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Posted · More information during print


BTW, when you select Pause from menu 1, it immediately retracts to the corner, before giving you any choice of abort or not - no chance to change your mind if you click Pause by accident.


You're right, but AFAIK this is intentional, isn't it? The pause function never had a security question.

It's just the same behavior as in the stock version. I guess you have a suggestion for a change request...? ;)


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    Posted · More information during print

    Yes - I'd change it so Pause and Abort are a click away from the main screen, as they were pre-15.10. This was not a well-thought-out change by Ultimaker, IMHO.


    Hey, you're an expert and an Ultimaker veteran... you would never press the wrong button, would you...? ;)

    To be honest, i personally like the "one-click-approach", but i agree that there are probably other possibilities that are even better...

    What about a simple intermediate step? You press pause, and first a new menu with the following options will appear:

    "PAUSE", "ABORT" and "OOPS-back to previous". "PAUSE" is pre-selected - so a direct second click pauses the print, but you can also select another option.

    What do you mean?

    BTW: I remember that rigs had suggested something similar recently, but i cannot find it at the moment...


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    Posted · More information during print

    What about a simple intermediate step? You press pause, and first a new menu with the following options will appear:

    "PAUSE", "ABORT" and "OOPS-back to previous". "PAUSE" is pre-selected - so a direct second click pauses the print, but you can also select another option.


    That's exactly how I'd do it, and how I'd expect the menu that now appears on Pause to work - less error-prone.


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    Posted · More information during print

    That's exactly how I'd do it, and how I'd expect the menu that now appears on Pause to work - less error-prone.


    Ok, and now it's exactly how i did it...(hopefully) :)

    I've just uploaded the Tinker_V15.02-RC1

    The changes since V15.01 are:


    • a slightly modified menu "Move material" (in geek mode)

    • an additional "intermediate menu" for pause / abort printing

    Um2 geek printing 17

    As always: please keep in mind, that it is not yet tested by others than me... just give it a try....

    ...and have fun!


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    Posted · More information during print


    i realy like using your firmware. I need to change the start head position by a cm as im using a custom head. Can you point me in the direction whats the easiest way to make this modification?

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    Posted · More information during print


    i realy like using your firmware. I need to change the start head position by a cm as im using a custom head. Can you point me in the direction whats the easiest way to make this modification?

    The easiest way... depends on the direction of the needed offset... ;)

    If your new position is inside the (hardcoded) min/max values (0 - 230) you can probably set a homeing offset with a M206 command - and store it with M500.

    Elsewise you have to change these limits in the Configure.h and compile your own firmware variant first

    (also negative values are allowed).

    #define X_MAX_POS 230
    #define X_MIN_POS 0
    #define Y_MAX_POS 230
    #define Y_MIN_POS 0

    But wait a minute... i just took a look at your gallery.

    I guess you just lose a few millimeter of the "reachable" printing area, or do you have modified the position of the endstops too?

    Wouldn't it be sufficient to change the buildarea in the slicer? I'm afraid, i missed something...?

    Edit: finally i found the source of your question... nice project :)


    When starting a print the head bumps into the front, I'll shave a few mm of the design, and if this does not help I'm afraid I need some help in altering the start position in firmware (im using tinkergnomes version)


    When leveling the bed the head is almost touching the right wall, same solution as above.


    The "HEATUP_POSITION" is only 5mm away from the front and the same applies to "BED_RIGHT_ADJUST_X"

    Setting a homeing offset would solve this problems - but leads to others. You could not use the coordinates between zero and your offset and i see no way to teach the slider this circumstance...

    As a conclusion - you have to modify these positions in the firmware ;)

    (yes - i know that you suggested this first...)

    Here are your directions:

    HEATUP_POSITION_COMMAND - increase the y-value

    the same here (front position for material change)

    BED_RIGHT_ADJUST_X - decrease the x value a little bit further

    and decrease the X/Y max values in the Configure.h too.

    That's a piece of cake, trust me.. ;)


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    Posted · More information during print

    Thanks. I did not think about the material change.... I'll create a custom version in the weekend. Let you know if I succeeded ;)

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    Posted · More information during print


    I had a look at the code, most lines that contain fixed XY codes are easy to read but I don't understand these...


    sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("G1 F%i X%i Y%i"), int(homing_feedrate[0]), X_MAX_LENGTH/2, 10);



    Line 2224 ? > don't see what to change here...


    And I can't figure out how to compile a hex file, I had a look here; http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/7807-main-links-for-marlin-firmware/

    but many links end up in a page404 ...


    Can you share (or point to a link);

    - which files a needed for UM2 ?

    - how to compile a hex file that can be uploaded using cura ?


    many thanks!

    by the way, don't need it urgent as i managed to reduce the head size enough for default firmware, but will need it for alternative heads; http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/9907-ultimaker2-modular-printhead/?p=96757



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    Posted · More information during print


    I had a look at the code, most lines that contain fixed XY codes are easy to read but I don't understand these...


    sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("G1 F%i X%i Y%i"), int(homing_feedrate[0]), X_MAX_LENGTH/2, 10);



    Line 2224 ? > don't see what to change here...



    The sprintf function composes a string from the given arguments (aka: replaces all occurrences of %i with the following parameters - sequential). In this example the last parameter is the Y-coordinate for the G1 gcode command:

    sprintf_P(buffer, PSTR("G1 F%i X%i Y%i"), int(homing_feedrate[0]), X_MAX_LENGTH/2, 10);

    and Line 2224...? You are too slow... :)

    It's moved down to line 2391 - at least until the next commit.. :)

    Just search for "Y10" - there should only be one occurrence in this file:

    enquecommand_P(PSTR("G1 F12000 X110 Y10"));


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    Posted · More information during print


    Can you share (or point to a link);

    - which files a needed for UM2 ?

    - how to compile a hex file that can be uploaded using cura ?



    You can download the source files from GitHub or use git to clone the repository.

    There is a "Download zip" button on the GitHub page. This would always be the ... mmmhhhh... let us call it ... "the latest development version"... ;)

    The sources for a specific release are downloadable from the "releases" page.

    The simplest way to create a hex-file: just feed the Arduino environment with these sources...

    I use the Arduino release 1.0.6 (have not tried the recent version) - download page is here. AFAIK daid still uses the version 1.0.3 (so - one of these should be fine...)

    First step is to "fiddle" with the twi.c as described in the link from your previous post. In V1.0.6 the line starts with "ISR(TWI_vect)" - but the rest is the same (just comment out or delete all lines from there on).

    Then start the Arduino environment and select the "Arduino Mega 2560" from Tools->Boards.

    Now an important detail: Select "File->Preferences" and switch on the option "Show verbose output during compilation".

    From the (downloaded) sources load the file "Marlin/Marlin.ino" and select "Sketch->Verify / Compile".

    If nothing went wrong the hex file is created in a temporary build folder - you can see the filename near the end of the messages. Copy and rename the hex file for your needs and use Cura to upload it to the printer.

    Another approach:

    The descibed method is very inconvenient if you change little things (and compile) often...

    I borrowed the "package.sh" from the Cura sources and use it together with mingw32-make to generate the hex files.

    But you would first need mingw and for a Windows OS additionally CygWin, or GitBash, or ... something similar...

    And centainly you will have to adjust some of the paths in "package.sh"

    The "package.sh" and the "Makefile" are included in the Marlin subdirecory.

    More efforts in the beginning - but more convenient after that...

    Happy coding! :) (and if you get stucked - just ask)


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    Posted · More information during print

    Thanks for the step-by-step, I went for the arduino 1.06 method.

    I got many error lines during compiling... can you please have a look at the txt file to see if this is an issue?


    here's the hex created, is there any way to check if it's ok? any chance to brick the UM2 board when things go wrong?



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    Posted · More information during print

    Thanks for the step-by-step, I went for the arduino 1.06 method.

    I got many error lines during compiling... can you please have a look at the txt file to see if this is an issue?


    here's the hex created, is there any way to check if it's ok? any chance to brick the UM2 board when things go wrong?



    Referring to this:



    only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area

    It seems that these warnings are false alarms (fixed in newer versions of the compiler) - should be fine to ignore them.

    It's very hard to brick the board by a firmware upload. As long as the bootloader is functional - you can ever install a new one...

    Of course one can damage other hardware... if you program weird moves for example.... but those things are fairly unlikely.

    A huge part of changes one can test (and debug) with the simulator. AFAIK the development was made by daid.

    I found these sources to get it up and running:

    Marlin Simulation... on your desktop?!? (For developers)

    Missing note about how to compile and run the simulator

    But as a conclusion: once you have the hex file:

    Go! Give it a try - no risk, no fun :)


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    Posted · More information during print

    So, finally got brave enough :-P made changes to the heatup and bed_right positions.... and it works .... positions changed successfully, and the machine is now printing, so all looks to be ok.... it's really practical to know this stuff, thanks again!


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    Posted · More information during print

    There's a new release of the UM2 tinker firmware available on GitHub:


    Changes are:


    • [*]combined the "sleep" timeout options in a single submenu

    [*]support for M605 / M606 disabled to reduce memory usage

    [*]fix position of E axis in move material menu


    If anyone wants to give it a shot - please report issues here or via GitHub.

    Um2 geek printing 21


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    Posted · More information during print

    great alternative firmware, really like it


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    Posted · More information during print

    @TinkerGnome - I don't know why I didn't find this thread until today. This is fantastic. I plan to try this firmware. Soon. Well maybe not this week but soon.


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    Posted · More information during print

    @gr5: you will see when you use this one you will not want to go back :) it's great.

    @tinkergnome: great add the sleep options!

    Will try this asap


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    Posted · More information during print

    Just installed the latest RC (first attempt at running a custom firmware). Loving the extra information, awesome work!


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    Posted · More information during print


    to change the startup position for this (http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/9657-a-different-multi-extrusion-approach-um-tool-printhead-changer/?p=101356) I compiled a new firmware by (yesterday) downloading the zip here, https://github.com/TinkerGnome/Ultimaker2Marlin.


    Although printing was fine, I could not go to page 2 in the menu (just no response when clicking) and I had no remaining print time info... Any idea what could have gone wrong?


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    Posted · More information during print


    up to now I used the provided hex files, but would like to try some own changes myself. I installed the Arduino IDE (Version 1.6.2) and got the source from github. When I try to compile, I get the following error:


    Arduino: 1.6.2 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"
    In file included from Marlin.h:15:0,
    from thermistortables.h:4,
    from Configuration.h:596,
    from UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp:1:
    c:\users\reibuehl\appdata\roaming\arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.8.1-arduino2\avr\include\util\delay.h: In function 'void lcd_lib_beep_ext(unsigned int, unsigned int)':
    c:\users\reibuehl\appdata\roaming\arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.8.1-arduino2\avr\include\util\delay.h:245:40: error: __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects a compile time integer constant
    c:\users\reibuehl\appdata\roaming\arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avr-gcc\4.8.1-arduino2\avr\include\util\delay.h:245:40: error: __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects a compile time integer constant
    Error compiling.

    Is this an incompatibility with the new Arduino IDE and I need to downgrade to 1.0.6 or did I miss a setting somewhere?




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    Posted · More information during print


    Although printing was fine, I could not go to page 2 in the menu (just no response when clicking) and I had no remaining print time info... Any idea what could have gone wrong?



    To be honest... no quick idea at the moment... :?:

    Do you get the same behavior with the simulator? (easier for debugging).

    If you want: you can send me the modified sources (for comparison purposes) and i can take a look at it this evening.

    I send you a PM.


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    Posted · More information during print


    Is this an incompatibility with the new Arduino IDE and I need to downgrade to 1.0.6 or did I miss a setting somewhere?



    Hi Reiner,

    you got it...

    I think there goes something wrong during a macro expansion with the new compiler version,

    i did not make to investigate this further until now.

    Arduino 1.0.6 works fine, and AFAIK daid still uses 1.0.3


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    Posted · More information during print

    I had a look at it and with this little change - which is most probably not the most elegant way to do it - it also compiles under 1.6.2:


    diff --git a/Marlin/UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp b/Marlin/UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp
    index b394bbf..68281eb 100644
    --- a/Marlin/UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp
    +++ b/Marlin/UltiLCD2_low_lib.cpp
    @@ -857,9 +857,18 @@ void lcd_lib_beep_ext( unsigned int freq, unsigned int dur )
    while (millis() - start_time < dur)
    - _delay_us (freq);
    + unsigned int delayus;
    + delayus = freq;
    + while(delayus--)
    + {
    + _delay_us(1);
    + }
    - _delay_us(freq);
    + delayus = freq;
    + while(delayus--)
    + {
    + _delay_us(1);
    + }
    // WRITE(BEEPER,0);
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    Posted · More information during print

    Hi all,

    I have a little idea that came up since upgrading with the olson block.

    For the moment i'm managing my gcodes on the sdcard like this:

    1 folder for 0.4 nozzle

    1 folder for 0.8 nozzle

    As you know when you select a print from the sd card you have some information displayed:

    length of filament and time (just hours).

    I've not looked into it but i think that other info is available in UltiGcode (it's possible to copy a profile from gcode).

    Do you think it's possible to display more info?

    Hours and minutes

    Nozzle size

    Maybe some other info like layer height and infill?


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