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Ultimaker Hero Design Contest


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Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

First of all, congratulations to Valcrow, 3DofTom, Trobok, Flowalistik and pigpastique :D

Will we be able see their progress right here in this post or they'll do it in a private post? I would like to follow their progress, and of course, in the end, see the work of the winner.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    You will be able to see what the outcome is of the 2nd phase, a couple of days before it ends.

    But to maintain diversity amongst the modelers we felt it would be better to do the next phase behind the scenes.

    Obviously, the work of the winner will be shared as well and will make its appearance on our website.


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    • 2 weeks later...
    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest


    Hi everyone. really wanting to get a new ultimaker 2 extended - but april so far) nice theme. if I can participate - with pleasure) working on cosmonaut in space suit "strizh". full sculpture or maby helmet and head of final model want to print in real size with working mechanism just for open\close, for accent on face) but now only step of process:


    edit: removed the image because it was way (waaaaaay) to big. Please re-scale and upload again :)




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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    IS it too late to enter? Since first phase ended the 14th or was the timeline exteneded?

    Now I'm going to sound like an asshole but... did you even read the thread? Yes, it's too late.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hey Everyone! I'll be posting my "final" designs up here today for everyone to take a look at :)

    It's been a crazy several weeks, but had a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing the other entries as well. Lot's of talent here!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    My second Phase submission for the Contest. Please let me know what you guys think! Thanks :)




    Home page:

    I wanted to expound on the idea/theme of the "Global community of Makers", who are all "Makers at heart".

    The gears represent the communities of makers around the world, and how they all work together to help Make the world a better place.

    -The placement and density of the gears was generated from a NASA image of lights on the earth at night. I used this light map to approximate where the highest density of Makers are located.

    - The heart illustrates that we are all connected by the same passion to Make.

    - the cargo plane is delivering boxes of Ultimakers to the Makers of the world.

    Products page (entire Ultimaker 2 family):

    The idea is that I wanted to highlight the themes of the community being a family that thrives on open source collaboration, just like it states on the product page right now.

    The concept is that there will be a piece of filament that originates from the natural resources models on the left and wraps around and touches the experts (scientist) and then the global community along it's way to finally end up being fed into one of the Ultimakers. Kind of like a product life cycle.

    The filament that is connecting all the characters together would end it's journey inside of an Ultimaker.


    Ultimaker 2 page:

    The owl upgraded...

    Trying to capture the idea of "leap forward" and "the ultimate 3d experience". Having an older style bird/owl house next to a really sleek, modern one with all the amenities (bird bath on top, and bird feeders on the bottom).

    I would use the natural seams in the models to divide them up for printing as to limit overhangs. I would really like to see these used one day for real in people's back yards!


    Ultimaker 2 GO page:

    Highlighting the idea of it being a "mighty mini 3d printer" yet "portable". To illustrate this I thought about having a mighty, commanding castle that travels around by balloons. The idea is that something extraordinary can be moved by something small, or that something small can create an extraordinary story. The castle would be designed to print in modular pieces. Ideally all of the castle parts and houses could be printed with the mini printer.


    Ultimaker 2 Extende page:

    wanted to expound on the idea of taller, "larger, more complex prints". Included in the models are the tallest buildings in the world. along with other machines that have been created that enabled us touch the sky and beyond.

    For the balloons and the Macy's day style Ultimaker balloon, I was thinking that Ultimaker could use real string to make it look like they are floating. We would need to suspend everything by fishing line. All of the models can be printed in pieces for reassembly later, for better print quality.


    Ultimaker Original page:

    The Space explorer/ trailblazer. Just as in the way the astronaut is discovering new planets and technology, the Original Ultimaker was and is ground breaking in its field. For the true adventurer.


    Materials page:

    I originally started these models using things like sticks, rocks and leaves to complete the overall model, but realized that if these models were going to be distributed in the future to other makers, I wanted to use common objects that most people have access to that have standard dimensions. I wanted to try and make sure that anyone who printed these models would already know what to expect for a final product.

    The idea is still the same as the original (using the sticks and other things). We are taking one material and transforming/ re-purposing it to create something completely new and unique. I decided to use common office supplies for the designs.

    Growing up I played with my parent's staple remover like it was a dinosaur mouth (as I confirmed with several of my friends, so did they!), so you can see it used here in the models, transformed into a dinosaur. The commando opposing the dinosaur is using a machine gun with a magazine cartage made of staples. Post-it note sales on the pirate ship, and the pirate with a thumbtack peg leg. A supersonic jet with highlighters for the engines, and a pilot in his ejection seat. The parachute would be made out of a coffee filter.


    Software page:

    I wanted to illustrate the idea of what happens on the inside of the software, and what is on the inside of the Ultimaker robot!? Well, now we know. The file is uploaded, then inspected prepared and sliced for print. I was inspired by generation one Transformers illustrations that showed cutaways of the autobot's and decepticon's complex inner workings. Simple and elegant on the outside, yet a technical marvel on the inside!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    I really like the software page.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest


    Wow, that is an impressive amount of models in great detail! Hats off to you sir.

    I love the gear planet.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hey Fellas,

    Here's my hero page entries! descriptions under the page.










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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    So here is what I was working on the last few weeks.

    I wanted to pick the character theme and bring them together with the slogan of every page.

    I´m not the guy who´s fluently in english, so the descriptions are a bit short.I hope the pictures speak mostly for them selves ;)

    The pictures should be seen as mockups, so some details are missing in this stage and are planned for further steps.


    The Idea of this page was not only to show the Ultimaker together with a beaver (both are makers and build things) I also wanted to show the love into the machine.That´s why the beaver carved a heart into the trunk and by putted the printer onto a socle like in a museum or in a art-gallery.

    HOME pigplastique



    I wanted to show the variety of pritable objects and the love into them. So the girl ist printing out all her toys but in the end she´s hugging a big ultirobot because the Ultimaker is the machine which makes all this possible.

    FAMILY pigplastique



    This page should show the claim „ make it yours“ in a double-sense. On the one hand the dog uses the printed tolls and clapboards to rebuild it on the other hand in a home for himself.

    ORIGINAL pigplastique



    A sloth is an easy-going smart animal and an Ultimaker makes his life even easier, so I thought it would be very funny to bring both together on one page.

    UM2 pigplastique



    To show the advantages of a taller buildvolume of an Ultimaker Extended and also the idea of printing ( getting things appear ), the big bear does a magicianstrick and pulls a tall bunny out of the printed magicianshat.

    EXTENDED pigplastique



    I wanted to show how handy the UM2 Go is, so the birds took the nest into it and fly away from the angry cat before it catches the chicks...

    GO pigplastique



    The clever turtle uses the supereasy cura to build a new shell. This demonstrates the usability and the cleverness of curausers.

    SOFTWARE pigplastique



    The chameleon can take on any colour, so it shows best the variety of the different materials you can print with an ultimaker. The goal is to print it in different colours and the tongue in PLA Flex

    MATERIALS pigplastique

    I hope you like it...


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hi! Here are my ideas for the hero images! Before you see them, I would like to apologize for leaving them just as sketches, but I had very little spare time. Be sure that time I couldn't spend designing 3D models was spent thinking were to place each thing!

    After looking for different home pages, I realised that as there will be lots of links or information, it was important to keep this page as simple as possible.


    HOME PAGE. I took the molecules idea from the StudioSpass briefing and using a dodecahedron I designed a simple and random object that would allow to connect sticks, pencils or other 3D printed objects to create a random and expansive design.

    I chose the dodecahedron as it’s shape forces the user to create a random shape, breaking the idea of vertical/horizontal structures.

    This is planned to be more aesthetical than functional. Different colours would be used to create the dodecahedrons, and they would be used to show a random but rational design.




    PRODUCTS PAGE. Again, in this case, in the Products page, I found out that it was a generic page. Here the different products are placed, showing the variety that exists in Ultimaker’s catalogue.

    I decided that the best scene would be a city. All the products are different, they create an ecosystem, and as they have the ability to create things, there would be necessary to show some of the different creations. A city, with bridges, vehicles, houses and skyscrapers would be perfect to show a wide range of objects that can be done. Also, the 3D printers would blend with the environment, creating a futuristic and beautiful skyline.




    ULTIMAKER 2. As the Ultimaker 2 is the model from which all the other models came from (except from the Ultimaker Original), I placed our planet on it’s hero image. This 3D printer’s attributes are more generic, and we could summarize it in: it’s an incredible 3D printer. Due to this, I decided that showing a complex construction would fit with the expectations of potential users, as they will look for the maximum quality.

    The planet would be composed by different pentagons and hexagons that would have some carvings that would finally show the different continents and countries.




    ULTIMAKER 2 GO. Choosing a scene for the Ultimaker 2 Go was really easy. Nowadays people look for big 3D printers without considering that great things can be done with a little (and more portable) 3D printer.

    With the Ultimaker 2 Go I would place it right in the middle of the mountains, with some houses and beautiful clouds. The houses and the mountains would consist of different parts that would finally create the scene.




    ULTIMAKER 2 EXTENDED. This one was also easy to choose. The Ultimaker 2 Go story was about doing a big thing with lots of pieces. In this case, what we need to show is that bigger things can be done in a single print, and a spaceship is something that would look awesome while being printed (without suppor material, if possible).

    This scene is about an Ultimaker Spaceship (with it’s brave Ultimaker astronaut) that lands on a unknown planet to find an old lunar module. Behind the landing strip there’s hidden a fluffy and curious alien that wants to see that great spaceship.

    Personally, this is my favorite scene, as I can even imagine a script for a movie. Ultimaker should really design spaceships!




    MATERIALS. What I find more important when looking for great quality filament is the different colours that are available. I chose the owl scene for the material page for a simple reason, and it’s that you can find any colour in nature, and there wouldn’t be any strange colour combination.

    Also, textures can make a colour look different, so I planned to make the next with raw filament (not a 3D printed model), so it would have a different style, but still being part of the materials available.

    The leaves, raw filament and eggs would use different colours, and even experimental materials (such as woodfill or bronzefill) could be used for the owl.




    ULTIMAKER ORIGINAL. Although the Ultimaker 2 (and every 3D printer) is related to the Maker culture and all the things that involve a DIY process, we must admit that the Ultimaker Original is 100% DIY and maker.

    I imagined a scene where nature and technology were combined to create awesome things, and the Ultimaker Original was the main character. Compared to the Ultimaker 2, this one might look a little bit more home-made as it has those beautiful wood panel. As in this scene we wanted to create vehicles using sticks as frames, using a more natural looking 3D printer would bring people closer to the idea that 3D printing is not here as a substitute for all the natural things, but to combine with it.

    In this scene people will see the amazing printing quality of the Ultimaker Original and they will se how 3D printed models can be combined with natural objects such as sticks.




    SOFTWARE. When I think about software, I can only imagine Cura. As I wanted to show in a visual way the possibilities of the software, I created a simple scene where the most used options would be shown.

    We present a magic trick where some cute rabbits were multiplied, but something went wrong and they bacame bigger and bigger. As you can see, I show the possibilities when resizing and multiplying models.




    I hope you've enjoyed my ideas!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hey Guys, first off, amazing submissions, really inspiring stuff. :D

    I wanted to create a fun blocky style that kinda reminds me of old building blocks, I wanted to have a constant theme running through all pages that gives a sense of scale. I managed to get 6/8 images done. Please check them out below!


    HomePage Trobok


    I wanted to show elements from all pages in a city theme. For me the ultimaker is about building worlds.


    UMExtended Trobok

    UM2 Extended

    I wanted to show the scale that these machines can print, nothing better than a take on King Kong, with the rebels flying past.

    UM2 Trobok

    UM2 Original

    In this scene I wanted to show making and robots.


    Software Trobok


    A scene of the software development in action. Needs a lot more fans and things from the ceilings.


    Materials Trobok


    A scene of a materials laboratory. Crazy scientists

    UMmini Trobok



    I wanted to show speed and agility of this small machine.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hey there,

    just wanted to ask if there are any news about the contest, or did I miss anything ?


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Nope you didn't miss something. Of course you would be one of the first to know!

    We will come forward with an announcement very soon!

    Hold on to your nerves for just a little while longer ;)


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    oh, ok thanks a lot... I will try, but it´s not that easy ;)


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Hi Guys,

    I have some joyful news that will push this contest in the final phase!

    First off, we want to thank Flowalistik, Trobok, Pigplastique, 3DofTom and Valcrow for their entries and taking the time to take our contest to a new level.

    Due to the professional nature of the entries we needed a day extra to decide with whom we wanted to enter the third phase. Turns out.. the extra days were not quite enough to pinpoint a single winner! And we ended up deciding to take 2 designers into the final phase.

    Both designs will eventually be used as hero images, we are now looking into the best way to make this possible. Most obvious one would be to launch one and have the other one follow up, but it has yet to be decided and will be discussed with the designers and our team.

    The decision has been made that we want to continue the third phase with:

    3DofTom & Valcrow

    Congratulations guys!

    We both really loved the strong concepts you both created and the professional way of visualizing them. They gave us enough confidence to take this step.

    To complete the list:

    #1) Ultimaker 2 Extended / 3DofTom

    #1) Ultimaker 2 Extended / Valcrow

    #3) Ultimaker 2. / Trobok

    #4) Ultimaker 2Go / pigplastique

    #5) Ultimaker Original+ / Flowalistik

    As you can see, since we now have 2 winners, we have cranked the prices up a notch.

    I would like to ask Trobok, Flowalistik & Pigplastique to send me their address so we can ship your corresponding price which you all definitely earned! :)

    A round of feedback;

    3DofTom: We all loved the strong concepts you came up with and how you executed them in strong, appealing designs. The next steps will be to make some minor changes and decide how we will bring everything together in 1 clear hero image per page.

    Valcrow: We equally liked your concept and we couldn’t help wondering off what it would look like if Da Vinci actually had a 3D printer. On various accounts this concepts works, we are all inventors!

    Next step will be to translate the concepts into 3D models and bring everything together in 1 clear hero image per page.

    Trobok: We liked your ideas, but we felt the way you visualized them was too much Trobok (is that possible?). Besides the fact we love your style, we were looking for something a little bit more.. generic.

    Pigplastique: Even though we loved your characters and they made us laugh we did not see enough correlation with all the topics on the designated pages. We do see you are a talented designer and we hope you will compliment our community with more of your work, now you can actually bring them to life on your Ultimaker.

    Flowalistik: We liked the ideas you had, but we did not see enough progress throughout the second phase. At this point we were looking for a better picture of what to expect and we felt your entry was still in the sketch-phase.

    We will reach out to 3DofTom and Valcrow through email and sort out the remaining details.

    Once this phase is over we will share our progress with you guys again :)

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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Thanks Sander and the team over at Ultimaker! I am very excited! Great work everyone!

    Looking forward to phase three :)


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Awesome guys well done! Very much deserved, I loved both winners designs, really looking forward to seeing the final prints. :)

    I am super stoked, thanks Ultimaker Team, another robot in the family means the world.



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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Congratulations guys !

    Great work overall. It was much fun to take place in this contest.


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Congratulations 3DofTom & Valcrow!

    I loved all the entries, and even tough I couldn't design and test some of my ideas, be sure I will create & share some of them! Maybe soon there's an UltiAstronaut!

    Thanks Ultimaker for the oportunity, and I hope to see some awesome hero images soon!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Congratulations to all of you. Really enjoyed your work !!

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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Congrats to all the participants, really cool stuff all around! & thanks UM for awesome prizes/contest. Looking forward to making some cool stuff in phase3!


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    Posted · Ultimaker Hero Design Contest

    Congrats to the winners and to the other participants really great stuff :)


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