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Everything posted by burtoogle

  1. Hi @phantom, thanks for the files. I found that setting Top Surface Skin Layers to 0 made a big difference. The slice time for my Cura (roughly based on the master branch) dropped from around 260 to 190 seconds. Turning off combing completely didn't make a huge difference. Setting Max Resolution to 0.05 (from 0.01) dropped the time again to 143. Hope this helps.
  2. Hi @Arbitur, thanks for the file. Although that file contains the model, I also need the settings. Please do File -> Save to save the project file that contains both the model and the settings. Thanks.
  3. I'm glad you solved the problem, happy printing!
  4. Hello @Arbitur, could you please attach a project file that shows this problem and I will investigate. Thanks.
  5. OK, well unless you can give me a project file, I can't help. Sorry.
  6. Hello @phantom, please attach the 3.6 project that is slow to slice. Thanks.
  7. Hello @weed_boy126, to help us solve your problem, please be so kind as to save a project file and attach to this thread. Thanks.
  8. Hello @Teemutus, please save the project file from 3.6 and attach to this thread (or create a new thread) so I can check your settings, etc.
  9. Set Max Comb Distance With No Retract to something other than zero. I normally use something like 10 or 20.
  10. Enable Shell -> Optimize Wall Printing Order.
  11. Off topic - I have 2 printers with Duet boards and they work great, don't they?
  12. Hello @Wizzeros. I'm afraid that with the current Cura, that is what you get when you ask it to print thin walls. Arguably, it does not do a good job. By coincidence, I have recently been working on a related part of Cura that fills gaps between walls and I think the technique I have used there could also be used when printing thin walls. Perhaps in the future, Cura will handle this better.
  13. That looks more like infill to me but I'm not sure, @Wizzeros, can you please save that project file and attach to this thread so I can take a look at the settings and model. Thanks.
  14. Sorry, I have no ideas why that isn't working. What system is being used to write the USB stick? Is the USB stick being ejected correctly after the files have been copied to it?
  15. Sorry, I don't have any ideas but let's think about this. If you are not over-retracting and sucking in air then it must be something that is causing the extrusion rate to change. Looking at the gcode there's nothing obvious that's doing that. If you take away the pins and just have the round object do you still get any zits?
  16. How about this... take an existing gyroid stl (there's a bunch on thingiverse) and using a 3d modelling app intersect the hemisphere shape so you end up with a hemisphere gyroid model which can then be printed as normal walls/infill?
  17. I tried setting the Infill Line Multiplier to a value higher than 1 and it did print multiple lines for the infill but, unfortunately, it appears to produce duplicate lines and a lot of weird travel moves so I can't recommend it. Sorry.
  18. Thanks for the file. I think the main problem there is that your extruder/hot end simply can't shift enough hot plastic to be able to print a nice 2.45 mm wide line using a 0.4mm nozzle. To get rid of the straight lines you need to turn off combing completely. Hope this helps.
  19. Thanks for the file, it's the negative horizontal expansion that's doing it. Your profile... Same with horizontal expansion set to 0...
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