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Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


Uh, changing parameters while slicing, even with extremely high poly models (binary stls of 100 ish mb) work fine for me.

The slicing (or the sending) isn't done in python anymore, so the gui really can't become slower due to slicing.


Seriously, why do you have such a hard time understanding that auto-slicing is not something that works for everyone? The only argument I have seen from you is "it works fine for me".

Every other argument I have seen from users saying that they want to be able to disable it is something I have faced too. As soon as you do anything more than "load stil" -> "save/print" it's a big hassle. Today I was playing with some small objects in Cura and there were times when the UI did not respond immediately to my actions.

It can't be rocket science implementing a setting to disable auto-slicing and add a "Slice me now" button. ;)


Get over yourself - if you don't like the way Cura works, use something else. No-one is much interested in your griping about how you don't like a software package you got for free.

Try Simplify3D - by paying for it, you get the rights to harass the developers. Or use Kisslicer. It never gets updated, so there's no point in whining about how it works.

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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

Autoslice. Hate it. But if Ultimaker team needs a good argument to remove it I can give you one. Energy savings! Save the nature, today computers use more energy when processing and less when cpu it's idle. So, let's go green?



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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


Autoslice. Hate it. But if Ultimaker team needs a good argument to remove it I can give you one. Energy savings! Save the nature, today computers use more energy when processing and less when cpu it's idle. So, let's go green?




Indeed. Just like not having a button to turn it off/on

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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

Get over yourself - if you don't like the way Cura works, use something else. No-one is much interested in your griping about how you don't like a software package you got for free.

Try Simplify3D - by paying for it, you get the rights to harass the developers. Or use Kisslicer. It never gets updated, so there's no point in whining about how it works.


Nonsense !

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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

Ignoring the quibbling going on, I'm in favor of a slice button and being able to turn auto slice off.

If I'm on my surface 4 pro, I'm running on battery, and try to reduce its drain as much as possible.

Lets say I'm loading an object and multiplying it 17 times (Yup, I've done this.) I'll have to position each object where I want it, and probably need to fiddle with all of them several imes until I'm happy with the print layout. Cura will be trying to reslice everything every single time I move or rotate anything, and it really wouldn't need to be doing that.

Granted, its been a rare occurrence that I didn't have my surface plugged in, but that has happened and I was actually using Cura at the time to rearrange something I'd downloaded for a friend to dump on his thumb drive.

I've also seen a rare occurrence where it looked like auto slicing was stuck.... having a slice button would let me know for sure that I'd started it, and it should be working properly.

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Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

So now you're saying that if I disable auto slice I will have less warm days to do BBQ? That's not helping ;)


Disabling autoslicing would reduce our health costs.  Small tablets slow down during the slicing process, especially when I have 4 pauses scheduled during the print, maybe a tweak or two at different layer heights, and several objects present on the Cura build plate.   Every minor change I make to object placement causes a reslice   Blood pressure goes up because I have deadlines.  This affects all of our health costs :O Imagine picketers chanting "Go green and keep health clean!"

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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


Uh, changing parameters while slicing, even with extremely high poly models (binary stls of 100 ish mb) work fine for me.

The slicing (or the sending) isn't done in python anymore, so the gui really can't become slower due to slicing.


Seriously, why do you have such a hard time understanding that auto-slicing is not something that works for everyone? The only argument I have seen from you is "it works fine for me".

Every other argument I have seen from users saying that they want to be able to disable it is something I have faced too. As soon as you do anything more than "load stil" -> "save/print" it's a big hassle. Today I was playing with some small objects in Cura and there were times when the UI did not respond immediately to my actions.

It can't be rocket science implementing a setting to disable auto-slicing and add a "Slice me now" button. ;)


Because it solves a ton of problems for new users (eg not the people that actually know how printing works). They have no concept of what slicing is. Automatically doing this solves a lot of problems.

I understand that people don't want this. But if there is one thing I've learned is that the user isn't always right (https://xkcd.com/1172/). The only argument I hear is "But I want this". That's not an argument, that is an opinion.

The UI doesn't slow down due to the auto slicing. If i disable it, it won't speed up. How do I know? Because I tried. Everyone is asking for a solution, but disabling the auto slicing isn't the way to solve it.

All that being said; Everyone claims that everyone wants this. I find that hard to believe, as with all features that people outside of UM contributed, not one of em was aimed at disabling auto slicing for 2.1 ;)


If you have arguments why we should disable auto-slicing, I'll take those into account.

So far I only have: My laptop drains faster, so an power save mode would be nice.

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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


So now you're saying that if I disable auto slice I will have less warm days to do BBQ? That's not helping ;)


Disabling autoslicing would reduce our health costs.  Small tablets slow down during the slicing process, especially when I have 4 pauses scheduled during the print, maybe a tweak or two at different layer heights, and several objects present on the Cura build plate.   Every minor change I make to object placement causes a reslice   Blood pressure goes up because I have deadlines.  This affects all of our health costs :O     Imagine picketers chanting "Go green and keep health clean!"


Post processing is handled only when you save the code. Not after every slice ;)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    The UI doesn't slow down due to the auto slicing. If i disable it, it won't speed up. How do I know? Because I tried.  Everyone is asking for a solution, but disabling the auto slicing isn't the way to solve it.


    Unless your model finishes slicing fast, it will be hard at work doing slicing while you continue to modify settings. Not everyone has as top-of-the-line computer that slices models in no time. I was playing with a model yesterday and after I finished touching settings it took at least one minute for slicing to finish (didn't time it with a clock). And that model was not that complicated.


    Because it solves a ton of problems for new users (eg not the people that actually know how printing works). They have no concept of what slicing is. Automatically doing this solves a lot of problems.


    And I never argued against that. I, and several others, are only arguing that it should be an option to disable auto-slicing. It's not like there are no settings in Cura so adding one would bloat it. Heck, you even have a setting, enabled by default, that auto-scales an object. And if you look away from your screen for a few seconds you will miss the warning that shows that the model was scaled.

    With that said, I will rest my case and will not argue anymore. Apparently I stepped on someone elses toes...although he only bashed me and didn't come with any constructive counter argument. I have presented my arguments now.

    At the end of the day, you are the developer, you make the choices, we have to live with them, good and bad. And true, we could by Simplify 3D...or we could hope that Cura evolves.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    I completely support the idea of a button to disable the auto-slicing. Maybe it could be implemented but not activated, so the I-want-this-feature users would be happy (and so their battery!). :p

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    I think the problem doesn't come from battery/energy consumtion, it doesn't make sens.

    An option "hiden" in parameters for people who don't have a good computer could be a good way(maybe it didn't depend of the computer).

    Also yesterday I got a bug (maybe it's not), Cura was stuck in "preparing to slice..." after loading an object. The object had 250k poly but I don't think it cause the problem. Today it slices it in less than 5 sec. Sometimes it take few minutes, I might do somethink wrong :(

    I was writing something on slicing delay again, but just before posting, I test it and this delay was good today.... :)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    The stuck at slicing is a bug. Manual slicing would not have resolved that as far as I can see. We're working on a fix for this.


    I agree, I don't think manual slicing solve it. It was only for sharing it with you :)

    Any tips to avoid it ? Yesterday it was stuck all day long, close and re-open cura didn't do anything. Today it is ok. I was maybe very unlucky yesterday :/

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


    The stuck at slicing is a bug. Manual slicing would not have resolved that as far as I can see. We're working on a fix for this.


    I agree, I don't think manual slicing solve it. It was only for sharing it with you :)

    Any tips to avoid it ? Yesterday it was stuck all day long,  close and re-open cura didn't do anything. Today it is ok. I was maybe very unlucky yesterday :/


    Install linux ;) It's an issue that only occurs on Windows. Other than that, you will just have to wait until we manage to fix it.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    How do you turn off Brim? In v15.X you could just set it to "None". But in 2.1 there is no such option.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    How do you turn off Brim? In v15.X you could just set it to "None". But in 2.1 there is no such option.



    In plateform adhesion section, select skirt.

    Skirt means that the head print a line around the object you want to print. It does not affect plateform adhesion at all. It is like having no plateform adhesion.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


    How do you turn off Brim? In v15.X you could just set it to "None". But in 2.1 there is no such option.



    In plateform adhesion section, select skirt.

    Skirt means that the head print  a line around the object you want to print. It does not affect plateform adhesion at all. It is like having no plateform adhesion.


    Ok, thanks :) Not so obvious though.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Next question...just for fun I loaded a triangle from a BB-8 project in both 2.1 and 15.04 and boy does the 2.1 version add a LOT of support. And I can't really see the need for all that support...

    The settings in both Cura versions are the same:

    - Support touching build plate

    - Brim enabled



    Why does the new Cura add so much support? And why does it add one of the supports only on the right side? If it decides that it is really a need for support there...why is it not needed on the left side?



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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Next question...just for fun I loaded a triangle from a BB-8 project in both 2.1 and 15.04 and boy does the 2.1 version add a LOT of support. And I can't really see the need for all that support...

    The settings in both Cura versions are the same:

    - Support touching build plate

    - Brim enabled



    Why does the new Cura add so much support? And why does it add one of the supports only on the right side? If it decides that it is really a need for support there...why is it not needed on the left side?


    I may be wrong, but if I remember support overhang default setting in cura 15.04 is 60° (if you didn't change it). I try it in cura 2.1 and it seems to be 50° in this version. If you change this parameter in cura 2.1 to be the same as cura 15.04, you may have the same result.

    I test it now it looks like diffferent. Maybe a bug or another parameter to set right... (there are a lots of parameters in cura 2.1 for support, i hadn't test them all yet :/)

    I guess the slicing process is different in 15.04 and 2.1.

    Here some pictures of my test with cura 2.1 and 15.04.4 with the same stl file (same scale):


    Supports are only needed for overhang. With touching buildplate, cura put supports only between overhang and buildplate. If you change the orientation of the object the support should change. I don't really see what kind of object it is, it is a curve or somethink like that ?

    Also, should we open a thread for people who have problems with cura 2.1? I think this post is more "informativ" and I didn't saw a post that list all feedback (bug/problem/...) It might help dev to find new bugs (or not)...



    Edited by Guest
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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Those that struggle with the idea of auto-slicing may want to try this experimental pause button plugin:


    Disclaimer: it is a hack in more than one way.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    How do you turn off Brim? In v15.X you could just set it to "None". But in 2.1 there is no such option.


    The None option is actually a misnomer in Old Cura. It printed a skirt (which is why we changed that, so it now actually reflects what it does)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!
    I may be wrong, but if I remember support overhang default setting in cura 15.04 is 60° (if you didn't change it). I try it in cura 2.1 and it seems to be 50° in this version. If you change this parameter in cura 2.1 to be the same as cura 15.04, you may have the same result.

    I test it now it looks like diffferent. Maybe a bug or another parameter to set right... (there are a lots of parameters in cura 2.1 for support, i hadn't test them all yet :/)

    I guess the slicing process is different in 15.04 and 2.1.


    You remembered right. I changed the settings in 2.1 to reflect the same as in 15.04. But I still get a ton of support added in 2.1 compared to 15.04.

    I'm sure they rewrote the slicing process. But I can't see any logic in this. And afaik I can't change/remove anything because it is all or nothing. All we can do is play with the settings.

    Here is the output again after I modified the settings in 2.1 to be the same as in 15.04. I didn't look into all the other options that were added in 2.1. They are left as defaults.




    Supports are only needed for overhang. With touching buildplate, cura put supports only between overhang and buildplate. If you change the orientation of the object the support should change. I don't really see what kind of object it is, it is a curve or somethink like that ?


    The object is one third of a triangle needed for the body of the BB-8 droid in Star Wars. So it is part of a sphere with a diameter of ~500 mm. I didn't move the object anything in Cura. This is how it was set when you load the file in Cura. The only thing i'm modifying are the slicer settings.

    And for the support that is only added to the right side...there are some lines on the surface of the object there. But there should be no reason to add support just for them.





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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


    How do you turn off Brim? In v15.X you could just set it to "None". But in 2.1 there is no such option.


    The None option is actually a misnomer in Old Cura. It printed a skirt (which is why we changed that, so it now actually reflects what it does)


    I see that now when I look at what is generated by both versions. But thanks for the clarification :)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Note that if you turn off the brim in simple mode (there's a checkbox for that), what Cura does is setting the adhesion-type to "skirt".

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