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Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


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Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

Have you renamed the name inside the file? Here´s an example for my Colorfabb preset:

Important for you to change is the naming in the "name = " line


version = 1

type = material

name = PLA Colorfabb


material_bed_temperature = 60

material_flow = 107

material_print_temperature = 210

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    drayson, yes I did. just to be sure I understand you have been successful with this change by doing two things

    1. Create new materials file (copy existing)

    2. Change the parameter "name" in the [general] section.

    If so then I guess I will try a complete uninstall and re-install.


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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Yes, that´s what I did. As it is in the program directory, it might be an issue to safe the modified file there directly - I used notepad++ and got the message that I need admin previleges :-)

    If you get this too, just safe it to another place and move/copy them into the right folder...

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Some feedback:

    With a simple 3.8MB mesh It was stuck at "preparing to slice.."

    using the default "high quality" setting with skin rotation and fuzzy skin added.

    So the one job it has "slicing" doesn't work.

    I'm really missing

    * after loading a first object, to zoom the view to fit it into the screen

    (I often have objects scaled in 1=1m or 1=1" that are terribly, terribly tiny when loaded in a 1=1mm scale. Tiny enough that I can't select them with the mouse without being able to draw a box to select objects.)

    * quickly rotate in 90° steps or by entering a rotation angle

    (I often have very large meshes where interactive, graphical controls are terrible due to reaction times in the magnitude of multiple minutes)

    * turn off slicing until I'm done positoning and scaling

    (don't waste even more CPU cycles when I'm still waiting for a rotate operation to be performed)

    I just loaded an object, rotated it and now the scale setting shows:

    [X] uniform scaling

    scale X: 100%

    scale Y: 70.7%

    scale Z: 195.%

    how is that even possible? I didn't scale anything and I certainly never touched the uniform-scaling checkbox to end up with such values.

    (Sorry, this forum software doesn't allow me to attach a screenshot to this posting without hosting it somewhere else first.)

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!



    when saving gcode files the directory is not remembered I always get my home directory and have to navigate to where I store the gcode files every time. really really annoying. It works fine for opening files that one remembers where I was last time but not the save to file.


    I agree. But we also got a lot of feedback that remembering was annoying. In the end the axe came down to using home folder.


    So moving to a directory that we are about 100% sure is the wrong one is the selected solution.  I think this is a very bad decision nobody stores gcode files in the home directory directly .



    That was breaking my workflow with the old Cura and it will keep breaking it.

    I was going to suggest to at least default to the directory where the last loaded STL file came from (sadly it still doesn't support STEP for perfect circles) but I guess that decision is already final. :/

    Where exactly do I need to hack the source code to get rid of this anoyance?

    Apart from huge issues with large meshes, this is the one thing that annoys me every single day.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    The UI doesn't slow down due to the auto slicing. If i disable it, it won't speed up. How do I know? Because I tried.  Everyone is asking for a solution, but disabling the auto slicing isn't the way to solve it.



    Thanks for that insight.

    Do the UI controls now react to user input while it's busy rendering?

    In the 15.04.5 I always had to hold my touchpad perfectly still until the lines of a rotate would apear or wait for 2-6 minutes to enter the next digit into the scale input dialog when a mesh >200MB is loaded.

    (Such meshes are sadly needed with the resolution an UM2 extended is capable of and without having support for any file format that doesn't store circles as polygons.)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Is there a way to input material costs like in the previous cura version?

    If not, I'd suggest a material database (maybe a dropdown in the simple setup section) to choose which material you're using.

    a) for easier cost calculation (not every material costs the same)

    b) for some fool-proof settings, like disabling cooling fans for ABS and adding the new draft shield (great option by the way, I have yet to try it but in theory it sounds great)

    I know I could set up a profile for each material, but then I'd have to setup multiple profiles for each material with different print qualities and it would just get out of hand.

    Simple background, we're going to charge users by printed length of material, so some sort of material database could allow us to share the database between computers, disable out-of-stock materials and set a different price for each material.

    I guess we could create a plugin too, but I don't think we're the only ones dealing with this kind of thing.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


    when saving gcode files the directory is not remembered I always get my home directory and have to navigate to where I store the gcode files every time. really really annoying. It works fine for opening files that one remembers where I was last time but not the save to file.


    I agree. But we also got a lot of feedback that remembering was annoying. In the end the axe came down to using home folder.


    @Nallath, would you mind telling where you got that feedback from? On Github? Here on the forum? Can it be read publicly?

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Here are 2 more requests:

    A) Can you make the autoarrange optional? i often have some parts arranged by hand then load another part which appears in the middle of the other parts and my manual arrangement is destroyed. also if the buildplate is densely filled and you move one part a bit too far so that it collides slightly, this autoarrange can make a whole bunch of perfectly placed parts wander of the buildplate. then you have to be quick enough to remove one part in the way to stop the procession.

    B) same for automatic camera. when selecting a different part not only does the camera focus on that part, it also adjusts tilt. if you are on a top down view to arrange parts closely, you touch this part, then that part, then this part again. each time you have to spin the camera to look down again.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    With a simple 3.8MB mesh It was stuck at "preparing to slice.."

    using the default "high quality" setting with skin rotation and fuzzy skin added.

    So the one job it has "slicing" doesn't work.


    It's a freakingly annoying bug (windows only) that's caused by a race condition. For those of you that know a bit about coding; these are the most annoying kind of issues. We thought we fixed it. Tested it on multiple machines, only to find out some systems still had it. This will be fixed for the full 2.1 release!


    * after loading a first object, to zoom the view to fit it into the screen

    (I often have objects scaled in 1=1m or 1=1" that are terribly, terribly tiny when loaded in a 1=1mm scale. Tiny enough that I can't select them with the mouse without being able to draw a box to select objects.)


    We discussed this on GitHub; I'd like to have an option for that, but there are bigger fish out there.


    * quickly rotate in 90° steps or by entering a rotation angle

    (I often have very large meshes where interactive, graphical controls are terrible due to reaction times in the magnitude of multiple minutes)




    * turn off slicing until I'm done positoning and scaling

    (don't waste even more CPU cycles when I'm still waiting for a rotate operation to be performed)


    If you are still rotating it shouldn't re-slice. Once you release a tool it starts doing its thing.


    I just loaded an object, rotated it and now the scale setting shows:

    [X] uniform scaling

    scale X: 100%

    scale Y: 70.7%

    scale Z: 195.%

    how is that even possible? I didn't scale anything and I certainly never touched the uniform-scaling checkbox to end up with such values.


    Because scale is vs world scale (not local)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Do the UI controls now react to user input while it's busy rendering?

    In the 15.04.5 I always had to hold my touchpad perfectly still until the lines of a rotate would apear or wait for 2-6 minutes to enter the next digit into the scale input dialog when a mesh >200MB is loaded.


    It should, yeah.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    @Nallath, would you mind telling where you got that feedback from? On Github? Here on the forum? Can it be read publicly?


    To be honest; I have no idea. We have multiple sources of information. Part of those are direct email, part of those are talking to people, parts of those are multiple forums (and "closed" beta).

    I don't have any idea where we got that feedback as it's also not just one person that recieves / gives it. Sorry (It's not that I don't want to give you this, I honestly don't know where it came from anymore. Last few weeks have been rather intense.)

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Here are 2 more requests:

    A) Can you make the autoarrange optional? i often have some parts arranged by hand then load another part which appears in the  middle of the other parts and my manual arrangement is destroyed. also if the buildplate is densely filled and you move one part a bit too far so that it collides slightly, this autoarrange can make a whole bunch of perfectly placed parts wander of the buildplate. then you have to be quick enough to remove one part in the way to stop the procession.

    B) same for automatic camera. when selecting a different part not only does the camera focus on that part, it also adjusts tilt. if you are on a top down view to arrange parts closely, you touch this part, then that part, then this part again. each time you have to spin the camera to look down again.


    I love these kind of requests, because you want things that are in there :D

    Settings->Preferences->General->Scale large files

    Settings->Preferences->View->centre camera

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    oups! I will have a look tonight :) thanks!

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!


    With a simple 3.8MB mesh It was stuck at "preparing to slice.."

    using the default "high quality" setting with skin rotation and fuzzy skin added.

    So the one job it has "slicing" doesn't work.


    It's a freakingly annoying bug (windows only) that's caused by a race condition. For those of you that know a bit about coding; these are the most annoying kind of issues. We thought we fixed it. Tested it on multiple machines, only to find out some systems still had it. This will be fixed for the full 2.1 release!


    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a MacOS machine and no Window.

    So if you fixed a Window Only error, it's not the same issue or your bug has a different cause then you thought it had



    I just loaded an object, rotated it and now the scale setting shows:

    [X] uniform scaling

    scale X: 100%

    scale Y: 70.7%

    scale Z: 195.%

    how is that even possible? I didn't scale anything and I certainly never touched the uniform-scaling checkbox to end up with such values.


    Because scale is vs world scale (not local)


    So it compares the new dimensions after the rotate to the original bounding box while its should show the parameters to a rotate operation that is applied independently of a rotates operation?

    Very confusing to users.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a MacOS machine and no Window.

    So if you fixed a Window Only error, it's not the same issue or your bug has a different cause then you thought it had


    Don't worry, our bubbles are busted so frequently that we hardly notice it anymore ;-)

    The issue that was fixed was timing related; things are/were happening in different threads, and sometimes the order in which things finished was unexpected. This happened mostly on Windows, but there is/was no reason why it could not happen on OSX too. So we have hopes that the fix for the issue we saw on Windows also fixed the same issue on OSX. But like our bubbles bursting, our hopes have a tendency of shattering. Especially when it comes to bugs like this. Fingers crossed...

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Is there a way to input material costs like in the previous cura version?



    there is a plugin available for 15.06. written by @nallath which displays cost, but I have no idea if it is also supported in CURA 2.1.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    It should still work. Don't think we changed anything that would break that plugin.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    I'm really liking the beta but i have a lot of oozing and the retraction doesn't seem to be working at all.  I've messed with the retraction settings and held the filament between my fingers during printing and it never retracts, I've made sure retraction is enabled.  Back to the previous version for now.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    I just noticed cut off bottom(mm) (freely translated from my German Cura 15.04.5) go in Cura 2.1-beta?

    I just wanted to try some of the new things I discovered with a larger model that requires this as the designer didn't manage to make the base perfectly flat.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Instead of a "cut off bottom" setting you can push down the object into the buildplate. Not as precise, but it works. In 2.2 you will be able to enter how far the object is pushed into the buildplate.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Instead of a "cut off bottom" setting you can push down the object into the buildplate. Not as precise, but it works. In 2.2 you will be able to enter how far the object is pushed into the buildplate.


    you means with the TouchPad?

    is there a way to get an orthogonal view from the side to do that?

    I would have to check the height in the resize tab to see that I'm cutting off exactly 1.6mm from a 200MB mesh that takes ages each time it needed to be reentered.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Instead of a "cut off bottom" setting you can push down the object into the buildplate. Not as precise, but it works. In 2.2 you will be able to enter how far the object is pushed into the buildplate.


    That sounds great as a perspective for 2.2 as the manual sink-into-platform is crude at best.

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    Posted · Cura 2.1 open beta has been released!

    Yes, that´s what I did. As it is in the program directory, it might be an issue to safe the modified file there directly - I used notepad++ and got the message that I need admin previleges :-)

    If you get this too, just safe it to another place and move/copy them into the right folder...


    I also use notepad++ and I had to change the default privileges so I could save but that still did not make the new material visible in the dropdown. However I got this advice that did work and there was an implication that different machines have different ways of doing it. Regardless this worked for me.


    If you just want add a material for normal quality, 0.4mm nozzle, take the file .../resources/profiles/ultimaker2+/pla_0.4_normal.curaprofile and copy it to your cura profile folder "profiles" directory. Edit the file in a text-editor and change the line that says "material = PLA". Then start Cura. That should get you started.
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