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Cura 2.3 Beta is here!


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Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

I'm loving the direction Cura is heading in.

Just a few things I would like.

If you have settings hidden in the feature tree then the ones shown should trump what's hidden. Eg. Speed, if you have only print and travel speed shown then infill, shells etc should be same as you set print speed.

I like to adjust top bottom layers but number of layers not by distance but I like to have the distance shown just so I can see how thick it will be. But if I change the amount of layers, the distance won't change, then I don't know which one it will actually use.

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Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

But if I change the amount of layers, the distance won't change, then I don't know which one it will actually use.

The "deepest" setting is the correct one. If the deepest setting still has it's function (which tends to use the value of the parent), it's updated automatically. If you override it with a fixed value, changing the parent won't do anything for that setting. If all children of a setting are visible and overriden, the parent setting also becomes disabled to indicate that changing it does nothing.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I post here once my detected error for Beta 2.3 for dual print with UM2:


    1. UltiGCode changing nozzles missing the G10 S1
    2. In RepRap Gcode first nozzle change error
      G1 F1200.000 E-1.84515G92 E0T1G92 E0M109 S180.00000G1 F2100.00000 E-5.00000M106 S51.00000G0 F3200.00000 X125.372 Y99.214 Z0.200G0 X125.581 Y99.484

      Change where I have to make by hand in gcode:

      G1 F1200.000 E-1.84515G92 E0T1G92 E-20.0M109 S180.00000G1 F2100.00000 E-5.00000M106 S51.00000G0 F3200.00000 X125.372 Y99.214 Z0.200G0 X125.581 Y99.484


    3. The positions of wiping the tower are not updated after changing the turret position. (Wipe Nozzle on Primee Tower)
    4. Many unnecessary rapid movements.


    Good work Ultimaker:)


    Edited by Guest
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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    But if I change the amount of layers, the distance won't change, then I don't know which one it will actually use.

    The "deepest" setting is the correct one. If the deepest setting still has it's function (which tends to use the value of the parent), it's updated automatically. If you override it with a fixed value, changing the parent won't do anything for that setting. If all children of a setting are visible and overriden, the parent setting also becomes disabled to indicate that changing it does nothing.

    This is hard to understand wherever contradicting settings overlap. It would be good if you could somehow indicate which setting is in control more clearly. Maybe its more of an issue with the intuitive interpretation of the settings by the user...

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    Have loaded 2.1.3 on window 10 - 64 bit laptop and it works fine.

    Installed 2.3 beta to try but it hang at Preparing to slice.

    Was using Cura 15.04.6 on same laptop before.

    Printer is Ultimaker 2

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I was getting some hanging too. I closed the program and opened it again...loaded my STL and it sliced fine the second time around

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    cura 2.3 beta has a smaller build area that 2.1. UM2

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    Hello! Like Charles 320 above me, I am using a Printrbot Simple. Up until I downloaded 2.3 I was using the Pronterface from Cura 15.04.06 to much succes. Is there a chance that it will be showing itself again in this verison of the build? It really would make at least a few lives a lot easier.


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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    Is there a chance that it will be showing itself again in this verison of the build? It really would make at least a few lives a lot easier.


    This build won't get new features. Future release will, but a better usb printing interface won't be built by us. I've tried to get in contact with PrinterBot if they wanted to help adding features for their machines in Cura, but they declined.

    Aleph objects (lulzbot) is working on improving the USB printing, but they obviously will focus on their machines, so this is no guarantee that it will work for printrbot.

    If anyone feels like improving this, i'm willing to give them pointers / answer questions on where to start.

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I've been 2.3b since it was available and it generally works great compared to 2.1, however a few problems I've noticed. (some of which are in 2.1 and 15 as well).

    Layer view speed - Much faster most of the time, however with fairly complex models it seems to be both very slow at the 'processing layers' step AND that particular step seems to run on/block the main thread/run loop. For a model I've been working on for a few weeks which originates in openscad it can take upwards of 30s for that layer view step while nothing else I use takes that long to visualize either the stl or the finished gcode. The gcode ends up around 9MB for that and works fine.

    Settings saving - Seems to work far better than before but confusingly 'loses' some settings when you save to a _new_ profile. Perhaps because it doesn't save material settings with the profile settings those settings get reset?

    Concentric infill - It's really easy to generate a degenerate concentric infill where there's an inverted unsupported cone in the middle of the infill. I would love to be able to use concentric more frequently for transparent/translucent filaments... But I often cannot because of this problem.

    Double walls - There still seems to be a problem where sometimes you have to fudge your wall sizes a lot to get cura to actually fill in your walls when not on the top or bottom skins. It seems like in most cases like this, it should be either generating the outer walls and then a single inner wall between them, OR putting a little bit of (100%) infill there. Instead neither thing happens and it just ends up hollow.

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    > Layer view speed

    Could you post the model somewhere so we can see if we can reproduce this?

    > Settings saving

    This was fixed last thursday. The fix will be part of the final Cura 2.3

    > Concentric infill

    Concentric infill is a feature that is just not going to work for all types of models. It is up to the user to decide on the best infill pattern for the model.

    > Double walls

    Do you have an example/screenshot of this?

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!


    Today I download the Cura 2.3.0 BETA. But during installation in Win10-64 it shows v2.1.99.

    After open Cura in menu it shows "Cura 2.1.99-master.20160930" ?

    When I try to connect to my DIY Prusa i3 with GT2560 Board with FW Marlin 1.1 RC7, Cura don't give me the option to print via USB, but only to save the file.

    If I download the same firmware to an original Arduino Mega2560, Cura detect this board and shows me the option "Print via USB".

    In both cases I use Arduino IDE 1.6.12 to download the firmware. On the GT2560 the chipset is FTDI.

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    >> Layer view speed

    > Could you post the model somewhere so we can see if we can reproduce this?

    Sure, could I possibly send you a link or the file privately somehow? It's a model that I consider to be private since I'm considering eventually having it molded and produced. Here's a screenshot of it with main thread locked on 'processing layers'. Mouse cursor was beach ball the whole time. Progress advances in giant steps, but tends to get stuck at 100% for a long time.


    >> Settings saving

    >This was fixed last thursday. The fix will be part of the final Cura 2.3


    >> Concentric infill

    > Concentric infill is a feature that is just not going to work for all types of models. It is up to the user to decide on the best infill pattern for the model.


    >> Double walls

    >Do you have an example/screenshot of this?

    Sure, here is a screenshot. In this particular case if you do up the infill to 100% it fills in the void. However there seems to be no way to make it do infill at all below 100% other than reduce wall width. The problem is that for some models with thin structures in some places and thick structures elsewhere you might not actually want to run 100% infill everywhere. Not super sure what the solution would be... option for: 'dashed line infill for infill < 2 nozzle widths' ?




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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I've noticed a problem which I can't recall whether 15 or 2.1 had. I've been printing a lot of petg recently and adhesion has been 'difficult' to say the least. Thus I've been using brims a lot more frequently.

    When I print with a brim, it makes all the right lines, but it doesn't seem to be doing them in an order in which the brim would be of the most help.

    1. It makes the brim lines.

    2. It skips inwards to the outermost inner wall and puts that line down

    3. It finishes up the other walls.

    Thus the first wall (which is the one I really need to adhere so it doesn't detach and destroy the rest of the piece) does not even benefit from the brim!.

    I sort of understand this behavior in that it helps at higher layers with overhangs but it doesn't SEEM to make that much sense to me on the initial layer. Is there some way of turning that off on the initial layer?

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I found another interesting bug today. For some time I've been confused as to why cura 2.3b is producing a Z20.2 unit move right after the start gcode and before the skirt starts.

    The 0.2 part of it was particularly suspicious since that matches various settings I have and 20.2 is a weird number to arrive at.

    I have retraction enabled and z-hop when retracted enabled with a 0.2mm z-hop. When that is on I end up with this gcode (among others) between start and skirt :


    ;LAYER:0M106 S127.500000G1 F1500.000000 E-3.00000G1 Z20.200G0 F900.000 X28.472 Y28.838 Z0.500;TYPE:SKIRT


    Notice the G1 Z20.200 part.

    When I disable z-hop that line is omitted:


    ;LAYER:0M106 S127.500000G1 F1500.000000 E-3.00000G0 F900.00000 X28.472 Y28.838 Z0.300;TYPE:SKIRT


    I'm really not sure where it's getting the 20 from though...

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    Just downloaded Cura 2.3 beta, when installing it reported it was installing Cura 2.1

    Installed ok but will not start, shown the Curo loading window Version 2.1.99

    then stops, Cura will not start.

    using windows 10 x64, printer Ultimaker 2


    Edited by Guest
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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    did you uninstall any previous 2.X versions of cura?

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    The v2.1.99 is the result of a bad build that was supposed to get pushed live. They commented on that in a different thread. I'm also having issues with infill and have yet to get a response.... I've switched to Slic3r for the time being as this results in unusable prints.


    Just downloaded Cura 2.3 beta, when installing it reported it was installing Cura 2.1

    Installed ok but will not start, shown the Curo loading window Version 2.1.99

    then stops, Cura will not start.

    using windows 10 x64, printer Ultimaker 2



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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    I would say 2.3 is a real improvement, even complicated structures are sliced well and the advanced settings are really great and everything is running nice and fast.

    3 Questions:

    1 - Where can machine specific defaults like max Acceleration / Jerk be set?

        Currently it defaults to 5000 so it has to be checked in each profile.

    2 - Is there a default routine for filament changes with one Extruder?

        So if for  example I want to change filament at layer 45 - how can I embed a

        filament change procedure? Excpet manually in the gcode file, well ;)

    3 - With some materials and models I need to increase the flow rate for bottom layers

        to avoid a stringy surface, especially using flex material. Currently I do this

        manually, but ideally cura would provide such a setting as well as line width for

        top/bottom/wall etc. Increasing line width would issue the slicer to draw less lines,

        wouldnt it?

    Greetz and thumbs up!

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    Posted · Cura 2.3 Beta is here!

    1 - Where can machine specific defaults like max Acceleration / Jerk be set?

        Currently it defaults to 5000 so it has to be checked in each profile.


    Profile is the place to put it. If you have a custom machine, you can put it in the machine definition .json files.


    2 - Is there a default routine for filament changes with one Extruder?

        So if for  example I want to change filament at layer 45 - how can I embed a

        filament change procedure? Excpet manually in the gcode file, well ;)



    Use the pause at Height plugin.


    3 - With some materials and models I need to increase the flow rate for bottom layers

        to avoid a stringy surface, especially using flex material. Currently I do this

        manually, but ideally cura would provide such a setting as well as line width for

        top/bottom/wall etc. Increasing line width would issue the slicer to draw less lines,

        wouldnt it?


    Line width would make the slicer draw less lines. Another option is to increase the initial layer height, without changing the calibration. This makes the extruder push out more fillament, without it having to actually fill it (ensuring that all bottom lines are really squashed together). This has the downside of creating "elephant foot"

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