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Everything posted by nallath

  1. There is a pretty good tutorial about this that can be found on 2.4 will have project handling. This means that you can save multiple objects on a single plate as a project and that any per object settings will also be saved (and loaded).
  2. If you are not going to print one at a time, you can ignore the print head size settings.
  3. Nothing I can think off. I've been using the same authentication for some time now. Both Cura and the machine closed a number of times since first authenticating it (which is also how it's intended to work)
  4. Do you mean g-code generation by path planner? The engine also gets it's fair shares of updates per release, but they are a lot less visible then the interface changes.
  5. Apart from the sarcasm, showing a message regarding changes (and then automatically updating) is my preferred solution. Just because I disagree with the solution (Save everything to a single profile), doesn't mean that I don't think that there is a problem we should try to fix
  6. Super !!! Will it also include FULL profiles, so not affected by future changes in the base profiles? No, because it's an illusion to think that a profile with the same values will give the same result with a higher version. We constantly tweak behaviour, add features or change how certain things work together. So the value of "50" that meant something in version 1, is not guaranteed to mean the exact same in version 2 (it might be the equivalent of 49 or 51 or even 100). So storing those full profiles is pretty meaningless. If you want the exact same result, do what big companies also do with operating systems. Pick a version and stick with it (as can be seen by companies still using windows XP). Another reason that we can't flatten everything and load that again, is that if you do that and load a workspace, it would see everything as a "changed" setting, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a profile in the first place. If you then were to switch a material on one of your extruders, it would not update any settings because they are overridden (which I'm assuming you also didn't expect to happen!) TL:DR; There is no such thing as a future proof profile.
  7. 2.4 will be able to do this. We've merged that feature into master today. 3MF model saving does the following; 1. Save all objects on your build plate, including grouping 2. Save all per object settings attached to objects on your build plate (including extruder assignment) 3mf workspace saving does; 1. Everything that 3mf model saving does 2. Save the active machine, profiles, materials, etc 3. Save visibility & collapsed state of settings It can even save custom machines, so that it can be loaded into a Cura version that doesn't even have that machine definition (which makes it a whole lot easier to share them!)
  8. For those of you that used the older version; Models that used to take >120 seconds now only take ~10 seconds. I've also added a few bits that should make it easier to use (Notifications if nothing was selected, etc)
  9. Nope. We will support workspace saving for 2.4, which will make it a lot easier to share the profiles.
  10. No. Cura saves the access with a machine added to Cura. So if you have 3 machines, Cura should also have 3 machines added. Each of those (virtual) machines in Cura can then be linked to a physical machine.
  11. We already made sure that it's "easy" to support different API types from cura (hence there being a plugin for both OctoPrint & UM3). It's not being sold by ultimaker as is. So if you want a solution now, i think ahoeben is right. Easier than plugging in a usb cable? If we ever backport the UM3 board to the um2, I expect it to be harder than that.
  12. Those are settings from the old cura. You can import them there.
  13. You can only import the settings from g-code if the g-code was sliced by Cura at some point in time.
  14. Not quite true at this moment: I agree that I don't have to go the machine and allow access to my Mac every time I start Cura, but every now and again I have to grant access to my (same) Mac again. Don't know why, not a big nuisance, but indeed it would be convenient if the UM3 permanently remembered that access was granted. Small bug perhaps? It should do this. If it forgets it, it might be a bug (either on the printers side or on the side of Cura)
  15. The allow isn't there because you need to validate that your bed is clear, it's there so only people who have physical access to your machine can start prints.
  16. Without providing us with logging / settings / models you used, there is little we can do about this.
  17. That's odd. I've just tried it with my machine (which has the IP by opening in my browser or by opening it in VLC by using "open network stream".
  18. It also displays a message to tell you it did this and why it did that.
  19. I think he's using an UM2. Cura doesn't have material information for the UM2, so it won't display print weight (as it doesn't know the density of the used material)
  20. They get scrapped, sold to employees or re-used in other prototypes / proof of concepts.
  21. This is strange, because a question like that never reached me (This is why I immediately created a ticket for it when I read this topic, so we can look into this)
  22. Cura 2.4 has full streaming. While it's printing? No, the g-code decides what the retractions are & how they are handled.
  23. The flow set in Cura should be handled by the slicer. I've created a bug ticket (For our reference; CURA-2956) for this.
  24. I forgot to update the number. Should be fixed now.
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