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Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


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Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

Hi Daid

Love the way the new cura is so speedy, though just seem to have one issue not sure why but when I have prints i wish to spilt cura stops responding.

I'm on windows 8.1 64bit don't seem to have any other major bugs I have to end up restarting cura and trying again but happens every time.

I have tried on different prints to make sure it was not just that file but again comes up at the top (not responding) and I just get the blue wheel logo going around.

any idea.

PS. keep up the great work.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi, Daid.

    I have just finished a new PC build based on Windows 7 64-bit. So, I don't know how much of what I've experienced is due to the new PC.

    When I go into the Start/End Gcode tabs to set things up for my Rostock MAX (Rambo 1.1) the text editor quickly slows and then freezes. This occurs as I attempt to edit what is already there and add new text.

    As I said, I don't know if this is attributable to my new PC/Windows 7 64-bit or if it is, indeed, a Cura 14.02_RC[n] issue.

    Thanks so much!



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi, trying to find how I can manually extrude. (configured the pronterface in the printing window type)

    Using RC5. Jakob


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    Thanks for all your hard work. Tried RC5 last night, because of the option to load a picture.

    Upon loading I had to type in my settings, tried to set to 180 mm width. I found out when typing, the numbers are displayed in the reverse order. so to get something at 80 mm wide, I have to type 08 to get the number 80....

    Regards, Kees


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    I was testing RC5 version with Windows 8.1 to print with my reprap, but 14.02 RC5 does not recognize my printer and "Print with USB" does not show up at all. I tried it with RepRap, Printrbot+ and other settings too. It works well with 14.01, what I have been using little while already.

    Is it possible to add to Cura serial commands to pause, resume and stop it remotely from the printer side. Issue is that when I need to adjust or tweak the printer I need first to go to PC to stop Cura, walk back to printer to do what needs to be done and then back to PC to resume printing, come back to printer to see is everything OK and if not, then same thing all over again. This is such a hustle that I don't believe that I'm only one who has this same issue.

    Commands can be just "StopCura","ResumeCura" and "PauseCura" or what ever you think is the best. It's easy to add those control commands to the Marlin.

    Other improvement what can be useful is to let printer to know when user has paused, resumed or stopped Cura from the PC side. With this info printer can park it's extruder to certain location, do homing, shut power off or what ever is needed.

    Thank You for your great work with Cura,



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Win7 64bit. Nvidia GTX480TI (334.89 drivers) OpenScad

    I found some differences between Cura 14.02 and 14.01 for the same .stl file.

    Cura 14.02 displays 198 layers

    Cura14 02 C


    Cura 14.01 displays 199 layers


    Cura14 01 C


    Cura 14.02 uppermost layer not displaying correctly


    Cura14 02b C


    Cura 14.01 uppermost layer displaying correctly but holes missing


    Cura14 01b C


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    It appears that cool head lift doesn't do an un-retraction after the last layer of a part. This appears to be the case whether there is just one part in the print, or if it's a multi-part print. This results in the next part having nearly non-existent extrusion until it has extruded enough filament to make up for the lack of un-retraction. I have had to use cool head lift to prevent organic shapes with fairly flat but curved tops from getting all gooey and melty.

    On a side note, why not do a cool head shift rather than lift? Whenever the extruder does a lift for me I get a long string or thread going up in the air (including at the end of each and every part). Then the head comes back to do the next layer and pushes that first string around, and then adds another one when it lifts again. This leaves a bit of a mess that doesn't clean up so well. By contrast, when the head leaves the side of a print it doesn't leave a big string. There is usually a tiny bit of filament on the tip that oozes out despite the retraction, but if the head comes back to start the next layer from the same direction and location that it did the time before, these little bits of plastic glob together into a single fiber that juts out to the side away from the model, and this single fiber comes off with a brush of the fingernail.

    Hope that made sense.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Yes, I'd second just having the head move in x-y for cool head 'lift' and not in z: if you move in z as well then you run into the issues of combining accelerations across all the axes, and the move happens much slower than it would in just the horizontal plane. Typically this feature is only used when there's a very small print area under the head, so it shouldn't be too hard to find an available space on the print plane to sit and wait.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hello, when cura 14. will be stable for final download?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Unusual speed change.

    I print test model at 0.06. 10-20 layers after, speed drops down to 30% or so.

    Why is that ?

    Why cant it print at steady speed ?

    Its printing CURA robot and just starting to print feet at 10% fill @ 50mm/s

    Then out of nowhere speed picks up.

    Why is that ?

    Is this a bug or a speed changer of some sort ?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Unusual speed change.

    I print test model at 0.06. 10-20 layers after, speed drops down to 30% or so.

    Why is that ?

    Why cant it print at steady speed ?

    Its printing CURA robot and just starting to print feet at 10% fill @ 50mm/s

    Then out of nowhere speed picks up.

    Why is that ?

    Is this a bug or a speed changer of some sort ?


    Most probably it's a feature. I guess your print is small. If your nominal speed does not match the minimum layer time set in Cura, print speed is reduced to match the minimum layer time. But you can also set a minimum velocity. See the 'Cool' sections in both the advanced and the expert settings in Cura.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    It was set to 10 default, i changed it to 30.


    Yes, print is small.

    What i dont understand is why would it do so at some random point. Nothing has changed before that point and after, but somehow it decided to change.

    How many layers does it take for it to find that there is no match with speed and time it took to print layer ?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    The change is instantly. I use http://gcode.ws for checking print speeds on individual layers.

    Sometimes a speed change is not completely obvious. It can e.g. be due to a different acceleration situation which needs more or less time than the layer before... a radical change is from solid infill of the bottom closed layers to the infill with less than 100%.

    If you have your fan(s) on 100%, a layer time of 5-7 seconds is usually sufficient if you print PLA.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Win7 64bit. Nvidia GTX480TI (334.89 drivers) OpenScad

    I found some differences between Cura 14.02 and 14.01 for the same .stl file.

    Cura 14.02 displays 198 layers

    Cura 14.01 displays 199 layers


    Cura 14.02 uppermost layer not displaying correctly


    Cura 14.01 uppermost layer displaying correctly but holes missing


    Cura 14.01 had 2 bigs, where the inner holes on high polygon models sometimes went missing. It also has a long standing bug where the initial layer height was used a bit incorrectly causing the models to be 1 layer higher then they should. So the 198 layers is correct, while the 199 was a bug.

    The viewing problems is a change to speed up the rendering. I know it can be a bit confusing, but if you scroll down trough the layers the infill will show.

    The stable download is hold back by an annoying bug. Sometimes the print is way off the platform. But it seems to happen totally random, and I have not found the cause yet...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I was thinking of something the other day that was bothering me, and I think it ought to be fairly easy to address. When doing a brim/skirt (mainly skirt), I would think that eliminating the skirt on inner islands would be ideal. Brim you may or may not want it, so perhaps having it as an option would be beneficial, but as skirts/brims don't seem to utilize retraction, I would say that inner skirts in particular are actually counterproductive to the priming effect and can have a negative impact on first layer print quality if they are oozing across an area of the print. Thoughts?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Oh yes, I support this... inner islands of the skirt are horrible when printing parts with smaller holes in it but I like skirts for priming therfore swich off is no "real" solution...


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    another bug....

    cura dont load completly ,models that are stored in google drive, i see it in the preview windows but it dont slice it.

    if the same model, i move to desktop, cura slices it.



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    I was thinking of something the other day that was bothering me, and I think it ought to be fairly easy to address. When doing a brim/skirt (mainly skirt), I would think that eliminating the skirt on inner islands would be ideal. Brim you may or may not want it, so perhaps having it as an option would be beneficial, but as skirts/brims don't seem to utilize retraction, I would say that inner skirts in particular are actually counterproductive to the priming effect and can have a negative impact on first layer print quality if they are oozing across an area of the print. Thoughts?


    Inner skirt lines are no long put down in the latest RC6, and when using brim they are put down when they are still big enough, always leaving a hole.

    I did put up an RC6, which also fixes retraction-settings-saving on the UM2 firmware.

    But there is still a bug in there which causes the slicing to fail because something internally went wrong. Still working on this bug (it's the bug that cause a 500milion position offset. The RC6 detects this case and aborts. Which is slightly less troublesome as it does not try to destroy your printer. But still not what you would want)

    Neoxm3, was this with RC5? You might have some path bug? What's the full path name of the file?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Daid, complements for your great effort!

    Unfortunately, the result is the same as for posts #60 and #113.

    The gcode-files show lots of changes in (F-)X-Y-E-line for the last digits for E.

    The output.txt file shows lots of information, mostly parts of gcode.

    But, layer-view is still a problem!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Daid, complements for your great effort!

    Unfortunately, the result is the same as for posts #60 and #113.

    The gcode-files show lots of changes in (F-)X-Y-E-line for the last digits for E.

    The output.txt file shows lots of information, mostly parts of gcode.

    But, layer-view is still a problem!


    Any firewall or virus scanner software running?

    I think I just found the bug which has been causing a lot of headache for me the last few days. (The object way off the platform problem)


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Is it a bug or a feature that I get the 'print via USB' button in Cura 14.03RC6 instead of the 'save file' button when my UM1 is not connected to the computer?


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.


    I wanted to install the 14.03-RC6 Firmware because of the fix regarding Retraction Settings.

    Everytime I try it, my UM2 restarts while the window says "Uploading firmware...". When ist back online it says "Failed to write firmware. 'Timeout'".

    Is this a bug in the RC6 Verison of Cura or am I doing somthing wrong?



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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Any firewall or virus scanner software running?


    I have AVG running as firewall/virusscanner.

    Versions 13.06, 13.10, 13.11.2 and 14.01 did not have this problem, so I do not expect this to be the cause / problem.


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    installed R6 and tested the support structures - it seems that there is still a bug in the X/Y distance setting.

    Setting it to 0,7mm (default) gives nearly no support so printing mid air is the result.

    Setting it to 1.0 or more, it gives a good value and no mid-air printing.

    Here the screenshots:

    support 0.7

    support 1.0


    I can remember that such behavior was also reported a while ago (but not sure if in this thread or related to this release).

    Nevertheless, thank you for your great work !!


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    Posted · Bring me your bugs! Cura 14.02-RC2 ready for testing.

    Hi Daid,

    installed R6 and tested the support structures - it seems that there is still a bug in the X/Y distance setting.

    Setting it to 0,7mm (default) gives nearly no support so printing mid air is the result.

    Setting it to 1.0 or more, it gives a good value and no mid-air printing.

    Here the screenshots:




    I can remember that such behavior was also reported a while ago (but not sure if in this thread or related to this release).

    Nevertheless, thank you for your great work !!


    The XY distance effects a lot more internally then you think. Causing the effect you see. But the general consensuses is that support material in Cura sucks right now.


    I have AVG running as firewall/virusscanner.

    Versions 13.06, 13.10, 13.11.2 and 14.01 did not have this problem, so I do not expect this to be the cause / problem.


    14.02 changes how the engine and gui communicate, so firewalls or virus scanners could be related.


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