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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Nope, the "extra lenght" is extra, on top of the normal reversal.
  2. Cura already has dual-extrusion support for 2 versions now. The "G1 A10" won't work, only the E and switching with T are implemented. Which is a bit of a shame, as the A/B method could control extruders at the same time.
  3. If you want to be sure. Get the 12.10_RC4 pre-release. This includes pictures of the machine lighting up the endstops. Much easier to follow. You can find it at: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ultimak ... Sm2Nir1fkJ An offical 12.10 release will be done soon.
  4. An infill overlap of more then 45% is known to cause problems, and ridiculous.
  5. While not personally, I've seen a bunch of acrylic Ultimakers. 1) Yes. But see: * 2) Acrylic at protospace costs 22.50 per kilo, the Ultimaker in Acrylic is atleast 10 kg. So I would guess 225 euro at least. But that's just a guess based on a single price and a guess of the weight. 3) The ones that I know where cut at Protospace Fablab. *) Acrylic is more fragile then wood. You should contact Jelle (JelleAtProtospace on thingiverse) for updated drawings, he changed a few things so it doesn't break as easy. But the sliderblocks remain fragile. The extruder drive is the part that will break, so Jelle made it stronger.
  6. It's a bit hard to see on your photo, but it looks like the wall lines of open print are not connecting in the X direction. Could indicate a backlash problem, usually small belts with too little tension.
  7. FYI, the 22cm came from the first design which didn't have the spring loaded bed. And a different weaker Z stage design. The text in the shop is changed now, so no more false advertizement, thanks for pointing out the mistake!
  8. The rating of the default steppers is 1.2Amp. Not sure where you got the 2 Amps from Owen? So you need at least 1.2 Amps, but it's better to have some slack there, especially because at the max rating they usually need a lot of cooling. If you are in europe, you can get new drivers from UM, but if you are in the US that might be a bit expensive and then I personally would go for the black pololus.
  9. To heat up the 2nd extruder you need to use "M104 T1 Sxxx" The T part controls which extruder you heat up. You could also swap the pin configs around, but then you need to compile Marlin yourself.
  10. Let me add one tiny thing on that. Cura and the firmware it installs hides about 250 values from you. You now want to hack around with your printer, that's fine. But you have to investigate time and learn how things work in your printer. As if you knew a bit about GCode you should have known that these details like "steps per mm" are not in Cura but in the firmware of the machine. UM support does NOT know these details, they don't need to know. I wouldn't even want them to know. They deal with issues on standard kits, if you go hacking around you are on your own or with the community. If they said Cura is not open source, then somewhere there must have been a mis-communication, because all the source is on github. And there is a AGPL license with Cura. Software wise our whole printer is open. We're working on making our standing on open source clear soon. The Ultimaker is a basicly a wooden reprap, http://reprap.org/ so you can find lots of information from there.
  11. FYI, I check the forum quite a lot, I saw about 10-20 spam posts a day. Ian did a damn good job of cleaning those up. But in the last few days it seems the floodgates opened. Note, I run a phpbb board, it has seen a total of 5 spam registers in a year. Not because I handle spam that well, I just changed a few things in the account creation, but bots get around that. It's because Ultimaker is a high value pagerank target. The other forum is unlisted by google.
  12. It indicates you have a problem with the temperature sensor. Double check if the yellow and red wire on top of the head are screwed in tightly, and the 3 point cable connection is firmly attached.
  13. Which electronics version did you have? Older electronics had 5Amp mosfets, newer have 50Amps mosfets. You should be able to get the part number from: http://reprap.org/wiki/Ultimaker%27s_v1.5.6_PCB
  14. Get the latest version from source. Because most likely the package is outdated. There where quite a few bugs in older OpenSCAD versions.
  15. I think someone just made a mistake, because even on the oldest kits have the same amount of Z travel. (I have one of the first 20 machines here in our FabLab, which hardly looks like an Ultimaker)
  16. Mistake on our side, someone was filling in new entries already, just pre-preparation. By mistake it showed up. And there are still some problems that need to be solved before we can really sell it. Also, there are higher priorities right now, like getting Cura 12.10 released.
  17. Daid


    0.28mm layers at 80mm/s? That's a lot of filament you are extruding per time, most likely you have a very high pressure build up, most likely some of this pressure is still escaping as filament during the retraction. You could try retracting less, this will give slightly more strings but makes the head stop shorter causing less blobbing.
  18. The bed was changed from 6mm to 11mm, so that's where 5 extra mm went. Not sure where the last 10mm has to come from. The machine I have here measures about 207mm from min to max Z.
  19. The makergear nozzles are compatible with the V1 hotend, not the V2 hotend. I do love that 0.25mm resolution print, so I'm going to bug people here to see if we can produce nozzles like that for our V2 hotend.
  20. Daid


    I highly doubt you have the exact same issue, blobbing can be caused by many different things. What settings are you printing at yzorg?
  21. Most likely you are not extruding enough material. This could be mechanical (filament slipping in your drive), your filament diameter setting could be wrong, or you could adjust the steps-per-e in the preferences to a higher value.
  22. Hi Erwin, Did you use a Nylock lock nut inside of the mechanism? One of these: http://wiki.ultimaker.com/File:NyLockNutM3.jpg It's the nuts with the blue rings inside of them, they are a bit larger, and they also clamp a lot harder on the screw making it almost impossible to shake lose. (Als je het nog niet gedaan hebt, ik raad je aan je aan te melden voor updates over de "Ulti-Evening": http://ultimaker.us5.list-manage1.com/s ... ff2262e9b3 We hebben elke 6 weken een bijeenkomst in Utrecht, de volgende is op 19 November)
  23. Not supporting lasercutting/milling is a good thing. SF is a horrible mess, especially because it can do 100.000 things. I like the post-processing scripts idea because it's so separate from the slicer, many things we want to add have nothing to do with the actual slicing process. And could be done after every slicer, if it's SF, Slic3r, KissSlicer of MircleGrue.
  24. With a post-processing script I mean a script that runs after generating the GCode. This won't have access to the SF functions. Example script: #Name: Pause the printer at a certain height#Param: float(pauseLevel) Pause heightimport repauseLevel = 5.0print "pauseAtZ (%f): %s: " % (pauseLevel, filename)def getValue(line, key, default = None):if not key in line or (';' in line and line.find(key) > line.find(';')): return defaultsubPart = line[line.find(key) + 1:]m = re.search('^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*', subPart)if m == None: return defaulttry: return float(m.group(0))except: return defaultwith open(filename, "r") as f:lines = f.readlines()z = 0x = 0y = 0pauseState = 0with open(filename, "w") as f:for line in lines: if getValue(line, 'G', None) == 1: newZ = getValue(line, 'Z', z) x = getValue(line, 'X', x) y = getValue(line, 'Y', y) if newZ != z: z = newZ print z, pauseState, pauseLevel if z < pauseLevel and pauseState == 0: pauseState = 1 if z >= pauseLevel and pauseState == 1: pauseState = 2 #Retract f.write("M83\n") f.write("G1 E-5 F6000\n") #Move the head away f.write("G1 X190 Y190 F9000\n") #Wait till the user continues printing f.write("M0\n") #Move the head back f.write("G1 X%f Y%f F9000\n" % (x, y)) f.write("G1 E5 F6000\n") f.write("G1 F9000\n") f.write("M82\n") f.write(line) I quickly hacked cura to run this after slicing: +++ b/Cura/util/profile.py@@ -531,3 +531,8 @@ def getAlterationFileContents(filename): alterationContents = '' return unicode(prefix + re.sub("(.)\{([^\}]*)\}", replaceTagMatch, alter+def runPostProcessing(filename):+ print "runPostProcessing: %s" % (filename)++ pythonFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspa+ execfile(pythonFile, {'filename': filename})...skipping...diff --git a/Cura/gui/sliceProgessPanel.py b/Cura/gui/sliceProgessPanel.pyindex 28f7582..09fdda4 100644--- a/Cura/gui/sliceProgessPanel.py+++ b/Cura/gui/sliceProgessPanel.py@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): if logLine.startswith('Model error('): gcodefile.write(';%s\n' % (logLine)) gcodefile.close()+ profile.runPostProcessing(gcodeFilename) self.gcode = gcodeInterpreter.gcode() self.gcode.load(gcodeFilename) profile.replaceGCodeTags(gcodeFilename, self.gcode)diff --git a/Cura/util/profile.py b/Cura/util/profile.pyindex 62a32f9..d797868 100644--- a/Cura/util/profile.py+++ b/Cura/util/profile.py@@ -531,3 +531,8 @@ def getAlterationFileContents(filename): alterationContents = '' return unicode(prefix + re.sub("(.)\{([^\}]*)\}", replaceTagMatch, alterationContents).rstrip() + '\n' + postfix).encode('utf-8')+def runPostProcessing(filename):+ print "runPostProcessing: %s" % (filename)++ pythonFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'post_process', 'pauseAtZ.py'))+ execfile(pythonFile, {'filename': filename}) I wanted to add features like this to Cura for some time now, but I never got around to do it. A default library to help with parsing GCode and inserting extra points would be helpful. This means we do not modify the slicer, and could easier replace the slicer later on without losing features.
  25. The screw for the pulley (photo 2) can be found at IKEA. (It's called a M4 set-screw.)
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