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Cura 14.11-RC7 testing


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Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

I've uploaded a Cura 14.11-RC7 to:


This version contains a bunch of fixes including:

* Fix for path order (zig-zag problem seen in 14.09). This also caused problems for spiralize.

* Slicing of really big files on windows (more then 200MB of GCode)

* Loading more files by double-clicking on them in windows. (stopped working after the 2nd file)

* More raft settings

* Added "..." expert buttons to some settings to allow for quick access to the expert settings of things like raft/support/brim/infill.

* Updated UM2 firmware with some extra safety features, detects if something is struck under the bed or if the endstop is stuck, and give an error instead of slamming the printbed into the nozzle.

* Updated UM2 firmware so the hotend temperature control has more stability

* Updated UM2 firmware to allow for import/export of material profiles to SD. Allows you to copy the profiles to other machines, or adjust the names of the material profiles.

* Fixed issues with the german version and everywhere support material.

* Updated french translation errors, thanks to Jeremie Francois

* Improved Cura calculation speed on large models with lots of infill. (Up to 40% faster!)

* Made the firmware version numbers match the Cura release version numbers. Always.

Yes, that's a bunch of changes. But it's not 100% ready for a release yet. But as I've been posting it in many topics, I figured I better put a full list here.

I also updated it today, adding the "quick access expert buttons". As well as the raft settings. And I'm curious how the "quick access expert buttons" are received by people. As I think the current "expert settings" dialog is becoming way to big.

(Also, I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks as of Monday. So small chance that there will be a new testing version in those 2 weeks)

Currently there is 1 known bug:

* Plugins do not seem to work correctly with the UM2.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Hi Daid,

    tried you beta version on OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and ... the program stop with an error message, so ... started Cura (Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/Cura) inside the terminal and this is what I have :


    Guglielmos-iMac-27:~ gpb01$ /Applications/Cura\ 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/Cura
    load preferences from /Users/gpb01/Library/Application Support/Cura/14.11-RC7/preferences.ini
    2014-11-06 17:03:49.460 Cura[5125:168959] GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 316, in <module>
    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 311, in _run
    exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())
    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/cura.py", line 89, in <module>
    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/cura.py", line 86, in main
    File "Cura/gui/app.pyo", line 58, in __init__
    File "Cura/gui/app.pyo", line 100, in afterSplashCallback
    File "Cura/gui/mainWindow.pyo", line 28, in <module>
    ImportError: No module named pubsub
    2014-11-06 17:03:49.555 Cura[5125:168959] Cura Error
    2014-11-06 17:03:49.563 Cura[5125:168959] ApplePersistence=NO
    Guglielmos-iMac-27:~ gpb01$

    I don't know if this can help ...



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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    I've been unable to run RC5, RC6, or RC7 on my iMac with Yosemite - it crashes on launch with a "Cura Error" dialog. Here's the log entries:


    11/6/14 8:43:57.312 AM Console[25522]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable

    11/6/14 8:43:57.313 AM Console[25522]: ApplePersistence=NO

    11/6/14 8:43:57.340 AM MySpeedInjector[271]: Cura terminated

    11/6/14 8:43:57.450 AM MySpeedInjector[271]: Console started

    11/6/14 8:44:23.447 AM Cura[25531]: GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.

    11/6/14 8:44:23.544 AM Cura[25531]: Cura Error

    11/6/14 8:44:23.550 AM Cura[25531]: ApplePersistence=NO

    11/6/14 8:44:23.584 AM MySpeedInjector[271]: Cura started

    11/6/14 8:44:26.638 AM MySpeedInjector[271]: Cura terminated


    I'd sure like to get that UM2 update, for the more stable hotend temps...


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Oooh, just installed and what do I see? The ability to exit the startup wizard sooner! Maybe not the most exciting thing for most people but a VERY welcome change for me.

    Also interested in the increased temperature stability. Had to abort a print today when it undershot on the temperature quite badly as I was tweaking.

    I think I like the "..."-buttons. One small wish is being able to dismiss the dialog with Escape perhaps?


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    I've been unable to run RC5, RC6, or RC7 on my iMac with Yosemite - it crashes on launch with a "Cura Error" dialog.


    Yes, true, the same here ... :(



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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    I extracted the .hex file from 11RC7 and installed it on my UM2.

    Started getting Temperature errors when it got close to 220C, so I backed out to the RC4 firmware, and the errors went away.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Daid, would you mind having a quick look at this issue before next release? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/issues/42

    (Just try once to print the UM robot at 99% flow)

    I tried to read through the code to figure out what is going on, but I am simply not good enough on coding to get anywhere..

    By the way, I managed to trigger the temperature sensor warning numerous times with the latest firmware.

    I first thought it was related to that I increased the maximum temperature to suit my polycarbonate experiments, combined with the larger mass of my custom heater block.

    But then I got these temperature sensor warnings at normal temperatures too, which I did not get with previous firmware and my custom heater block.

    It typically happens if you start "heat nozzle" or "move material" when the nozzle is cooling down.

    The heater responds too slow so you don't get the 20 degrees of temperature increase in 20 seconds that has to happen not to trigger the temp sensor warning.

    I solved this by reducing the temperature increase needed to 10 degrees. This was really needed when operating at higher temperatures (300C) with the custom heater block, where the temperature simply increases much slower.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Hi Daid,

    tried you beta version on OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) and ... the program stop with an error message, so ... started Cura (Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/Cura) inside the terminal and this is what I have :



    Guglielmos-iMac-27:~ gpb01$ /Applications/Cura\ 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/MacOS/Cura

    load preferences from /Users/gpb01/Library/Application Support/Cura/14.11-RC7/preferences.ini

    2014-11-06 17:03:49.460 Cura[5125:168959] GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 316, in <module>


    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 311, in _run

    exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())

    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/cura.py", line 89, in <module>


    File "/Applications/Cura 14.11/Cura.app/Contents/Resources/cura.py", line 86, in main


    File "Cura/gui/app.pyo", line 58, in __init__

    File "Cura/gui/app.pyo", line 100, in afterSplashCallback

    File "Cura/gui/mainWindow.pyo", line 28, in <module>

    ImportError: No module named pubsub

    2014-11-06 17:03:49.555 Cura[5125:168959] Cura Error

    2014-11-06 17:03:49.563 Cura[5125:168959] ApplePersistence=NO

    Guglielmos-iMac-27:~ gpb01$

    I don't know if this can help ...



    Yes, that helps a lot. I think I managed to fix it, but this does mean that some new functionality for plugins that dimensioneer was working on won't work on MacOS.

    I'll have to look at the firmware things after my vacation. (Simply to little time now to really dive into it)


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Thanks for the fix.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    As Daid reported, there's a bug with the plugins. If I add one (i.e TweakAtZ), then the start-up sequence on my UM2 is skipped: no heating/priming. In the Gcode, the culprit appears to be the header:



    If I replace it with code from 14.09:



    All goes normal again, including the TweakAtZ plugin who kicked on my fans on layer 1.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    It shouldn't happen anymore with the fix Daid wrote and which will be included in the next version (RC or official). But Daid is on holiday this and next week (unbelievable but true: UM-people are allowed to go on holidays... ;) ).


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing



    It shouldn't happen anymore with the fix Daid wrote and which will be included in the next version (RC or official). But Daid is on holiday this and next week (unbelievable but true: UM-people are allowed to go on holidays... ;) ).


    Aaah, that was the fix he was referring to. Great then and thanks for the update.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Do you guys plan on implementing some sort of an option to have 2 things done

    1 Finish perimeter before switching to the next perimeter

    2 retract when perimeter is finished before switching to the next perimeter.

    All settings and retractwhilecombing is distance based. They need to be event based, not the distance.

    There is no way to use distance to tell cura that it needs to retract before it pritns a perimeter whereever it is.

    please hear me out.

    Maybe watch this video and tell me if am doing something wrong ?



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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Also for me Cura 14.11 RC7 will not work on Yosemite 10.10.1:

    19.11.14 14:27:21.795 Cura[80900]: GLUT Warning: glutInit being called a second time.

    19.11.14 14:27:21.900 Cura[80900]: Cura Error


    But 14.09 still works fine for me...


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Dear CURA developers (slicer people for the most part)

    Please stay away from raster method of slicing. Its a HUGE performance increase and will give you ton of cool features, but it will kill the prescision and acuracy of vector based path generating.

    I switched back from CraftWare to CURA since i made this discovery.

    Parts that required prescision that i printed with CraftWare did not work. Parts printed with CURA, worked just like i designed them.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    For those who are interested in a preview version of the TweakAtZ plugin intended to be bundled with the next Cura version, please have a look at this post: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4270-new-versions-of-cura-plugins-tweakatz-and-retractwhilecombing/&do=findComment&comment=78891


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Dear CURA developers (slicer people for the most part)

    Please stay away from raster method of slicing. Its a HUGE performance increase and will give you ton of cool features, but it will kill the prescision and acuracy of vector based path generating.

    I switched back from CraftWare to CURA since i made this discovery.

    Parts that required prescision that i printed with CraftWare did not work. Parts printed with CURA, worked just like i designed them.


    Performance increase? Raster slicing is actually slow right, as you have to process a lot of points... (compare a 200mm cube in Cura with Craftware slicing time and you'll understand the difference)

    Anyhow, don't fear, I have no plans to switch to raster. The support code is using a raster right now, and I hate that, it's what causing most of the problems with the support structure generation.

    (And yes, I'm back. 2 weeks of no Ultimaker. No 3D printing. I really needed that. Pretty much worked none-stop for the last 2 years. Even if I had vacation, I did awnser mail&forums before. This time I really took time off, which was great)


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Craftware uses raster slicing technique utilizing openGL from what i understood from this forum


    What ever method they use, its not vector based as yours and its much much much faster to say the least.

    I really like the way CURA generates support so i have to print some parts with CURA, but i really hate the way it handles perimeters (the way it jumps from one to another without completing one) so i have to go to craftware.

    But then again craftware uses raster method for slicing so quality is not even to compare with CURA. Prescision prints are absolutely uselss in craftware :(


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    any changes to suport structure being made or plan on being improved?

    IE: flat surfaces with easy peel away support or small sharp details supported with easy removal

    afaik its best achieved with under extrusion of first layer of the model under a flat raft like structure

    and support beams hoding the interface raft like structure with under extruded- structures to save material waste


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    any changes to suport structure being made or plan on being improved?


    In the future. Yes.

    I've updated the RC to RC8. Not much has changed, but that should fix the MacOS support.

    Still need to do some final UM2 firmware thingies before it's really ready.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    ... but that should fix the MacOS support.


    YES, I can confirm that run on OS X 10.10.1 :)



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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Can someone tell me if the hotend PID changes are intended to influence surface quality as discussed in :-


    I appreciate that the other thread discusses the heated bed rather than the hotend, but there was speculation that the bed heater control was somehow affecting hotend temperature stability.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Will the plugins issue be fixed in a upcoming release candidate? I've tested 14.11 RC8 and adding a plugin (TweakAZ,RetractWhileCombing) still generate that header problem in the gcode that skips the heating/priming on my UM2:



    Anybody else experiences this problem?


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    Plugins currently still have 2 problems. The above problem. As well as applying plugins on large GCode files will crash Cura.


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    Posted · Cura 14.11-RC7 testing

    I like the "..." buttons. its currently printing well on my MacOS


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