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Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

Greetings and welcome to the Monthly Printing Challenge!





  • Beginning on the first of every month a winner is declared from the previous month.
  • Votes and submissions can be made at any time during the MPC month.

Below are ways to help me understand what people are trying to vote for, I'll read your post and try to figure out what your intention is regardless of your use of this format; they are simply suggestions for organization.


  • Votes for favorite post = "Vote:Name"
  • Official Print Submission = "Submission"
  • Print Suggestions = "Print: http://www.thingiver...om/thing:192211"
  • What you are interested in printing = "Print Vote: name or link of the vote print"

Participate in any or everything :)



I'll tally up the best submission votes on a somewhat regular basis and update the numbers on the first post in this topic. I'll also keep a running tally of the prints that have been suggested and made, as well as the number of votes each new suggested print has.


An example submission could include things like close up photos of hard to print details, an overall photo of the print on the printer bed not removed, a photo of the print off the bed; some information about the print, how long the print took to build, how many print attempts you went through, printer type, bed temp, nozzle temp, filament type, print speed, some shared files, screenshots from slicing software to show supports, photos while printing, etc.


Not everything is absolutely necessary, this is intended to help others gain experience faster and to demonstrate what to expect in a quality print. Feel free to make your official submission whatever you see fit.




Emmet's Gear Bearing with customizable text, by pyrophreek printed at the smallest possible size










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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    If you choose the gear bearing then all submissions should include a video showing it spin IN BOTH DIRECTIONS with very little friction. Also the video should show the bearing under load if possible just for fun.


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    If you choose the gear bearing then all submissions should include a video showing it spin IN BOTH DIRECTIONS with very little friction. Also the video should show the bearing under load if possible just for fun.


    Gr5.. of course! .. that is the challenging part! ;)


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    I was just playing around with the SCAD of the gear bearing (original one with just Emmet's monogram, which I already changed to mine ;-) ) So...

    Print Vote: smallest 'working' Gear Bearing.


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    There seems to be a tie, so I flipped a coin at http://www.random.org/coins/ and Emmet's Gear Bearing with customizable text, by pyrophreek won. I'm interested to see how this one goes, I wonder how small we can get the gear bearing! I have some ideas I want to try already, good luck everyone!


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Started a bit ambitious at 2cm outer diameter and 0.1 tolerance for first try, did not really work out, think I better start bigger on both values and first tune printer settings before I go smaller again. :-)

    Edit: Damn. on second try filament broke so it is extruding air at the moment. :-( Well maybe good time to finally install |Robert|'s feeder ;-)


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Or to buy quality filament which doesn't break like the cheap chinese stuff.

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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Hi all,

    I missed out on the voronoi thing, Busy busy busy....

    But I will give this bearing/gear thing a try :)

    Nice job for my oldfashioned worn out UM1, with some secret parts :ph34r: .


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Or to buy quality filament which doesn't break like the cheap chinese stuff.


    I don't blame the breaking of the filament on the stock feeder but want to to install |Robert|'s feeder and having to fiddle with the filament seemed like a good moment. :-)


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    First try at 0.25 scaled, completely stuck :(


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    You better use the Customizer to make a smaller version, so you can keep the 0.25mm gap (tolerance) between the gears.

    Edit: unless you have a crazy accurate printer, then by all means give scaling a try ;-)


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    You better use the Customizer to make a smaller version, so you can keep the 0.25mm gap (tolerance) between the gears.

    Edit: unless you have a crazy accurate printer, then by all means give scaling a try :wink:




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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    3dcase: The model on thingiverse is customizable. You can open it in Customizer (above the download button) and change settings.


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Thanks!, did not notice that.

    Gave it a first try, but


    Oh No!

    There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse.

    It is also possible that you are using Safari, if so click the Safari Fix button then reload this page


    Wll give it a try in Firefox.

    Or else makerbot refuses links from competitors sites :ph34r:


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Download the scad file and don't bother about thingiverse customiser (just download openscad, open it press F6 and then export to STL).

    You can edit the parameters in the scad file it's pretty straight forward :)

    I printed this at the beggining i had my printer, at full scale i had a lot of work to do on it to make it work... will be interesting to see if i manage to print it smaller and still make it work


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    I think it worked.

    But eeuhmm, perhaps a jury thing?

    is adjusting a tolerance not the same as redesigning a part?

    I see the fun in printing as small as possible or large as needed, by scaling in cura.

    Should have thought of scaling up the voronai bracelet?

    But it's fun anyhow, I give it a try with the standard tolerance. :)


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Hey guys, I was curious to see what I could do with Cura last night. Here is my .25 and .2 scaled test prints, I think they turned out alright looking, but still no functional rotation. There seem to be gaps between the gears, I think the first layer is bonding everything together. I'm interested in using scad, I haven't had the need to use it before, but see a lot of people discussing it.


    Due to the settings I imposed on the printer, really cold and really slow, I too got a couple of midair prints. I've seen this happen before when I tested this printing scheme; and thought it to be a bubble in the nozzle head that formed as a function of the cooler nozzle temps, but never had any proof until last night. The bubble in the photo is perfectly sealed and pretty hard; I turned off retraction to avoid this on subsequent prints.



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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Don't think you will be able to make a working smaller version without being able to keep the tolerances between the gears to a reasonable value, so in this case I would say customize away.

    PS: don't forget to make the central axis hole smaller or the central gear will have no body (parameter w, width of the hexagonal hole).


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    Ok, I have a successful bearing. (first attempt)

    bearing MPC

    It is 1cm in Z, and I used the original file.

    I am gonna try to make it as small as the pritt stick.

    I didn't need to do any post processing, except use a little bit more force on the first turn.

    I used nothing but my bare hands. (and I have no exceptional strong bearhands or something.. :p)

    To honor the competition I will keep my secret slicing profile to myself until the MPC is over :mrgreen:


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    I figured I should take a look at OpenSCAD again to see if it was still a crashy POS. It hasn't crashed yet, so that's an improvement, but is it supposed to be so slow? Rendering this thing takes a minute and a half. I have no frame of reference so I have no idea how long it's supposed to take. Granted, my machine isn't the fastest on the block but it's not ancient either: i5-4670K @3.4Ghz and 16Gigs of RAM.


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    Posted · Monthly Print Challenge (MPC) August

    The good thing is, with these small prints you can do multiple on 1 day :)


    So I printed 2 more small bearings.

    The smalles one was actually my second print, I suppose I estimated the size of a glue stick wrong..


    The first one I printed didn't move, however it was difficult with my big hands to try and rotate it because I along with holding on to the centre piece I was also holding down 1 or 2 gears that were suppose to move.


    I printed another one and also the one that has the same size as a glue stick.

    The peculiar thing is that both bearings have so much play the gears actually are a bit free inside the bearing and

    can be pushed out of alignment quite easily.

    How do you think that is possible, that with a smaller bearing you have more play?


    But.. it moves :)


    So the smalles one is 2cm in X & Y, and 6mm in Z.


    MPC bearing 3 sizes

    MPC bearing 3 sizes


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