0.8 and the fill gaps between walls feature is disabled. My current build is also OK with a 0.8 line width and there is no need to disable the fill gaps feature. However, increasing the line width so that it is more than 50% of the wall width will cause the bad segmentation to occur again when the overlap compensation is enabled. Sorry, not very good, I know but that's how it is right now.
  20. Thanks for the files. The gcode didn't look bad as I expected and the model is too large for me to slice for my printer. Could you please provide the gcode and model for the cylinder, please?
  21. I think I know what's happening there, could you please provide the gcode that stutters and also the stl file? Thanks.
  22. If I remember right, you don't have to print outer wall first but the way it works is that the first line that gets printed is extruded at the normal width and then subsequent lines that overlap that first line get extruded at a reduced width (or omitted completely if their flow is < the min flow value). So to get the most accurate outline, you need to print the outer wall first. What is your max resolution set to ? Generally, I just use the default values but I note that (a) they have recently introduced a Max Deviation setting and (b) have increased the default value for max resolution. I think (OK, I'm guessing) that the max deviation is now really controlling the accuracy of the print rather than the max resolution. i.e. use longer line segments (up to max resolution) as long as points do not deviate by more than max deviation. Using a coarse resolution makes the slicing quicker and the gcode file smaller but does have the downside of making it even harder to achieve a nice straight z-seam on a curved object. Here's what I mean... Here's a model sliced using the default values for max res and max deviation. I have enabled coasting simply so that it shows the z-seam position more clearly (I never normally use coasting as I think it is detrimental to print quality). Notice the ragged z-seam... If you then change the max res to 0.05 (i.e. ten times finer), you now get a much nicer z-seam... So the lesson there is that using a coarse resolution makes it hard to achieve a nice z-seam on curved objects. PS - don't use the sharpest corner z-seam style, it very rarely works well. Always use a user-defined z-seam (with a small max res!)
  23. It's not very critical, it can be quite large, i.e. 50%. If it is too large, it could introduce gaps into wall lines that would otherwise be complete. No, I nearly always use the overlap compensation and I do not get zits like you are seeing. That's with PLA and PETG using a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.5mm line widths.
  24. Hello @Link, you could try using one of my builds that has had some improvements made to the wall overlap compensation feature. You can find builds for Linux and Windows at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0 I don't claim perfection but it does work better than the Ultimaker version (IMHO). If you are using the overlap compensation, make sure to set a non-zero value for min wall flow so that the thinnest wall lines are removed. Another reason for getting zits is over-retraction. Please check that you are not retracting too much. Finally, make sure to use the no-skin combing mode and set the max comb distance with no retract to something like 10 or 20. Hope this helps.
  25. Thanks, I tried but the walls are too thin for my 0.4mm nozzle.
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